Game Start!

Bet on Cupid

"She looks so cute today!"

"So does Hyesu!"

"I love her earrings, where do you think she got it?"

"Damn, her legs..."

You sighed and continued walking down the corridors, with Hyesu right beside you. You didn't really fancy being popular, it just happened that way. You didn't even know why you were popular. You looked like an ordinary girl. But of course, society labels people differently after all.

Hyesu and you sat down at your regular table for lunch. Girls eyed you two enviously. Boys drooled over you. You scanned the room, and finally your eyes landed on a boy at a nearby table. His hair was deep brown, almost to the shade of black. His eyes glinted with a charismatic charm. You traced his chiseled features, his jawline, his cheekbones...

"Lee Joon. 18. Born February 7. Classy but charismatic," Hyesu had whispered into your ear.

You furrowed your eyebrows and waved your hand at her to shoo her away. "How do you know him?"

Hyesu held up her phone. "It's written on his fancafe. He's immensely popular in this school. More than us, of course." She raised and eyebrow. "Interested?"

You scoffed. "No." You picked up a grape and stuffed it into your mouth.

Hyesu leaned on your shoulder and looked up. "Oh, okay. That's right. Minah doesn't take interest in boys." You nodded your head. "And so that's why Minah's never had a boyfriend, has almost -50 love experience and will probably end up living alon in a small apartment weeping in a corner about how - "

You pushed Hyesu out of contact and pinked. "Shut up. At least I have some decency not to flirt around all day. Before you know it, you'll even be having an affair with the president of South Korea."

Hyesu rolled her eyes and laughed. "Since when did I ever do that? And besides, I have way more love experience than you."

You had to agree with her. You did have no love experience. You had never had a boyfriend. And you probably were going to live alone with 40 or so cats. But you didn't want to admit that. You had her pride. And you were a hell of a good actor. You looked nonchalantly at your phone, then to Lee Joon, then to Hyesu. A smile creeped across your face as Hyesu slowly smiled back.

"Bet?" she asked.

"Hell yes."


"Pride and dignity."


"Does a pole dance in a clown suit at the main court."

"Lovely." You both smiled. You had an amazing plan that would unfold before Hyesu's eyes. And Hyesu just wanted to see you lose while sitting back in a comfy chair called victory. Both of you weren't ready to let go of your dignity yet. But the game had already started.

Joon could feel Minah looking at him as he sat chatting and laughing with his friends. He closed his eyes and took a sip of his soda before smirking to his friends. Cheondoong looked at him weirdly.


Joon picked up a grape and munched it slowly before responding. "Who do you guys think I am?"

Mir tilted his head. "Lee...Joon...right?"

Joon rested his head on his palm and said, "Lee Joon. The popular ladies' man right? The person who can make girls swoon over him so easily?"

Seungho chuckled and shook his head. "You must have crashed your head into something for being able to say that so fearlessly. So what about your swooning abilities?"

Joon nudged his head toward the direction of Minah. "Minah right? Born March 4? Takes no interest in guys?"

G.O. shook his head and raised his palms up to Joon's face. "So you wanna make a bet on how fast you're able to make her fall for you, I get it. But you've done way too much of this in middle school and you always win so no. I'm not risking 50 bucks on watching that poor girl fall head over heels for you."

Joon smirked. "Relax. It's not 50 bucks this time."

G.O. raised his eyebrows in curiosity. "Then what is it? Ballet dancing in a freakishly tight leotard all over the school?"

A lightbulb went off in Joon's head. This time, he grinned as wide as he could. Seungho slapped G.O's head and Mir kicked his shin. He had just given Joon a good idea. There was no way his friends could deny the bet now. Joon set down the cup he was drinking from and crossed his arms, breaking into a priceless eyesmile.

"Let the games begin."

You rushed out of the school building, carrying a big pile of books in your arms. You were going to be late for your part time job but got held back to listen to the teacher scolding you for wearing earrings to school. Your boss was nice, but he had a pet peeve for not being on time. However, all thoughts faded away when you spotted Lee Joon walking in front of you. Lee Joon knew it was you behind him since you were so busy cursing the teacher for holding you back. He smiled and slowed his pace a little, waiting for a chance to catch you attention.

However, being behind him earned you a great advantage as you mercilessly bumped into his shoulder and fell on the floor - on purpose. You furrowed your eyebrows and picked up your books when a hand touched yours. Joon looked handsomely up at you.

"Are you okay?" You pretend to nod shyly as you fumbled around for your books.


Joon smiled and tried helping you pick up your books, but you caught his hand and looked up at him, trying on your best angelic face. "It's okay. You don't have to." You smiled.

Hyesu witnessed the sight and prepared to gag into the bushes. Are you serious Minah. Why the hell are you trying this cliche "meeting of fate" crap? You've obviously watched too much drama...

She thought for a moment, and smirked when she thought of a fun thing to do. She walked up to the pair and started shouting. "HEY MINAH. Why are you being so cliche? You're late for your part time job! STOP FOOLING AROUND AND LET'S GO."

Joon noticed you cursing under your breath and smirked. Now he's realized that you were taking the same bet, and decided to secretly make a game against you too. You smiled apologetically and picked up the remainder of your books and dashed off to Hyesu. You looked back to see that Joon had already stood up. You called out to him.

"Thanks! I'm Minah by the way. I'll see you tomorrow!"

Joon raised up a hand and watched them run out the school gates. He dropped his head low and started smiling. Now he had two games to win against.

You hit Hyesu upside the head. "I almost missed my chance! What the hell were you doing? That wasn't fair!" you grumbled as you bit the pulse button on the blender, watching the smootie spin more and more until it became smooth. 

Hyesu came back from the register and crossed her arms. "I was trying to help you! What kind of act was that? That was the most stupid thing in the name of love that I've seen. Seriously...are you trying to relive a manhwa or drama or something? Please think realistically."

You scoffed and poured the contents of the blender into a cup. You whipped your head around to face Hyesu's smug face. Three seconds later, she furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head. "But, that Joon guy was being awkward as well. He's a self-confident, 'don't mess with me or I'll you out' kind of guy. He's charismatic and let's the girls come to him. And he doesn't..." Hyesu gasped and you raised and eyebrow.


Hyesu placed her arms on your shoulders and leaned forward. "Beware of him okay Minah? As your friend, I'm going to tell you this straight out. You I can't be the one that falls first, alright?"

You scowled. "But then the purpose of the game will be completely lost."

"No...Joon made a bet with his friends too. He was acting nicer than usual. And he wasn't the least bit cocky. And out of the corner of my eyes I could see his friends laughing and talking about him..."


"SO. This game is intertwined with theirs. Which MEANS, you're game is against him. And he knows it too."

Your eyes widened. "So does that mean I can no longer watch your sorry little but pole dance for me at the Main court?"

Hye slapped your head and walked towards the counter again, sighing in frustration.

The next day, you were greeted at the gates by Joon. He had his hands in his pockets and he smiled when he saw you. You melted a little at the sight of him, but you kept your back straight. "Hey," he greeted.

You smiled at him in response. You didn't dare speak a word. You kept in mind Hyesu's words from yesterday. Joon certainly didn't seem like that kind of guy. Of course you wouldn't know, Joon was a pretty good actor himself. He saw your determined expression and smirked.

"Hey Minah." He poked your sides, causing you to giggle and fall to the floor. You turned your head to face him with a scowl. He smiled and tried to help you up, but you pulled his body to the ground a few feet away from you. You smirked and stood up, brushing off.

Joon chuckled and got up. "So you're the playful type huh?"

You grinned and skipped to the building. Joon took note of your childish actions and decided he wanted to put a stop to it.

"Who knew you were also daring."

"I could say the same to you too. Don't poke me again," you warned jokingly, unaware of the situation.

"So then how about we play a game?" You head Joon's nonchalant voice float in the air behind you. You automatically stiffened.

"What game...?" you asked warily.

"By the end of this school year..." he took a pause for dramatic effect. "I'll make you fall in love with me."

Your eyes widened. However, they soon returned to normal and a smirk appeared across your face.

"Are you sure you want to go up against me?"


"Bring it on, playboy," you teased.

"The pleasure is all mine," he cooed. He winked and walked past you into the doors of the school building. Your cheeks were the lightest shade of pink, but that didn't stop you from thinking, game on Lee Joon.

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finally updated. huzzah! ヽ(;▽;)ノ i'll update another tomorrow~


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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 3: Hey :)
I was looking for a funny Joon AFF and finally I found one^^
OMG I love your story already and I'm can't wait to read the next chap
I think it's going to be really funny :D
update soon ;)
n_faqihi #2
Chapter 1: OO Interesting, I will be waiting for more chapters :d
Chapter 1: This sounds really good! Can't wait until you update the next chapter! ^^