Chapter 6

If you were the Mermaid

With quick steps Yoona walked down the hallway. In her arms a package for Sooyeon.

She lightly knocked at the door as she reached her cousins room and waited for her to be called in.

Just a few heartbeats later the door was opened and Sooyeon stood in front of her, with her hair undone and a desperate expression.

“I’ve got a package for you.”, Yoona told her a bit unsure if it was the right moment for her to interrupt. With a sigh the other girl opened the door fully and let Yoona in.

“From whom is it?”, she asked and mentioned her to put it on the bed which was covered with many different dresses.

Right, this evening was the birthday party of Donghae’s sister.

“I don’t know but there is a card.”, Yoona told her and was already preparing to go as Sooyeon sighed again as she looked into the mirror.

“Is something wrong?”, Yoona then carefully asked. A bit surprised that her cousin was asking, Sooyeon turned around and shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t know... well, it’s just... normally when I go to a party it won’t take me long to choose a dress and make my make-up and hair done, but...this time it’s different. Everything I try on doesn’t seem to be pretty enough.” She smiled lightly. “This must sound really silly. I’m just afraid that I’m not pretty enough for him.”

It was obvious that Sooyeon was talking about Donghae and even though Yoona was in love with him herself, she found her cousins insecurity cute. This was her way of expressing how much she liked him.

“That’s not true. You are pretty and I’m sure that... he thinks the same.”

Sooyeong laughed a bit and flipped her hair with one hand. “Well, like this I’m definitely not.” Yoona walked over to her. “If you want I can help you.”

“You would do that?”, she asked and Yoona answered with a nod and began to comb Sooyeon’s hair.

“Thank you, Yoona-yah... I know that we aren’t really close and haven’t talked much yet but I like you. It’s nice to talk to someone who doesn’t always brag about their money.”

“You can come to me everytime you want. I’ll listen.”, she offered sincerly. Sooyeon wasn’t like the rich girls, who are always portraited in movies or books. Actually she was pretty reserved.

“And...”, she then began, “...I’m sorry for my mother’s behaviour. I told her that I don’t want this but she won’t listen to me. I’m sorry.”

Touched by her cousin’s honest feelings, Yoona only nodded her head and smiled. “It’s not your fault. I’m grateful that I actually can stay here.”

“Do you like to be in the city that much? Or is it something else?”

“It’s...”, Yoona began but then quickly changed the topic, “...don’t you want to know what’s in the package?”

“Uhm, I guess I should take a look.” Yoona got Sooyeon the package before continuing to fix her hair. Taking out the card, Sooyeon briefly overread it before opening the box.

“Omo! How cute!”, she exclaimed and took a pretty dress out of the box. Yoona stopped in her movements as she saw the fabric.

“That’s...” “Isn’t it pretty?”, Sooyeon asked and stood up to look at herself and the dress in the mirror.

“It is...”, Yoona agreed still shocked but then she slowly shook her head. Maybe she was wrong. Right, this could just be a coincidence... a bit scared of the answer she might get, she asked: “Who sent it?”

“There’s no name written on the card but the message can only be from Donghae-Oppa! He certainly was just to shy, haha.”

was dry. She couldn’t believe her eyes and ears. Out of shock she let go of the comb, which fell onto the ground with a loud noise.

“Oh, I-I’m sorry!”, she quickly apologized and picked it up. Worried Sooyeon put down the dress again. “Is everything okay?”

“Y-Yeah! I think one of the maids called me. I’ll have to go now.”

And with these words she rushed out of the room, Sooyeon’s ‘Thank you’ reaching her only from afar.

In the hallway she leaned onto the wall.

This couldn’t be true. The dress she had picked with Donghae had actually been for Sooyeon and not for his sister?! This fact hurt and made her sad.

But what she was most vexed about was her own naivety to believe that he maybe liked her...

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Hellomej #1
Julettums #2
Chapter 10: ... Make a sequel NOW!
Chapter 10: i almost started crying... the ending was a bit sudden but more endings the reader can think up right?
you did a really good job.. you should make another one.. i would definitely read it :D
Chapter 10: I love emphasizing LOVE, But i felt that the ending seemed a bit rushed. But overall it was an enthralling plot, I really wish there were more chapters! Hope you make a new one soon Chingu good luck Kamsa-Hamnida
Chapter 8: Poor Yoona!
daisukizx #6
Chapter 1: While i do like the story, i just have a little bit of constructive criticism for you. Maybe you could try to put more commas because i've noticed that in places where commas're needed, they're often not there and the sentence sounds a little weird haha. But other than that, i think the story sounds good :)
Chapter 4: Aww such a unique and pretty story
yoonhae134 #8
Chapter 3: I agree with denylove
Its great and cute cuz it's yoonhae!!! :)
TheHonestOne #9
Such a cute interesting description so far :)