I'll Always Be There

The Addams

You always been there for me

You protected me from bullies

You cheered me up when I'm sad

But now this time I want to be there for you forever

Sungmin's Pov

"Sungmin!"Yelled a girl.I looked back and see my childhood friend Sunny running toward me.She finally makes it to me.I see her gasping for air.

"Huff..huff..Damn it Sungmin why do you always walk so fast?"Sunny asked me.I chuckled.

"Maybe because your too slow."I said.She giggled.

"Your right on that."Sunny said.We began to walk together to school.Sunny been my friend since kindergarden.She protected me all the time when we were kids.So everytime I'm with her I feel safe.I guess you can say she's my rock but she'll hit me if I said that.

"So where's Yoona?"Sunny asked me.

"She's walking with Jessica."I said.Yoona is my older sister and Jessica is my cousin from Uncle Ryeowook and Aunty Sooyoung.

"Oh I hope we'll see them later then."Sunny said.Right when I was gonna say something...

"Minnie!"Yoona yelled as she kicked me on the back.I felled forward.

"Sungmin!"Sunny yelled.I was on the ground.

"Why did you leave me behind?!"Yoona asked me.I rubbed my back.

"I thought you were going to walk with Jessica!"I yelled.Yoona rubbed the back of her head.

"Well I was gonna but..."Yoona said before Jessica cut her off.

"Until I rejected her offer."Jessica said as she walked ahead.

"Huh..Oh Hey!Sica wait for me!"Yoona yelled as she followed Jessica.Me and Sunny laughed as we see those two getting close to each other.

"Those two never change."Sunny said.I smiled at her.

"Yeah but I like it that way."I said.She nodded.We hear the bell ring.

"Well let's go."Sunny said.I nodded.We grabbed eachother's hand and walked to school.We usually always hold each other hand sometime people think we're a couple but we're not sadly.I wish we were a couple but I don't want to ask her out and get rejected.It might ruin our friendship.

"Okay see ya at lunch time Sungmin."Sunny said.

"Yeah."I said.I watch Sunny leave.I sighed.I feel lonely without her.I walked to my class and see my friend Shindong.

"Hey Sungmin what's up?"Shindoung asked.

"The same."I said.I looked down a little as I sat in my seat.

"It's okay buddy maybe one day she'll like you."Shindoung said.Beside Sunny,Shindoung has always been by my side.Like me he always got bullied for his weight but me and Sunny would always defend him.Plus he's the only guy that isn't afriad of my family like other people.

"Thanks for always supporting me."I said .He smiled at me.

"That's what friends are for."Shindoung said before classed started.I looked outside the window.I sighed.

"I wonder what's Sunny's doing."I said as I drifted off.

Sunny's Pov

It was finally lunch,I walked toward Sungmin's class and see him asleep.I giggled.He's really cute asleep.I stared at his face.His eyelashes were pretty like a girl's.I'm jealous how cute he is.I felt my heart beat as he open his eyes.

"Oh Sunny.Sorry that I feel asleep."Sungmin said.I smiled at him.

"It's okay.So where's Shindoung?"I asked.

"He's with his girlfriend today."Sungmin said.I stared at Sungmin.

"So it's just gonna be us today?"I asked.He nodded his head.I felt my heart beat.It's just gonna be us.I don't I can handle that.

"Let's invite Yoona and Jessica."I said.He looked at me.

"They're probably busy."Sungmin said.Uck!

"Oh okay."I said.Sungmin grabbed my hand.I felt my heart beat faster.Stupid heart calm down!He's your friend.He probably only sees you as a sister.I looked down to my feet.

"Sunny what's wrong?"Sungmin asked me.His face was close to mine.

"Nothing!"I said.He chuckled and flicked my forehead.

"Then don't make me worried pabo!"Sungmin said teasing me.I giggled.

"Well let's go eat."I said as we walked outside.It was cloudy day.Most people wouldn't want to eat out when it looks like it's gonna rain but Sungmin loves it.Which I don't mind.Whatever makes him happy makes me happy.We began to eat.It was quiet until....

"Oh Sungmin!Why are you eating without us?!"Yoona and Jessica yelled.We looked surpised.

"I thought you were busy with clubs today."Sungmin said.

"Liar!Your trying to hog Sunny all to yourself!"Yoona yelled.I stared at Sungmin who was blushing.

"No I'm not!We're just friends."Sungmin said.I felt my heart dropped.I forced a smile.

"Yeah we're just friends."I said.Jessica pushed Yoona and Sungmin and hugged me.

"It's okay Sunny don't cry."Jessica said.Sungmin looked shocked.

"Sunny why are you crying?"Sungmin asked.Yoona hits the back of his head.

"Because she likes you Minnie."Yoona said.Sungmin stared at Yoona.

"No she doesn't,she only sees me as brother.No one would like me."Sungmin said.

"Well I do!"I yelled before I pushed Jessica off and ran inside the building.

"Sunny!"Sungmin yelled.I see him chasing after me.I try to run faster but he caught me.I try to push him off but I couldn't he was stronger than me.

"Sunny calm down."Sungmin said.

"No!Now let go of me!"I yelled.He grabbed my face and kissed me.I bite his lip.

"I don't want your pity kiss."I said.He chuckled.

"Pity kiss?Sunny I kissed you because I love you."Sungmin said.I stared at him with open eyes.He blushed.

"I really love you Sunny but I was worried that you would reject me if I asked you out."Sungmin said.I laughed like a mad man.Sungmin looked confused as if  he thought he said something funny.

"I'm sorry Sungmin but how can I reject a cute guy like you?"I asked him.He chuckled.

"Because I'm weird."Sungmin said.I hit his arm.

"Your not weird at all."I said.He chuckled.I hugged him and he hugged me back.I felt like I was in heaven hugging him this way.I hear a bunch of noise behind us.I looked around and see a crowd of people watching us.Ah!I forgot we were in school.I let go of Sungmin.He laughed.

"Well since you two idiots are a couple now,you have to introduce mom and dad your new girlfriend."Yoona said.Sungmin smiled.

"Yeah I will."Sungmin said.He stared at me.

"You don't mind meeting my weird family right?"Sungmin asked.I shaked my head.

"Nope."I said.

Sungmin's Pov

I finally had a girlfriend but I'm worried she'll freak out if she sees my family.Don't get me wrong Sunny is a great girl but she only met my parents and they aren't that different.But today my whole family are at home.

"Okay promise you won't freak out."I said.Sunny glared at me.

"Sungmin I'm okay with your family liking gothic things."Sunny said.

"Let's hope you are."I said.I open the door and see Grandma Tiffany and Great Grandma Taeyeon trying to pull Heechul out of Cleoptra.

"My my Heechul what did you do to make Cleoptra so angry with you?"Taeyeon asked.

"All I said was that she looked a little fat on the sides."Uncle Heechul said.

"That's the problem you never call a woman fat."Tiffany said.

"Mama can you help us out?"Taeyeon asked.

"I'll whip up a potion to make Cleoptra cough Heechul right out."Mama said as she went to her lab.Taeyeon and Tiffany looked at me.

"Ah Sungmin help your beloved grandma out."Tiffany said.Sunny looked confused.

"Wow your grandma looks young."Sunny said.

"You have no idea and okay."I said as I began to pull Heechul's leg.

"Yikes!Take it easy it's not like your trying to pull my leg off."Heechul said.

"No but that'll be quite a sight to see."Tiffany said.

"This won't do.Thing be a dear and help us out."Taeyeon said as Thing came to help.Sunny also came and try to help.

"Come on all together now."Taeyeon said.We all pulled together and finally got Uncle Heechul out.

"Woah!It was getting worry there.I thought I had to wait a whole 10 hour to get out of there."Heechul said.

"Nonese Uncle Heechel,Cleoptra would have coughed you up in minutes."Taeyeon said.

"Yeah you don't taste well."Tiffany said.Heechul tasted his self.

"Ah your right.Maybe I should ask Mama if she have a potion for that."Heechul said before he looked at Sunny.

"Who's this young lady?She ain't my kid.Is she?"Heechul asked Tiffany.She shrugged.

"No she's not Uncle Heechul.She's my girlfriend."I said.They looked amazed.As if they thought I would never get girlfriend.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you.I'm Taeyeon Park.Sungmin's great grandma."Taeyeon said.Sunny shaked her hand.I bet in her mind she's saying is everyone in my family look young for their age.

"I'm Sunny."Sunny said.

"Uncle Heechul have you seen my sword?I can't find it any.."Leeteuk said until he sees Sunny.

"Heechul old boy when did you have a daugther?"Leeteuk asked.I face palm myself.

"Ain't my kid."Uncle Heechul said.

"If it were his kid.The poor child would be bald."Tiffany said.Sunny giggled.

"Your family is interesting."Sunny said.They all looked at her and smiled.

"Why thank you young lady.May I know your name."Leeteuk said.

"I'm Sunny.I might be  your new addition in your  family in the future."Sunny said as she stared at me.I blushed.

"Well Sunny Park will you join us for dinner?"Taeyeon asked.

"We're having fresh Yak stew today."Leeteuk said.

"Yeah Mama makes a mean Yak stew."Tiffany said.I stared at Sunny.She nodded.

"I would love too."Sunny said with a big smile.Right when we were all going to the dinning room,Sunny grabbed my arm.

"I love your family."Sunny said.I smiled brightly.We kissed eachother and then walked inside the dinning room.We all sat down at the table and began to eat.For the first time I felt like a real family with Sunny with me.

Few Years Later

"Push push!"The doctor yelled.Sunny pushed hard.

"It's a girl."Krystal said.

"No it's a boy."Dara said.All the Park family were waiting for Sunny and Sungmin to see their first baby.I came out.They jumped up and looked at him.

"Well what is it?"Sooyoung asked.I smiled.

"It's a "Korean Addams"!"I yelled.They all went to see the baby Sunny gave birth to.

"Told you it was a girl."Krystal said to Kangin.Sunny and I smiled to eachother.

"A new fine addition to the Park family."Leeteuk said to Me and Sunny.

"Yes he is."Sunny said.The nurse walks in.

"Excuse me but we need to give the baby a name."The nurse said.Me and Sunny stared at each other.Then we smiled.

"Kangin."They both said.Taeyeon picked up Kangin.

"What a beautiful name."Taeyeon said.All of  my family smiled at my  baby boy Kangin.I see Dara and Krystal looking at the Kangin.Krystal is like her mom Jessica.She gives the meanist glare but shes sweet and dorky.Dara was like her mom Yoona.She always like to be the center of the attention.I'm really glad I had son the woman in my family are scary.I stared at Sunny who was carrying Kangin.I kissed her forehead and she giggled.I am a lucky man to have a beautiful family like mine.I am a proud Park.

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dongpany #1
Chapter 4: hahahaha omg i just watched the 'Addam's family values' maybe a week before i found this fanfic omfg omfg i love your story <3 <3
Chapter 6: I love your story to death it was so coollllll!!!
Chapter 9: Hahahaha. really interesting.... if it's them i don't think i would mind being part of the Korean Addams Family!! :)
Really nice I enjoyed reading it! Good job authornim!XD
Chapter 9: I like this fanfic... It so different.. Creative you...

But.maybe because its too much generation, you misplace a name. Tough hyuk isn't soo's cousin but nephew? And same with the other.but its ok.. Fighting :)
Sumaiya_Sultana #6
WAAH! U R ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! My eyes became teary while reading this...:')...It is just amazing how some authors are able to make me so happy ^_^
Chapter 9: Hey I remember now I watched one of the episodes of "The Addams Family" on tv once.
Chapter 9: This is DAEBAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the BEST fanfic ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Hahahaha I really really really love this fanfic!!