You Scared Me!

Ppyong! Straight to My Heart


Kris POV:           

Random girl: "mphm"

She immediately bows 90 degrees, "Mianhanae!" She doesn't even look up.

*I know that voice* "It’s alright!" *Click, wait a minute* "Wait--" I grab her shoulders to get a good look at her to make sure. "You're--" Once she saw my face O.O, "No one, no one!" She grabs the other girl’s wrist and races out the building. >:( It is her! How dare she show her face in front of me!

I immediately follow her out. Right when I'm about to walk up to her and grab her arm to force her to explain, when next thing you know. I'm on the FLOOR! With the other girl on TOP of me!

Her friend, I assume, did not see that coming either. From a distance you could see that pabo running away. -_- She's so dead.

Yuki POV:

I panicked! Lily was right there! He was about to grab me! So I literally threw Lily at him! I didn't know she'd fall on top of him :I. But this is my chance to escape!

So I ran! And ran!

I was panting like a dog. I looked back to make sure he was chasing me like the infuriated bull he is!

~Dazzling girl, dazzling love, ai, ai~ Text message from Lily: What the h*** was that?! You just pushed me and left me! Screw you! I hope you have fun with the dragon from hell! >;)

*I have a bad feeling about this*

~ Ring Ding Ding! non Ring Ding ding!~ UNKNOWN NUMBER

Hmm. Oh! It might be our manager!


A dragon’s voice, "Hey" >:(

*Oh crap!* "Uhm, how'd you get this number?" *crap, crap, crap!*

"You're friend. Now. Would.YOU.LIKE TO EXPLAIN!!" *he's probably spewing fire out of his mouth right now! :'(*

"I would love to! ^^, but it seems so rude to do it over the phone. Hehehe next time. I---"

Before I could finish someone grabbed my arm!*OMFG!* Once I was fully turned around I jumped on him and gave him the biggest bear hug the world's ever seen! "Woohyun!"

"Yuki! I haven't seen you in the longest time! ^^ I didn't know you were in Seoul!" *My eyes are getting teary*

I still hadn't let go. I just did their in his embrace for a little while longer. Tears were slowly coming out. "Hyung, I told you I was going to become a singer like you! :')"

He wrestled me off of him lol "Hyung?! Did you become a guy since last time I saw you! hehe call me Oppa~"

Greasy aegyo alert! "Repeat after me. Oppa~"



"Ani! Hyung! I'll call you later. I have go find your first love! ;) I kind of flung her at someone. Hehe Annyeong!" While turning away to get back to the SM building.

"What flinging her at people?! Yuki you better not be mistreating my Lily! Haha! Call me later! Annyeong!" As we both walked away from one another. ^______^

While walking back, I look back at my phone. Ongoing call!! *Oh no!*

I place the phone near my ear without making a sound.

"Now that you're done with that lovely reunion. Get your back here" through gritted teeth,"Meet me in the CEO's office. Yuki.">:I

Beep beep beep


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So I'm handing this story to my other account ^-^ I hope no one minds...


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Mirmblaq #1
Chapter 14: Aahhhh this chapter just wants to make me cry. Personal reasons *cough taemin...* but This chapter is amazing
Mirmblaq #2
Dude I freaking was about to have a nose bleed imagining kris with only a towel on @~@ ♥
Chapter 12: lmfao wow Kris!!
Chapter 11: Durh cute ^///^
Silla_is_a_BBC #5
Chapter 11: ^-^ ohmygerd \(*-*)/ next part? 
Mirmblaq #6
Chapter 10: Taemin ish mine. And iish drunk yah overall loved it
Mirmblaq #7
Chapter 2: ROTFL!!! Oh this is great!!! I already love Yuki :D She's so funny! Girl is all over the place <3 I'm going to love her and Lily's friendship :D Great job!
Chapter 1: Oh she must have seen Kris :D I'm going to like this!