Ticking Time Bomb! Boom!

Ppyong! Straight to My Heart

Kris is in red,  Yuki is in blue, Chanyeol is in green, Lily's in some form of purple, Taemin is orange, Gray is Sam, Maari, and Manager

Hope you enjoy!!^________________^

Ding Dong!
Yuki heads on over to the screen. “Hello~” Taemin gets pushed out of the way by Chanyeol.
“Hi Yuki!!^^” “Uh, hi~”
She opens the door to see everyone! I mean Taemin, Chanyeol, Kris, Sam, Sam’s boyfriend, and Woohyun!
“Uh c’mon in~”

They all walk in and make themselves at home. :)
“So~, what you brings you all here???”
“To tell you that you're now in the showcase! ^^”
“I’m here to introduce you to your new member!^^ This is Sam!”
Sam stands up and bows. “And this is my boyfriend, Kyle.”
“Ah. And you two??” Pointing at Kris and Woohyun. They’ve been sending death glares at one another for the last minute or so.
Woohyun gets up and hands Yuki a gift bag. “Oh, thank you! But it’s not-”
Woohyun pulls her into a hug, whispering, “I know, but I’m gonna be in Japan for your birthday^^ so~”
Yuki forces herself out of Woohyun’s grip. “And~ I like making people mad.;) Bye!”
“Ok, bye!” Yuki receives all types of death threats at this point! Haha
“I need to talk to you.” <.< O.OO.O
He looks over at everyone else in the room. “Alone.”
“Umm ok” O.O’
Since no one moved. “Well, make yourselves at home, or you know go away^^ haha! Kris we can talk in my room.”
Kris follows Yuki into her room.

Yuki sits on her lower bunk, “Soo, what do you want to to talk to me about??”
Kris grabs the chair and rolls it out to sit directly in front of Yuki.
“The CEO made Maari and I break up...”
Yuki just stays silent. *I’m sorry*
She looks down immediately once Kris looks up.
“But, I’m not here to blame you.”
*Wow, something’s totally wrong!*
“I’m actually here to thank you. ^______^”
“For what???” O.o
“Turns out, that, if you can believe this? She was just using me.”
“I can.”
“I mean you are an idol, people will use you.”
“I guess...” :(
“But don’t worry!Trust me there are plenty of girls who would die to be by you!”
“Cuz I’m an idol.” :/ Kris faces the floor.
“No, not just because of that!” Yuki looks everywhere but at Kris, “I mean you’re a good looking,” Kris can’t help but smile, trying to hold in his laughter, “you’re smart, and--”
Kris bursts out laughing. “Continue~ Haha!”
Yuki gets up and smacks Kris across the head. “Haha! Ow! What was that for??”
“:P sheesh!” :I
Yuki storms out of the room. :I
*How cute!*
Kris comes out with the widest grin on the planet. Until--
“Yes. This is my dorm room, you know. Yuki why the hell are there so many people in our living room?!”
“They invited themselves haha!”
“But don’t worry, you guys were just leaving right??”
All of them nod and get up. Except for Sam of course. “Hi, I’m Sam, your new member^^”
Chanyeol grabs Yuki by the arm and drags her out with the rest of them.
Once outside K.O’s dorm:
“Yuki can you tell me where Lily is???” ^^
“Mmm, can I ask what for??;)”
“C’mon Yuki, let’s go.”

All afternoon, SMTown and the trainees were practicing for the showcase. During break time:
“Yuki you’re gonna have to practice ten times harder than everyone else. Since there is only one week left now.”
“Of course.”
Suho walks over. “Yes.”
“I was wondering if you could stay after and practice with Yuki to get the routine down?"


Practice ended at 12am.
Taemin runs after Lily as she is about to leave. "Lily-ah!?"
Lily turns around just in time to dodge him from falling on top of her.
"Oh my gosh! Are you ok?!?"
She offers her hand "I'm ok! ^^"
"Are you sure you're ok? I'm so sorry, that I didn't catch you! It's cuzpeoplehave-"
"You talk a lot! ^^"
"It's a good thing! Actually, I wanted to ask you, if I could walk you to your dorm?"
^/////^ "Of course! But I'm gonna grab some food on the way~"
"It'll be my treat!!
Drags Lily out of the building ^______^


It's finally the day of the showcase! And also Chanyeol's birthday! ;)
"Omo! Yuki! You look- Omo!"
^///^ "Chincha?? Hehe Kamsamnida."
Bows uncomfortably.
"Ne! Now take it off, we can't ruin it^^"
Yuki and Suho are taken in for sound check.
The rest of Exo arrive at noon.
Yuki sees them arrive and greets them professionally.
*I haven't seen her outside if practice these past days...*
*Looks like she needs some sleep :(*
"Ok! Yuki it's time to get you dressed! ^^"
She drags Yuki into the dressing rooms.


Showcase Time!

Exo's act is after Suho and Yuki's.
Therefore their currently in standby to be on standby. Lol
Yuki walks out onto to standby.
"I just can't get over how beautiful she looks!^^"

(This is the dress Yuki is wearing)
O///O "Mm thank you^^"
*Wow!0.0* *Omo!0.0*
Yuki spots Kris and Chanyeol looking at her. She grabs something out of her managers hands and rushes over to them.
O///O "N-ne!" >.>
Yuki pulls Chanyeol into a hug!
She lets go of him, looks him straight into his eyes, "Happy Birthday!^^" Hands him a gift bag and runs on to get on stage.
*Mmmm >:I*

Suho and Yuki sing Fool in case you wanted to know ^^

The showcase finishes off smoothly! Let the after party begin!

Manager is already drunk lol "Ok! Youz being rookies! Cannot drink! Arasso?!?!"
Maari disappeared into the crowd. SM's CEO even invited other company artists to celebrate. Such as, Infinite! Hehe
Woohyun walks over to your table, "Lily! Shall we dance?!"
"Hell yeah!" >.> *What is he doing with my Lily!*
Everyones already drunk. As you can see. Yuki on the other hand is not, she can't hold her liquor.
"Yuki, do you want to dance???"
"No thanks, I'm not the party type^^"
Yuki stands up and walks out to the balcony.
She starts to run her fingers through her hair while looking up at the stars. "See mom, I'm one step closer to proving you and dad wrong..."
A tear rolls down her cheek. It's wiped away for her.
O.O "O-" She's interrupted by his lips on hers.

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So I'm handing this story to my other account ^-^ I hope no one minds...


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Mirmblaq #1
Chapter 14: Aahhhh this chapter just wants to make me cry. Personal reasons *cough taemin...* but This chapter is amazing
Mirmblaq #2
Dude I freaking was about to have a nose bleed imagining kris with only a towel on @~@ ♥
Chapter 12: lmfao wow Kris!!
Chapter 11: Durh cute ^///^
Silla_is_a_BBC #5
Chapter 11: ^-^ ohmygerd \(*-*)/ next part? 
Mirmblaq #6
Chapter 10: Taemin ish mine. And iish drunk yah overall loved it
Mirmblaq #7
Chapter 2: ROTFL!!! Oh this is great!!! I already love Yuki :D She's so funny! Girl is all over the place <3 I'm going to love her and Lily's friendship :D Great job!
Chapter 1: Oh she must have seen Kris :D I'm going to like this!