Chapter 7

I'm a student... And you're a teacher!

As Kris taught the lesson today, I couldn't help but to think what if we got caught. Maybe it's a sign we shouldn't do this.. Not here at least. I looked at the board and started writing notes for his lesson. 

"Okay guys, start doing page 227, number 3-20. If you don't finish, it will be due Monday" The class groaned and started their work. 

I was utterly confused.. I hate math. I hate it. I hate triangles, I hate squares, I hate roots, exponents, everything. I stared at my paper blankly for about 15 minutes. Kris started to walk around the class looking at everyone's work. He started at the end of the class working his way towards where my row was. He was coming closer and closer. *Oh god what do I do..* He finally reached me and I quickly put my head on my desk. 

"Minyoung, are you okay?" He whispered
"Are you done yet?" He asked
"Not yet" I replied. 
"Do you need help?" 
"Erm.. not at the moment" I said

I felt him walk away and I lifted my head. I pretended to do my work, but instead I was doodling in my notebook. After awhile, Kris spoke up again. 
"Okay guys, its 2:45. You can leave or you can stay. You're choice. Just make sure you finish the homework. I'll be checking on Monday." Everyone (and I mean everyone) got up and left. It was just the two of us again. I didn't know what to do so I stood up and went to the door. 

"Where are you going? You have detention remember?" He said
"I know. I was just closing the door, it's too noisy" I replied. I closed the door and walked back to my desk. 

I had such an urge to do something. I never had this feeling before.. I needed him. 

I looked up and saw him reading a book. *Perfect. He is perfect and mine* He paused from reading and looked at me. 

"Is there something that catches your eye Minyoung?" He asked
"Yes there is." I replied. He smiled and went back to reading his book.

After a few minutes later, the bell rang.

"Well, What should we do for this 30 minute detention period?" He asked
"You could let me go?" I suggested.
"Haha, no. Unfortunately I can't. You're having the day with me. You and me plus cooking class!" He replied
"Then we should leave so we can have a head start!" I said
"Not quite yet, plus their are still students here. And I'm pretty sure Ms. Young is going to come back.. I'll have another excuse not talk to her" He said
"Don't you like Ms. Young?" I asked
"She's... alright I guess. I know she likes me." He said
"That's what you think about every girl. You think that everyone is head over heels for you" I replied
"Because I know they are. I know who the ones who drool and fantasize about me, and I know the ones who think I'm pure disgusting. How about I bet you another night with me that she'll come here and ask me if she would like to go out."

I always lose when people want to bet.. But this one, why not.

"Fine. It's a bet. And if she doesn't... I can leave detention and you have to cook me food."
"Deal" he said, we shook hands and went back to his desk.

Moments later, their was a knock on the door. *Oh god*

"Mr. Wu, are you joining us to the meeting or shall we fax the news to you like last time?" It was the principal, Mr. Park.
"No, fax it to me. I have detention today. And after words I have a thing to attend to" said Kris
"Oh, Minyoung you have detention? That's quite rare." said Mr. Park
"Yeah, it is. She was reckless today and wasn't paying attention in class" *Reckless? Wasn't paying attention? He made me late! And I was just reminiscing on what happened today. I should be giving him detention.*
"Well, I'm sure she won't be doing that again. Right Minyoung?" said Mr. Park
"Yes sir, I won't ever be reckless again" I said looking at Kris. He smiled and continued talking to Mr. Park.

Mr. Park was very kind towards the students of East Sea High School. He was very energetic and happy all he time. He said when he was a kid, they use to call him Happy Virus because he was always so happy. His full name is Park Chanyeol but only allows his staff to call him that. If a student calls him Chanyeol, its an automatic detention. No one ever uses his full name. Actually, no one uses any teachers real name. Except me for Mr. Wu.. Mr. Park left the room, leaving back to Kris and I.

"Reckless? You're the one who made me late.." I said
"Yes reckless. Should I have used a different word?" he asked
"What would you suggest a word that would have been appropriate?"
"It's not the word, you should have said something along the lines like I didn't do my homework or I failed a test or something like that. Not that I was being reckless." I said
"So if I said, 'She became my girlfriend this morning and she suggested I should drop her off 5 minutes away from the school so no one would see us so if you could please leave I'd like to kiss her right now.' Would you rather me say that?"  I sat their in silence *was not expecting that* I guess he made a point. "Thought so" he said.

A few seconds later the door knocked, Kris opened the door.
"Oh, Ms. Young!" He said brightly looking at me
"Mr. Wu, are you busy?"
"Just giving Minyoung detention. Do you have something to say?"
"yeah.. Do you mind if we talk out here?" she asked
"I need to be watching Minyoung so how about we talk here?" he suggested
Ms. Young hesitated, "Alright.."
"Minyoung, you can listen to music if you want" he suggested
"Alright" I plugged my headphones into my phone and started playing music. I recived a text from Kris right then *really*

To: Oh Minyoung
From: Kris Wu

Don't actually play music. Pretend. Otherwise the bet is off.

I muted my music and started to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"So.. Are you busy tonight? I was thinking we could go for drinks or something" She asked *damn it*
Kris smiled, "I'd love to Ms. Young..." I looked at him "...But I'm busy tonight sorry."
"Ah.. Alright. Another time then?" she asked
"Sure." he said. Ms. Young scurried out of the room and shut the door.
"So, guess your spending the night with me" He said cheerfully. I stared at him

Detention finally ended. Kris said he'd pick me up where he left me this morning. I grabbed my stuff and dashed through the school doors. 

I turned around, "Oh? Heeyoung. What are you doing here? I thought you had some issues?" 
"They're fixed, I was just coming to pick up some homework. Where are you headed?" She asked
"Me? Oh um.. I'm going home." I said
"Oh, You never called" She said
"I was going to call you later because I was kind of busy.." I replied. 
"Ah, do you want to discuss it right now?" Asked Heeyoung
"Uh, I can't right now.. I'm kind of in a rush to get home.." I said
"Oh, okay then. Call me later"
"Okay, see you!" I quickly walked off. 

Strange. I should've asked her if everything was fine. I shrugged it off and continued walking. 

I spotted Kris's car and ran up to it. I tried to open the door but he locked it.. 
I banged on the window, "Kris! Open the door!" I yelled. He didn't budge. I could tell he was faking it. After loads of banging, I quit and started walking away. *Fine, I just won't come over then* I started walking towards my house. 

As I walked, Kris's car started following me. 

"Hey pretty lady" Kris said
"You're gross." I replied
"I'm amazing." He said. I smiled and got in. 
"So, what shall I teach you to make? Pasta?" 
I thought about it, I don't really know what I want to make or try..
"How about we search some ingredients up online?" I suggested. 
"Good idea." 

We arrived at his house few minutes shortly. We stepped in and I felt like just sleeping. I went to his couch and layed down on my back. 

"Do you want to nap?" Kris asked
I sighed, "I don't know really.."
He looked at me, "How do you not know if you want to nap?" Kris chuckled. 
"I want too... But I don't want too."
"Would you want too if slept beside you?" I was flushed. 
"Um, no." I said. 
He smiled and went to his room to change. Realizing now, I've been wearing the same clothes for 2 days. I feel icky and gross. Maybe I should cleanse myself up..
I went upstairs to Kris's room. I knocked lightly and the door creaked opened. 
"Kris.." I whispered. The door opened and there was Kris... shirtless.



Quick update, kind of short though. 

but spring break is coming up guise :D i promise i'll update in those weeks. 

Sorry it's so short. But you guys probably know this --- KRIS IS BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK :DDDDDDDDDDD 

Leave commentsssss or subscribe :DDDD (500 views omg /;A;/ and 25 subbies iuhgoejkigueoijwfkalm <3) Sorry if theres any mistakes! -iwillatempttofixlaterr- see you guys in 5 days ^^;;

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Taemeyyaaaa #1
Pls update soon!! <3
RealFangirl #2
Chapter 8: Can i enrolled to be ur special student too kriiisss >< ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 8: Hiii~
New reader here :)
Really love this story :*

1 year?????????????
So u r not a fast-update author? TTT.TTT

I don't want to wait TT.TT
Pls update soon TT.TT
Paris24 #4
Chapter 7: update soon please
Chapter 7: Hey I really miss this story. Please update soon!
Chapter 7: Greasy Kris. LOL. XDD

Author-nim. Finally you back.
UkissistheB2st #7
Chapter 7: I laughed at "Hey there pretty lady" XD omo Krees Xd
Chapter 7: Good update <3 i totally love it :) update soon
UkissistheB2st #9
Chapter 6: Gah! Krisus is so perfect~!
Chapter 6: Such a great update!