The Truth

The Dormitory


[K’s POV]

I opened my eyes and noticed that I was still tied. I blinked my eyes and noticed a figure in front of me. I stiffened when the figure moved. “You’re awake,” he said. I looked up to see that it was my captor, Kibum. “How are you feeling?” he asked me. I tsk-ed. “I’m not gonna hurt you, y’know,” he said, sitting on the chair in front of me.

“Then why’d you tie me up?”

“Youngwoon,” Kibum sighed. “If you promise to calm down and listen to me, I’ll untie your hands,” he looked sincere so I nodded and watched as he untied my hands. I rubbed my aching wrists.

I looked at him. “Why are you doing this, Kibum? They’re bound to know we’re both missing,”

“Tell me Youngwoon, do you think monsters are made? Or do you think they’re born?”

I cocked an eyebrow. “They’re born of course,”

Kibum shook his head. “There is no one who’s born evil, Kangin. Every ‘bad’ person had a reason as to why they did what they did. Even criminals had reasons to why they committed the act,” he said.

“I don’t understand where you’re getting at,” I told him.

“I mean, everything has a reason. Why do you think Hankyung keeps on avoiding Siwon?” I shook my head, urging him to continue. “It’s because Siwon did something bad to Hankyung. But why did he do that? It’s because he loves him, but his love crossed the boundary Hankyung made ever since they got together,”

I nodded. “But they’re together, it should be okay,”

He shook his head. “It’s not, because Hankyung is not yet ready to be touched again. After what happened in his past, there was no way he’d be ready. And just when he was about to fully open up and tell Siwon the reason why, Siwon had to do what he did. He had to force himself. It reminded Hankyung of the pain and treatment he received from his foster father,”

“I never knew...,”

“What about Jaejoong? Have you noticed how he tries hard to avoid Yunho? If possible, he wouldn’t want to talk to Yunho. Do you know the reason for this?” I shook my head again. “It’s because Yunho is the reason why Jaejoong has such a long scar on his arm. But that’s nothing. Yunho is also the reason why Jaejoong’s sister is now under a coma. Jaejoong told Yunho that he didn’t know what happened that day, but he knows it, he knows it well,”

“How did that happen?”

“Yunho was drunk driving. He got away after paying but he didn’t know who he had hit,”

I sighed. “I didn’t know they all had this...,”

“Junsu and Yoochun, they look like the perfect couple, don’t they?” I looked up and saw Kibum with a bottle of water. He gave it to me. I nodded my thanks and drank the whole contents of the bottle. “Junsu wasn’t like that before. He used to be really independent. I’ve never seen him so weak before,” he said.

I looked at him. “Do you know why?”

“Yoochun liked Junsu so when Junsu got into an accident and lost his memories, Yoochun felt like it was his chance. He lied to Junsu and told him that they were a couple. Junsu knew this. His amnesia was only short term. He felt used and wanted to take revenge but he didn’t,”

“Why is that?”

“It’s because he never expected himself to actually fall in love with Yoochun,”

I nodded, taking in the information. “Leeteuk,” I looked up at the mention of his name. “Leeteuk, his actually nice, did you know that?” I nodded. “Leeteuk had to pretend like he didn’t care because if he showed his weakness to anyone, it would be used against him. He would appear weak and people would start belittling him. He actually cares, more than anyone, actually,” Kibum said with a smile.

“Do you...?”

He looked at me with a smile. “It was Leeteuk’s family who took me in when I was younger. I had a past much like Hankyung’s, except, I was luckier than him. I had Leeteuk and Changmin with me. His family took care of me. Changmin loved me when I thought nobody did,”

I finally found the courage to ask. “Why are you telling me this?”

He shook his head. “You’re not the only one I’m telling this to,” he looked to the right. I followed his gaze and saw that the microphone was on; we were broadcasting. “I’m dying, Youngwoon. I don’t have much time left so I decided to do this,”

I was shocked. “What are you talking about? You’re healthy!” I said, shaking his shoulders. A bottle fell out of his pocket. I picked it up. “Me-medicine?!”

Hello, so, here the truth, finally. It’s actually the second to the last chapter. The next one will be the concluding chapter. I don’t know but you might feel that it’s rushed, it actually is. But I had planned the ending to be like this ever since. So, anyway, I don’t know when I’ll post the last chapter, but hopefully, it’ll be soon.

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i'm really sorry for the lack of updates. and thank you for still staying there and continuing reading. it means a lot to me.


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Chapter 12: Kibum is sick?! /.\ update soon
Chapter 12: NO KIBUM!!! Bummie is a ninja for kidnapping all those gorgeous men :D
Chapter 12: Kibum is sick?!
Siwon did something to Hankyung!?
Please update soon~
onehelllove #4
im so excited for the next update!!
This is amazing^^
Please, please update soon
Zoe_HJJ #6
Please update soon! I'm dying to know what happened between Hangeng & Siwon. :o
Maybe it's the kims.... I think the doctor or the other dude is the kidnapper
Short update...but it's an update...:-) getting more interesting...