Project Emotion Start!

Ppyong! Straight to My Heart

(Blue is Yuki, Purple is Lily, Pink is the manager)

“Hi” Derpy smile :]

I took out my headphones and started bowing. O/////O
“Sorry! I didn’t see you <.< >.> I’m Yuki! ^^-”

He stands up, “Nice to meet you! ^__^ I’m Chanyeol. You have a nice voice there...”

(Green is now Chanyeol)

O//////////O “Thank you!”


“So...” he rubs his neck and smiles.

BAM! “Yuukii--”Sees Chanyeol, “Oh! Ummm. Am I interrupting something?!;)”
In unison: “No!” “No!”

“If you say so. Hehe. Well good thing your here.” Points at Chanyeol. “We’re going to practice for the upcoming showcase on the 27th”

Barely audible, “Why’s it gotta be on my birthday?” He nods like a derp! ^___^

The door opens, Maari, Hyori, Luhan, Sehun, Kai, Taemin, and----------(wait for it)------freaking Kris walks in. Rino (choreographer) walks in behind them.

“Since everyone’s here, I’m in charge of you guys for today, so get to work! The showcase is in a month and the CEO expects nothing but perfection!”! Everyone immediately starts practicing.

She pulls Lily and I to the side, “Ok, since both of you are new, you won’t perform in the showcase. But since your two other members will, you should try and learn the routine. ^___^ And who knows? If the CEO likes what he sees, he might place you in it!” She starts to walk towards the exit, and suddenly turns around, “Oh and the CEO wants to see you. Now. Chow!”

CEO’s Office:

He hands us both file envelopes labeled: Project Emotion
“I’d like you both to read this over and immediately begin your tasks that have been assigned to you. Now you are not to tell anyone of this. AND you will listen to my orders specifically if you want to debut.” He makes the motion of shooing away.

Back in the practice room:

Lily’s POV:

Yuki and I sat down near the mirrors. She immediately started opening her envelope . So did I.
Only things that caught my eye:

    • Make them fall For you
    • Date them
    • Enjoy it, this is as much a benefit to you as it is to them.
    • Your assignment: Sehun


*What the heck is the CEO thinking! Something smells fishy here!*

Yuki looks at me! Whispering:

“What the hell?!?!”

“Who’d you get?!?!?”

“Who’d you get?!?!”

“Sehun and you?!?!”

:( “I got Kris...”


Annyeong! Finally Project Emotion has started! LOL

Plz subscribe and Comment! I feel so lonely :( haha

Hope you enjoyed it! Buh-Bye!


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So I'm handing this story to my other account ^-^ I hope no one minds...


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Mirmblaq #1
Chapter 14: Aahhhh this chapter just wants to make me cry. Personal reasons *cough taemin...* but This chapter is amazing
Mirmblaq #2
Dude I freaking was about to have a nose bleed imagining kris with only a towel on @~@ ♥
Chapter 12: lmfao wow Kris!!
Chapter 11: Durh cute ^///^
Silla_is_a_BBC #5
Chapter 11: ^-^ ohmygerd \(*-*)/ next part? 
Mirmblaq #6
Chapter 10: Taemin ish mine. And iish drunk yah overall loved it
Mirmblaq #7
Chapter 2: ROTFL!!! Oh this is great!!! I already love Yuki :D She's so funny! Girl is all over the place <3 I'm going to love her and Lily's friendship :D Great job!
Chapter 1: Oh she must have seen Kris :D I'm going to like this!