Chappie Six...

When an adorable angel falls into demon reign… ^_^



“Alright, let’s not waste time… I would never allow my son to marry you…” Myungsoo spoke up in a straight-forwarded manner as he sat down.

“Why…? May I ask why, my future father-in-law…?” Woohyun was not afraid of the God and questioned back.

“Because you’re a demon…!” Sungjong exclaimed.

“Just because we dye our hairs to frenzy colours and have our hair finely groomed and stylish done… Just because we like to wear all black; which is a contrast to your all white suits…? Just because we like to have heavy, clingy and weird-looking metal chains or accessories… You’re deeming us as bad guys…? What kind of logic is that…? Mind explaining the biasness, my future mother-in-law…?”

Myungsoo and Sungjong had nothing to retaliate. They were raised not to believe on anything coming out from demon’s mouth but they never questioned why nor did they find out why. They simply did not bother and deep in their heart, they had deemed demon as disgusting and unreliable creatures.

“I’m not blaming you for having such biasness as I had witnessed how brutal and cruel my father was… Bloodshed and battles were his favourite activities… But seriously, I’m nowhere like him, if you actually believe me…” Woohyun emitted a sad chuckle which made Sunggyu intertwined their hands underneath the table to show his encouragement and concern.

Woohyun squeezed Sunggyu’s hand to assure him that he was fine and continued. “Ever since, my bastard father had passed away four years ago, I’ve maintained diplomatic ties with many reigns, declaring peace is my motto… I don’t have the intention for war as I deeply despise that… Sometimes, I do wonder, whether I’m the son of my father as not one of his genes was passed to me… My mother, who passed away ten years ago, was also evil-hearted… Maybe I’m a genetically-defected child…? Haha…!”

Myungsoo smiled at Woohyun’s weak attempt of making a joke of himself so as to ease the tense atmosphere. He glanced at Sungjong who smiled and nodded. Both could sense sincerity coming out from the demon king and were pleased to know that he really did possessed good characteristics.

“Wait… Wait… Wait up… Wait a minute…!” Sungyeol popped in suddenly. Everyone turned to look at him with curiosity.

“Woohyun-ssi… Why are you so interested in my naggy hamster brother…? Ouch..!” Sungyeol cried out as his brother had mercilessly slapped hard on his thigh. He rubbed the quickly reddened area and continued his question. “Both of you met for only… Erm… Six hours…? And you are already thinking so far ahead…?”

“Hmm… Call it love at first sight… Or maybe just blame Cupid…? Because seriously, I feel as if my heart has flown to GyuGyu on the every second I laid my eyes on him…” Woohyun replied dreamily, making the others shuddered involuntarily and puking drily. “Well… I admit that I’m overly-possessive… Hence, I want to declare GyuGyu as mine to prevent others from snatching away from me…!”

“Alright then, we shall approve your marriage proposal for the following reasons… One, for the sake of maintaining stabilised and good relationship between the hell and heaven reign… Second, my wife and I can see your almost sickening and greasy love for our son… And we are sure that you will love him with all your heart… Third, well, we can see that Sunggyu has taken a liking for you too… For further details of the marriage, we shall discuss it when you’re ready… Just give me or Sungjong a call when you have decided to protect Sunggyu under your wings… Anyway, it will be just a simple ceremony and signing of papers...”

“Dad…! Am I not entitled to speak anything…?” Sunggyu puffed annoyingly as he seemed to be neglected throughout the whole conversation.

“Hahaha…! No…” Myungsoo laughed and replied.

“Why…?” Sunggyu whined, making Woohyun draping his arm over Sunggyu’s shoulder possessively as he did not want the cutie hamster to run away from him.

“It’s because we are selling you off…! Haha…!” Sungyeol joked, making Sunggyu pouted in despair.


Hi readers... ^_^
I've managed to update another chappie today... ^_^
As usual, do leave down your comments for me to improve... :D
Hmm... I think the next chappie shall be the ending... Will try to update tomorrow... ^_~


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Chapter 7: Haha the ending was...well it's a happily ever after right?
I can't believe Myungsoo gave his approval so quickly. Erm the babies are going to be half-demon half-angel?
turtlejusz #2
Chapter 7: *laugh* oh! My~ its still cUte.
Chapter 7: Phahahaha! Love the ending!!!
Chapter 6: phaha Woohyun's a genetically-defected child XD
Chapter 6: 'selling you off' hahahaha. oh my gosh, sunggyu's parents are hilarious. it's okay, gyu bb. at least you'll be with woo! hahaha.
Chapter 1: very interesting!<3
Chapter 5: ooo~ this is interesting! excited to see what happens!