Chapter 7

I'll keep smiling for you




The scream was high-pitched, piercing Taemin’s ears, making him instantly sit upright, alarmed and worried.


He regretted doing the mindless exploit.



Taemin stuttered, looking at Key’s furious, watery eyes. His face was a bright red, and he was kneeling besides the other. 


“Taemin-ah!” Kibum lightly shouted, dropping his forehead on the other’s lap.


“It was a j-joke…” He choked on the words, clearly failing at lying.


“Stupid!” The other said, punching Taemin’s arm weakly.

“Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid!” He madly repeated.


Key lifted his face up, the tears spilling onto the couch.

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry…” Pangs of guilt pounded against Taemin’s chest.


“I was really concerned! Why would you do such an act? I fall for such pranks really easily. What if it was a high fever? What if I had to take you to the hospital? What if we went through a car crash on the way? What if I get a panic attack again? What if I remember the trauma tha-”


Taemin presses his lips softly against Key’s damp mouth, slightly bothered by his constant talking and crying.

 “Shut up, I’m fine and safe, if you worry so much you’ll get wrinkles on your face.”

Taemin’s voice was playful and also somewhat stern. Key was shocked, and then began laughing.



Kibum’s tone was more uplifting, wispy.


They both smiled and the event was now a fragment pushed into the back of their heads.


“Why were you so concerned to the point you began weeping?” Taemin had to ask, fixing his shirt and pants.


After a pause, Key stood up and went to the kitchen.

“It’s because some years ago my Father died of a heart attack and high fever, and my Mother died while driving him to the hospital in a car accident. By the time the ambulance went to pick them up and bring them to the medical center, they were already gone.” He opened a shelf, taking out a jar of chocolates.


“Are you hungry Taemin?” Key shuffled over to the distressed guy.


“I didn’t know…And I got you to put that depressing occurance in your head again…I’m sorry I’m such a jerk.” Taemin grumbled, more to himself than to Kibum.


“It’s alright.” The hurt and pain was heard in his answer.


“Really, I feel very blameworthy. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” Taemin questioned with hopeful eyes.


“Actually, there is.”


A/N: OoOooOh I wonder what Key will ask of him. //sarcasm  So today's picture is actually very in depth with this chapter. Basically its like taemin trapped under a heavy burst of Key's feels loll. okie dokie see you next update~

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well, I have landed here after clicking the random button! :D
BananaMilkCondition #2
Chapter 8: awww theyre so cute!! they're getting closer <3<3 ^^
Chapter 8: At first I was like *are they doing it*
But then I saw nope not yet!
Chapter 7: aaaah it kills me to wait for so long :ss please please please update soon author-ssi~
Chapter 7: What will key ask?
Update asap
Chapter 6: I wonder if his plan will be accomplished or not :p Kibum is obviously affected :D
Chapter 5: I really really love this!
Update soon
Chapter 5: It's too cute how Taemin's supposed to be serious or mean or sensible or whatever cuz he's detective, but he's completely under the spell of Kibum all blushing and acting like a school girl~ adorable <3
Chapter 5: Aaaw they're so cute :') I wonder if Key is really a criminal... he can't be!! He's so nice >w<