Melon Bread

Bet on Cupid

You were sitting in class, looking out the window with a dazed look. It was the first class of the day, yet you already wanted to get out of it. You should have denied the bet, remembering Hyesu's warning. But games and contests always got you so fired up for no reason at all. You remembered back during the first year of middle school. There had been a festival involving many competitions. And one was the talent competition; a contest where you had to face off with other contestants on a particular talent. You, having no talent whatsoever, had recklessly joined and made a fool of yourself in the process. You were bad at competitions and lost at everything. Heck, you couldn't even beat a snail at racing if you wanted to.

But this, you wanted to win. You were so tired of Hyesu taunting you endlessly on that -1000% no love experience. Sure it was true, but you wanted to prove her wrong and this was the way to do it.

"MINAH - " a sudden voice boomed across the room, frightening you and making you jump. The teacher was looked at you crossly, pointing the yardstick in your direction.

"Yes....sir...?" you replied cautiously.

"Have you heard what I've said earlier about Jeanne D'Arc? I would love if you could share a short summary with the class."

You fiddled with your fingers. "Uhm...she saved Europe. And died in a fire...cause she was impure..."

The teacher raised his eyebrows and sighed waving at the air to shoo the stupidity away. You rolled your eyes and continued staring at the window.

When 2nd hour ended, you rushed to your locker to put your stuff away. It was break session and you wanted to buy a loaf of bread from the school bakery before they were all out. However, you were disrupted by a smiling Joon when you closed your locker. You groaned and walked away.

"Hey wait Minah!" Joon caught up and smiled that devastating eye-smile all the girls drooled over. You weren't affected. Keeping your poker face on, you sped-walked to the bakery. So, he puts his arm around your shoulder and leads you the other way.

"What the HELL are you doing?!"

"Taking a walk," he shrugged his shoulders.

"But my BREAD."

Joon simply ignored your words and led you to the rooftop. No matter how much you struggled, he kept a strong grip and led you on with a smile.

"WHERE are we going and WHY. Class starts in three minutes," you attempted to scold.

Joon kept his smiling face on and turned to you. "Skipping."

"OW OW OW OW OW. STOP MINAH." Joon welped as you held him in a head-lock right over the railing. You were on the rooftop, along with Joon's friends and Hyesu.

Hyesu made a face and shook her head. "This is what happens when she doesn't get her bread. Especially the melon one. You should have just let her be."

Joon's face was quickly turning red. "Well how the hell was I supposed to know about her obsession for bread? Anyway just get her to LET GO."

"NO. Bread is food. Food is necessity. And what happens if we don't have food? Starvation. And even if we did, did you know the food CAN GO TO WASTE."

"ARGH. It's not like you're really poor or something I'm pretty sure someone else took it when you didn't so rela- OW OW OW OW."

Mir was snickering at his friends misery and both Seungho and G.O. were shaking their heads. On signal, Cheondoong appeared beside you holding a fresh-out-of-the-oven melon bread. You recognized the scent immediately and pounced on it, letting Joon breathe from his near-death situation. Joon slumped to the floor and rubbed his aching neck.

"Tamed. You're welcome." Cheondoong smiled as he handed Hyesu a loaf of bread too. "Here. Minah's way of eating is probably making you hungry."

Everybody stared at you gorging on the precious melon bread, as if you were filming some kind of bakery commercial.

And I'm supposed to make that imbecile fall for me. Joon ruffled his hair in frustration. G.O. peered at him from the corner of his eyes. "What. So ready to give up now are you?"

Joon punched G.O.'s arm. "No way. She's gonna be too easy. I just have to get closer. But I don't - "

" - know how," Seungho had finished. Joon rolled his eyes and leaned against the railing. Yes, you looked easy, but there was something about you that made you hard to get too.

"Just follow Cheondoong's lead," Seungho ordered. Immediately, Cheondoong stood up and walked over to Hyesu, smiling. Hyesu looks up and makes eye contact with him. He crouches down and leans forward. Using his thumb, he smears away imaginary crumbs from the corner of .

"You had crumbs on your face," Cheondoong explained, flicking the crumbs away and smiling. Hyesu blushed and lowers her head. Cheondoong gets up and walks back over to Joon and sits down.

Joon got up and cautiously walked over to where you're sitting. You were still savoring the last few bites of melon bread. It seemed to soon to be already finished, so you let the last tastes linger on your taste buds when you notice Joon coming over. He pauses in front of you for a minute and sits down. He looks hesitant for a second, and you tilt your head to the side in curiosity.

"What?" you asked.

"Pig," he snickers. You widen your eyes.

"Excuse your sorry self but what did you say?"

"Pig," he repeated.

"I'm sorry what did you say? Your stupidity waves could not reach me. Try again at the beep."

"Yeah, more like you couldn't hear yourself over all that bad oxygen around you," Joon sneered. "And what'd with those crumbs on your face? They make you uglier." He pulled his sleeve up to cover his fist and wipes the crumbs from your face, smearing it even more. Oops. He looks at your face and tries not to laugh, but he fails to do so and laughs anyway.

Suspicious, you whip out your phone, using it as a mirror. You gasp, seeing your face had turned into an actual pigs. You shoot glares at Joon, who was already sitting back down with the others. You jump up from your position and march over to Joon. 

"You . Where did you think you were touching?!" And once again, you were back in the head-lock position with Joon as the victim, just as it was 30 minutes before.

The sun was setting and you were walking home from your part-time job. Hyesu wasn't with you as she took a temporary leave because her grandmother was in the hospital. In the distance, you saw a familiar shadow and realized it was Cheondoong. You called out to him and in response he turned around and waved back.

"What are you doing walking out on the streets?" you inquired.

"I just came out from a part-time job at that gas station over there. What about you?"

"Same here," you replied. "I just got out from my shift at Good Love Cafe."

Cheondoong nodded thoughtfully. It was silent for a minute. The atmosphere was awkward and you didn't know what to do that could save it. You kicked a pebble along the sidewalk.

"Are you usually this awkward around guys?" Cheondoong suddenly asks.

You pinked a little. "Uhm...I guess. I've never really...yeah."

Cheondoong pinched your cheeks. "Too cute, haha. But you were fine with Joon..?"

You groaned. "He came on to me first. And he's really... I can't describe it. He's just difficult."

Cheondoong intercepted you and kicked the pebble. "He's not that bad. Stupid but not bad. Just get to know him better."

You sighed and kicked the pebble. If that meant there was a higher chance of falling, then no thanks. But it wouldn't hurt to find out his weaknesses and turn it against him.

"You're not bad either Cheondoong," you smiled at him and he smiled back. After all, you gave me such a good idea.

You entered your bedroom, breathing a sigh of relief at the familiar smell. You threw yourself onto the bed and checked your phone. Hyesu had texted you.


Minah: What unf?


Minah: This is the 64th time. Get over yourself please and let me sleep. I worked your shift AND mine so please


Minah: Ugh do whatever you want just let me sleep. You can drool over him yourself lol

You stuffed your phone under your pillow and faced the ceiling.

Joon was certainly going to be a handful. But you wondered why you could have talked to him so easily? Probably because of the way he treats you, compared to how Cheondoong treats you. But he seemed different. There were many people who had confessed to you during middle school, despite your clumsy self. They hadn't approached you with sincerity, but only for your looks. And you were sick of it. You distanced yourself away from boys for a while, and now this. Maybe because Joon doesn't feel any ounce of romantic feelings for you, and so you were able to talk to him without mercy. Somewhat, you felt relieved. And since you didn't feel anything romantic for him, you're in the safe zone. You would get through this stupid game with flying colors. Of course. That makes sense. There's no way you could love someone if they didn't have the same feelings, or else what was the point? Whether your thesis made sense or not, you sided with it and slowly drifted away.

(A/N: Short chapter but I'll update tomorrow! Goodnight guys! Don't keep quiet and comment~)

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finally updated. huzzah! ヽ(;▽;)ノ i'll update another tomorrow~


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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 3: Hey :)
I was looking for a funny Joon AFF and finally I found one^^
OMG I love your story already and I'm can't wait to read the next chap
I think it's going to be really funny :D
update soon ;)
n_faqihi #2
Chapter 1: OO Interesting, I will be waiting for more chapters :d
Chapter 1: This sounds really good! Can't wait until you update the next chapter! ^^