First Date

Bet on Cupid


[A/N: Unedited.  Sorry guys! Excuse the spelling mistakes OTL]

You scanned your closet, trying to find something to wear. Today was the day you were going on a date with Joon and the others. You had to admit you were looking forward to it a little, because it was your first date. But 95% of you mind yielded to the fact that you'd get to see Joon's frustrated face when the date didn't go as he planned. I smile crawled up your lips and picked out a simple tee and baggy pants. You looked in the mirror. These looked plain enough. Your hair was tousled a little from sleeping but that was part of your plan. You grabbed your ugliest purse and stalked out of the house.

You were told to meet with the group at the park at eleven. You loved walking by yourself. It gave you time to think and not be disturbed by annoying schoolmates who constantly try to get your attention. There was a slim possibility of you ever meeting someone out here. It was quiet and nice. You liked it.

Upon seeing Joon, your thoughts immediately darkened. He was that someone. Well, one of them. But at the same time, you couldn't wade away from his striking appearance. He was wearing a leather jacket with a white wife beater underneath along with dark blue skinny jeans. He attracting every known female species in the park - even a tiny fruit fly. You marveled at the sight. How can someone like him attract so many females? All at once? Well that didn't matter. You were going to treat him like an absolute peasant throughout the whole date. And by the end of today, you hoped this would be your last time interacting with the likes of him.

You strut over to him, quite confident of your plan. Joon spotted you and waved you over. The crowd of girls looked over you, and soon enough their faces were growing in disbelief that someone would be so careless in dressing up for their oh-so handsome boyfriend. They of course couldn't deny that you were very beautiful. However, they couldn't accept the fact that you hadn't even taken the time to pick out something decent to wear for your date. Your tee shirt was rather battered-up and was made with fake pokemon characters. Your jeans were ripped and super baggy with patches of paint stuck all over it. Joon looked you up and down, simply smiling.

"You didn't try at all did you?" he asked you.

"Of course not," you scoffed. "Not for some forced date. So where's Hyesu and Cheondoong?"

Joon shifted his position. "They can't make it. Hyesu had to take an extra shift at her part-time job and Cheondoong caught G.O's cold.

You raised an eyebrow. You were buying it. It was the most unconvincing line when it comes to double dates. By now it could have been a famous Confucious quote or something.

You raised your foot. "Tie my shoes."

Without a word, Joon bent down to tend to your untied shoe. He had plans of his own to get you to kneel down to him. He'd been up researching all night  - mostly from yahoo answers - of ways to make a successful date. In order to do so, he called Hyesu and Cheondoong to cancel the double date. Your plan was a little too obvious, and he was definitely not going to go along with it.

He stood up whilst smiling and pulled you off to the theatre. You fought back by scraping your heel against the cement, stopping him from pulling you any further.

He looked back at you. "What?"

"Where are we going?" you asked.

He smiled again. "It's a surprise."

"Sorry I don't do surprises. Let's go to the mall."

This time, Joon used his muscles to pull you along. "Awww, don't be so stingy! It's a first date! Go with the flow!" He used his hand to make little waves in the air before dragging you off to some unknown destination.

Minutes later you arrived at the cinema. You dragged behind him as he chose the movie and payed for the tickets, leading you into the lobby where an employee collected your tickets. You followed him into theatre room and chose spots near the back.

"Wait here, I'll go buy the snacks," Joon said and dashed off. You sat back in your chair and sighed. It wasn't a good start, you knew. But the date was just beginning, so you knew better than to throw out all your tactics at once. For now, you'd continue being stubborn.

In five minutes or so, Joon came back holding a bunch of candy and popcorn, juggling all of it in his hands with two sodas on top. He was smiling like a goofball, and you rolled your eyes, making it noticeable for him to see. But he didn't mind as he unloaded the snacks onto your lap. He sat down and took a big bite out of a candy bar he had been holding. You stared at him and he stared back. He gestured to the snacks, signalling for you to start munching. You sighed and grabbed a handful of popcorn, stuffing it into your mouth.

Obviously he's the only one who's had fun. you thought as the movie finally started playing. Joon looked over at you once again with excited eyes as he bounced a little in his seat. He was cute, you couldn't really deny that, but it still gave him no excuse for not letting you carry on with your plan. You turned your attention toward the screen and watched as talking animals appeared on the projection screen. It was Madagascar.

It was a movie made for ages 7 and up, and you didn't want to be part of that "up". You watched this movie at least 8 times with your baby cousin. You took this as an opportunity so show your boredness and stood up. Joon looked at you, confused. You didn't bear him a look as you marched down the aisle and to the exit of the room. Joon looked around him for a bit, not knowing what to do. But a smile crept up his face as an idea started tackling his mind. He uncapped the soda he was drinking and left to follow you.

"WAIT MINAH!" he hollered as he struggled to catch up with you, trying not to spill any of the contents in the cup. You whipped your head around and crossed your arms, making it seem like you were impatient to wait for him. When Joon had almost caught up with you, he "tripped" over his own foot and let the cup go soaring overhead towards you. Before you could recollect what was happening, you were already soaked in wet, sticky fluid. 

Joon scrambled to his feet and covered his hands with his mouth. "Oh...are you okay Minah? I'm r-really sorry. L-let's go get you changed..." He was actually covering his mouth as to not let his laughter show, and used the stuttering to make him seem as if he was a little nervous. He ran over to you and draped his arm over your shoulder.

"Let's go get some new clothes for you, okay?"

You scowled and stomped your feet onto his. Hard. And walked away. He smirked and ran to catch up with you. Then, he pulled you toward into a boutique to get you new clothes.


He rocked himself on his heels. So far he was winning. Soon, the game would be set. He smiled in his triumph as he waited for you outside one of the dressing rooms. Suddenly, a loud banging sounded behind him that made him jump.

"HEY! This is TOO flashy! GET ME SOMETHING ELSE!" he heard you scream.

Joon turned his head in order to reply. "Why? You're doubting my taste? You're doubting Joon? The one with a CAPITAL J?"

"Yes now get me something else."

Joon sighed at your stubborness. "At least let me see it! I picked it out, so don't I have the right to see it too?"

"Not if you want to get on my bad side. Now Lee Joon, get me something else."

Hearing your reply, he stormed into the dressing room. "Just let me see! No one doubts the almighty -"

You were wearing a cute light pink dress that poofed up and reached a little above your knees. It had a white peterpan collar, and white midsleeves. It face, as he didn't know how to describe anything else. He had akways seen you wearing dark blue skinny jeans with a simple tee tucked in halfway. It was your signature fashion statement. But now the you he was seeing seemed so cute and petite, not to mention vulnerable.

You saw him blushing and frowned. "It looks weird doesn't it? I told you! Now can we please go try on something else? It doesn't -"

He cut you with a reassuring smile. "It's fine. Now let's GO!" He took your hand and dragged you out of the store. You looked back in panic even though the sensors hadn't sounded.

"But we haven't even paid!" you cried.

Joon looked back and smiled. His eyes had turned into adorable crescent moons with smile lines on the side. It melted something in you for a while. And so he continued to drag you further into the city.


During the day the both of you went for a walk in the park, fed bread to the ducks, and ate dinner at a normal eatery. It was a normal date, and you weren't really impressed at the destinations. But you were impressed at the tiny actions he did for you. He would take your hand and guide you around a puddle, or he would take your wipe your mouth when you had sauce stuck on it, or he would make sure a bench wasn't dirty when you tried to sit on it. It made the date that much more fun, and you had completely forgot about your task.

He really does know his stuff, you thought as Joon and you walked along the sidewalk to your house. You had only just remembered your task and now had on your impenetrable poker face. But Joon wasn't so stupid. He knew exactly what you were trying to do. But he found that your expressions faltered whenever your hands had slightly touched. Interesting girl we have here.

In no time at alll, you had arrived at your house. The date was over. You turned to Joon, still keeping your poker face to have as protection if Joon should randomly break into that cursed smile of his.

You fiddled with your fingers behind your back as you muttered,"Thanks Joon. I had...a good time...I guess."

Joon smiled. It was a different smile this time. It was soft, and penetrated through your poker face.

Your heart stopped.

You bowed to each other and you stepped onto the other side of the gate, into your front yard. You walked to the door, but suddenly turned around and smiled. You had copied his exact same eye smile. It was hard to deny that you were anything less of a beautiful girl with that smile and your hair swirling comfortably in the breeze.

His heart stopped.


Once you were inside your house, you shut the front door and leaned against it for a while. You knew you had scored big time with that smile...but now what was wrong? You clenched your chest. It was acting strangely - your heart. But you didn't think much of it as you headed to your bedroom for a good night's rest.

Outside, Joon was standing there with his hands in his pockets. Slowly, he leaned outside the walls connecting the gates. He looked down at his hands. And placed them over his beating heart. It too, was acting strangely.

[A/N: Sorry for not updating in so long! School had literally been eating me up(;へ:)I'm also preparing to publish a new fic, and I can't wait for you guys to read it! Adieu~] 

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finally updated. huzzah! ヽ(;▽;)ノ i'll update another tomorrow~


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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 3: Hey :)
I was looking for a funny Joon AFF and finally I found one^^
OMG I love your story already and I'm can't wait to read the next chap
I think it's going to be really funny :D
update soon ;)
n_faqihi #2
Chapter 1: OO Interesting, I will be waiting for more chapters :d
Chapter 1: This sounds really good! Can't wait until you update the next chapter! ^^