Forced Proposal

Bet on Cupid

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA," Mir spat chewed up chips right at Joon's face, whom scornfully wiped it away with Seungho's handkerchief.

"She's a keeper Joon. Better be careful," Seungho grinned. Joon scowled at both of them.

"How is she a keeper? She's a barbarian! How can someone get so angry over bread?" Joon replied crossly.

"Relax Joon. Girls like her have to have a soft spot for something. Why not take her on a date?" G.O. suggested.

"If you can, that is," Mir had sneered. Joon flicked rice at his face.

"Oh I can." 

"More like you can't. I've never seen you make a move on a girl in your whole life. Let alone have a girlfriend," Seungho retorted. G.O. and Mir snickered beside him.

Yet Cheondoong didn't make any comment whatsoever. He simply sat, sipping his carton of milk. He hadn't even listened to the conversation at hand. What was in his mind right now, was how interesting you were. To be so straightforward and just...unique. Many girls had fawned over him, trying any tactics possible to get his attention. They constantly cared for their looks and tried to get about with their flirty ways...but you didn't. Even though you were the most popular girl in the school because of your beauty, you couldn't have cared less about the kingkas of the school. You also hadn't even tried to put on a satisfying image for yourself that could influence other girls. You were just different.

Cheondoong's thoughts were interrupted by hearty laughter surrounding their table. He rolled his eyes and smiled too, though he had no idea what they were giggling about.

"So are you really gonna ask her out? Like on a date?" Mir asked.

Joon put his elbows on the table, resting his chin on his hands. "Well I don't wanna do it where it'll look desperate."

G.O. raised an eyebrow. "The lady-killer is still cluless on relationships. How ironic."

"He knows how girls work but not dates." Seungho shook his head.

Joon sighed and drank from his almost empty juice carton.

Hyesu and you were in the library, collecting information and materials for a big project that was due by the end of the week. When finally settled down at a nearby table, Hyesu began cornering you with questions.

"So are you gonna ask him out?"

"Ask who..." you became wary.


"Which one?"

Hyesu scoffed. "You know who! So have you begun to fall for him yet?"

"He took my bread," you pointed out.

Hyesu groaned in frustration. "Not that I don't want you to win, but you need to have some romance going on! Try falling for him! He's like the total package! Or you can make him fall for you cause you really need that option. You know you're a real dunce when it comes to boys."

"What if I do fall in love? That means he wins. And do you know what happens when he wins? Of course he's gonna leave. And do I really wanna have to go through something as troubling as heartbreak?" You stood up and began walking the aisles, hoping to escape Hyesu's constant questioning. However, Hyesu just stood up and started following you.

"Aww, come on! I'll bet he'll fall for you too! What's not to like about you? You're smart, pretty, funny, friendly; you're like the cherry on top of the ice cream that makes it perfect! about a double date? You and Joon, and me and....Cheondoong! It'll be fun, come onnnn!"

Hyesu kept talking, trying to persuade you to fall in love this, and that, and this, and that. Well what if you didn't want to? It's going to be your first time falling seriously in love, and you're really afraid of being rejected. You didn't want to take such a risk. You've never experienced heartbreak, and you weren't planning to. Out of all the most important things in the universe, you knew such a petty thing like love wasn't it. What's the use of love? They're not as long-lasting, you figure. How can Hyesu put up with such an idea? What's her motivation? How can she fall for someone so easily? All of this irritated you, so you burst out yelling.

"ENOUGH. I don't want to, have you ever thought about that? Don't push your half-hearted passions onto someone you know won't accept them." You swung your arms about, eventually hitting a ladder behind you. You wobbled and lost your balance for a few seconds. The ladder swayed back and forth, deciding which way to fall. You were tending to your hurt hand when a shadow was overcast over you. You didn't have time to look back or brace yourself for the next seconds. All you did was stare at the shadow as it engulfed you. You closed your eyes and waited for the worst.

But the worst didn't come. You felt strong hands rap around you. You stared at the shadow. It was slowly restored to it's former size. You turned your head around and saw Joon smiling. Well, smirking to be exact. You glanced at his hand and saw that it was swollen, the blood attempting to come out of his flesh.

Minutes later both you and Joon were in the infirmary. You were putting ice on his swollen arm, making him wince every few seconds. Joon stared at the arm you hit the ladder with. It was slowly getting redder.

"What about your hand?" Joon asked.

"That's nothing compared to this. It's so swollen, it's getting hotter!" You furrowed your eyebrows, concentrating on the ice and his arm. Occasionally, you noticed how strong and burly his arm was. And when he flexed it because of the pain, you could see his veins popping out.

It became quiet. The awkward atmosphere surrounded you two, as if waiting for something. Waiting for you to say something.

"H-hey," you stammered.

Joon raised his head. "Yeah? What is it?."

"Uhm, thanks. You know, for earlier. And sorry you had to go through something so troubling. Uhm, thanks. And, what can I do to uhm, repay you? You saved me from being a possible vegetable..." 

Joon stifled a laugh. You raised your shoulders in defense. "W-what are you laughing for?! I'm trying to express thanks!"

"You don't have to exaggerate what kind of condition you'd be in. It'll most probably be a slight concussion, not a vegetable." He chuckled and shook his head.

You smiled a little. "Aww who cares. So I'm waiting."

"Waiting for what?" Joon cocked his head to the side.

"What do you want me to do? For thanks?" 

Joon thought for a moment. He thought about saying no thanks, but an idea came to him. He smirked a little before stating his wish. He leaned close to you,  so your faces were almost inches away.

"Go on a date with me."

Your face fell. Of course, the game was still going on. You felt a tinge of regret for saying that you would do anything to repay thanks.

"Can you pick something else? Something I can actually help you with?" You rolled your eyes.

"You didn't say that in the first place so no. And it would be helping me; helping me win that game we made."

You scoffed at his reply. You hated when people used common sense on you. It robbed you of your pride. His very face teased you, sending you messages like What's it gonna be Minah? How dumb you are Minah. Looks like I win today!

Outraged, you agreed to his ridiculous proposal. You'd show no signs of comfort around him. You'd be a stubborn, spoiled girl if you had to. Anything to fail his plans on making anything successful for him.

On the other hand, Joon was smiling inside. I've got you this time. The game was all for him now, and he intended to keep it that way. He had strategies to make you fall. And once you did, it would be his friends that would be humiliated, not him. He was burning with a passion. And all you could do was sigh and continue putting ice on his arm.

Hyesu squealed with delight. You clicked the pulse button on the blender to dismiss any other noises coming out of Hyesu's mouth.

"You did yourself some justice Minah! You're finally going on a date! And what's more, it's a double date with me and Cheondoong!"

"Don't you mean justice for you?" you scoff.

Hyesu waved your words away. "No no no. For you! Now we can get the real party started! So where are you guys planning to go? How about the movies? Or the mall? The park? What about the-"

"Shut up. I'm not gonna show any signs of losing just so you know. If you don't want it to be a hell of an awkward date, back out now."

Hyesu shimmied her shoulders. "Why so serious? It's a date! Just have fun with it! Because I'm pretty sure games aren't what dates are."

You glared at her, suggesting that she was the one who made romance into some sort of game show. Hyesu quieted down and looked down at her shoes. You sighed and returned to the counter, closing your eyes and rubbing your temples.

"One strawberry milkshake please, a little less sweet if you don't mind." The soft voice startled you. You opened your eyes to see Cheondoong smiling. You smiled back and waved. He waved back. You smiled even wider.

"Sure thing. That'll be-" Hyesu had pushed you aside and was greeting Cheondoong with a hearty smile. He smiled back politely, conversing as if it was an everyday thing. You cleared your throat, signaling for her to move out of the way. However, she just calculated the cost and returned the change. You signed and leaned on the second counter behind Hyesu, where the blenders were. "So what brings you here Cheondoong?"

"Thought I'd check out the place. And to give you some advice on a few things."

He led you to an empty booth. You looked back to see Hyesu shoot death glares at you. You rolled your eyes and sat down across from him.

"What did you want me to know?" you asked.

"It's about Joon. Well, he's a kind of dunderhead. But don't get me wrong, he knows a ton about girls. But the only one kind he doesn't know is one who's aggressive and likes to take charge. So for the date, you have to do just that. Don't show signs of letting him participate in the date. Just go round and round to make him as tired as possible. Then he won't make you swoon over him. Besides, he doesn't like it when girls take charge."

You nodded your head slowly, taking in this new information. You rested your chin on your hand.

"But then why are you helping me? Aren't you supposed to be on Joon's team? What's with the sudden change?"

Cheondoong shrugged his shoulders. "Mmmm, just because. And you seem interesting. We'll see how this plays out. Good luck Minah." He reached over and ruffled your head. You frowned, trying to get all the stray hairs back into place. He chuckled and got up to leave.

Hyesu rushed over once Cheondoong left and stared you in the eye. "What did you guys talk about, Minah?" she asked in suspicion. You shook her off and smirked. Hyesu had never seen such a scary smirk from you in all her life. She backed away a little.

"The game has turned around Hyesu. I'll take him down with full force."

(A/N: Sorry, for making you guys wait! Fortunately I have the week off for thanksgiving so more updates~)

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finally updated. huzzah! ヽ(;▽;)ノ i'll update another tomorrow~


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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 3: Hey :)
I was looking for a funny Joon AFF and finally I found one^^
OMG I love your story already and I'm can't wait to read the next chap
I think it's going to be really funny :D
update soon ;)
n_faqihi #2
Chapter 1: OO Interesting, I will be waiting for more chapters :d
Chapter 1: This sounds really good! Can't wait until you update the next chapter! ^^