Ticking Time Bomb! Tick-Tick

Ppyong! Straight to My Heart

Kris is in red, Yuki is in Blue,Taemin is in orange, Lily is in purple, Hyori is in this color, Maari is in this color, Chanyeol is in green, And manager is in Pink,

Sam is in gray^^

Enjoy! Comment Plz! and Subscribe! ^__________^

“So” *eyebrow twitch* “You’re telling me that the CEO knows about me and Maari?!?! And that you don’t have anything to with this!”


Lies sheepishly, “Yess...”


Face Palm, “ugh, you expect me to believe this? >.>And you!<.< what are you doing here?!” >:I Taking a sip from his drink.

“Weell, I’m waiting for you to leave, so I can go on a date with Yuki ^^”

*What!??!* Kris spits! “What?!!?”


And now Yuki and Chanyeol are soaked in soda!

“Aish!” Grabs the napkins, starts cleaning himself up.

Kris hands Yuki some napkins. “Here.”


“I’m-” “I’m-”

“You go first.”

“Mm, I’m gonna go.”


Yuki looks at Chanyeol and Kris, “Because you guys need to practice for the showcase.”

“What about our date?”

“Maybe next time,” Yuki gets up and bows to both, walks away.

Once Yuki’s out of sight, Kris can’t help but laugh! “Smoooth!”

“Shutup!” and throws the napkins at Kris. :P


Lily, Hyori, and Maari were all called up to the CEO’s office.


They all sat. :)

“Maari, do you have anything you’d like to tell me?”

"No, I don't think so..."

“Well, either way, you’re taken out of the showcase.”

Stands up, "What?!?! WHY?!?"

“You should know its against company policy for my artists to date, unless I’ve said so.”

Maari sits down, "Oh..."

“But that’s not the only reason why I’ve called you here.” He stands up and leans on the front of his desk. “I’m not sure if I’ve made made this clear, but Yuki is now officially K.O's leader, and we have a new member coming in from the Philippines."

Maari scowls. *What the heck?! Shes only been here for a couple weeks!*

"Since Yuki's our leader, why isn't she here??"

"Because she is self reflecting. Oh and Lily,"


"Your assignment is being terminated. Sehun has an innocent image, we need to keep it that way..."

*Thank Krisus!!!*

"Maari break up with Kris, or you don't debut."

"Of course."

(Hyori here!) *Tsk shes been looking for an excuse to do that anyways:P*



"I wonder how are new member's like???"

"Hopefully not another visual, I can't even put up with Maari! Imagine two of them." Shivers run up their spines at the thought.

At Incheon Airport:

"Excuse me," pokes Taemin on the shoulder.


"Umm, you work at SM Entertainment, right? Well if course you do! Your Taemin! Haha!"

"Ne, ^^', uhh security..."

"Oh no, haha don't misunderstand, I'm the new trainee, Sam! ^^"

"Manager! Is what she said true???"

Manager walks over and explains how K.O is receiving a new member.


*I can use this to my advantage*

Taemin walks over to Sam. "Do you want me to help you with your luggage?"

"Ani, I'm fine and besides that's what my boyfriends for^__^" Points to the guy next to her with loads of luggage.

"Oh, but we aren't allowed to date."

 "There are exceptions to all rules" :P

"Seems so, C'mon I'll show you to your new down and introduce you to K.O. Pali!^^"

"Mmmm" ^____^ "c'mon Kyle! Keep up haha!" She grabs some  suitcases and runs behind Taemin.


"Ok everyone! Gather and listen up! Maari can no longer do the performance for the showcase. So we need someone to be Suho's partner now...mmm who should it be??" She looks around the practice room.

*I'll help her out, or else she'll have to leave :(*

"Yuki should do it!"

0.0 Everyone looks at him.

"I agree, Yuki is just as good, and it would help publicize SM's future girl group."

Everyone begins to nod in agreement.

"Then it's settled!" Claps her hands together. "Yuki it is!"

"Now who's going to tell her to come and practice??"

"I'll do it" "I'll do it!" >.> <.<

"You both can go. And while you're at it, tell all of K.O to come. ^^Gomawo! Oh she's probably in her dorm, but I honestly don't know."


After 30 minutes of walking around the dorms, they've gotten nowhere near finding Yuki.

"Aish. Where could she be??"

"I should've just done this from the start."

"Done what???"

Kris pulks out his cellphone and starts dialing.

Ring ring



"oh it's you~"

"Mm, it's me, now what dorm are you in?"

"144. Wae??"

"No reason. I'm coming up"


Kris just hangs up.

"Shes in dorm 144."

"Wait! When did you get her number, hyung?!?!"

;) "That's for me to know and for you to never find out. Now c'mon!"

*Hyung, don't tell me you-- nah! What am I thinking?! Haha It's impossible, right?* O.o

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So I'm handing this story to my other account ^-^ I hope no one minds...


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Mirmblaq #1
Chapter 14: Aahhhh this chapter just wants to make me cry. Personal reasons *cough taemin...* but This chapter is amazing
Mirmblaq #2
Dude I freaking was about to have a nose bleed imagining kris with only a towel on @~@ ♥
Chapter 12: lmfao wow Kris!!
Chapter 11: Durh cute ^///^
Silla_is_a_BBC #5
Chapter 11: ^-^ ohmygerd \(*-*)/ next part? 
Mirmblaq #6
Chapter 10: Taemin ish mine. And iish drunk yah overall loved it
Mirmblaq #7
Chapter 2: ROTFL!!! Oh this is great!!! I already love Yuki :D She's so funny! Girl is all over the place <3 I'm going to love her and Lily's friendship :D Great job!
Chapter 1: Oh she must have seen Kris :D I'm going to like this!