Blonde Hair J-Dragon

What is Right? What is Wrong?

Jung-Ah's POV

The last four days have gone by so fast, from packing Jin's and my stuff to unpacking, it didn't really leave much time for me to cry or whine about Dongho, I didn't get the chance to even think about him, maybe this idol stuff won't be so bad. Setting up my side of the room quietly, I look over my shoulder to check if Jin is there, she's asleep on the floor. Taking a seat on my bed I pull out the picture I'd hidden away from everyone, one of Dongho and I smiling in a photo booth, his arms wrapped around me securely, my hands resting on his arms. Letting out a few tears I lay down.

"I miss you still." I whisper turning over.

"JIN! JUNG-AH YOU BETTER BE UNPACKING!" Sooyoung yells causing Jin to shoot straight up, rubbing her eyes, I lay still. I've finished. "JUN--" Sooyoung starts but stops short. "For the youngest she works fast." She mutters.

"You got to give it to her, she's been working so hard." Jin says quietly. "Plus everything that's happened."

"What do you mean?" Sooyoung asks, hearing things pushed to the side, and finally a light thump on the ground. "I know she's dating that Dongho kid."

"Was dating." Jin corrects. "She'll talk about it when she's ready, but right now I'm starving!"

"You and your stomach, I don't know how we'll afford this place with your appetite, but I guess you're making up for what little Jung-ah is eating now-en-days."

"She'll buck up soon, and if she doesn't we'll just call her brother over." Jin says, "Come on, let's go make some lunch."

"Neh, but nothing big! We have to head into SM in a few hours." The lights go off and the door is shut behind them.

Turning over to stare at the ceiling I let out a quiet sob. 'Why? Dongho, did I do something wrong?' I wonder letting hot tears run down my face. Slowly, I begin to fall asleep, letting myself fall into the black abyss called sleep.


"Wake up, come on maknae we have to head in." So Hyun sings softly. "Come on, don't make me get Sooyoung, you need to get dressed still!" She coos shaking me lightly.

Sighing I sit up looking around, everything still the same, still alive, still breathing. Getting up I walk into my closet, picking out a red and white shirt, ripped skinny jeans and black vans, pulling on my clothes So Hyun watches me carefully. "You ok?"

"I'm fine." I tell her chuckling as I pull my hair up into a pony tail, "Come on, Sooyoung must be getting into her bit--" cutting me off Sooyoung calls us. Stepping out following Sang Hee, Jin, Sooyoung and So Hyun we walk out of our dorm and into the car where Kibum is waiting for us.

"How are my favorite dongsaengs?" He asks us cheery. "Aww don't pull that face Jung-ah." Glaring at him I look out the window, "Did she just wake up?"

"Neh." They all chorus, the rest of the ride no one says anything, us all wondering why we're heading into SM, once arriving we're sent up to a conference room. Sitting at the head of the table is the president of the company, Lee Soo Man.

"Sir." We all say bowing, once formalities are out of the way, several other people come in, all the people that'll be deciding our concept, looks, everything.

"First of all, girls do you have a name?" Mr. Lee asks us.

We all look over at Sooyoung, she clears smiling nervously. "Clear Glass, because we don't have anything to hide."

"Glass?" He questions.

So Hyun speaks up this time. "Great Ladies Standing Sound."

Smiling Mr. Lee nods his head. "Alright Clear Glass, stage names?"

"Sangie." Sang Hee says smiling.

"L.J." Jin says shrugging her shoulders.

Sooyoung shakes her head laughing slightly. "So Young" She says in English.

"So Hyun, I don't really want a stage name." So Hyun says shrugging her shoulders calmly.

Everyone turns to look at me. "Miss. Kwon?"

"To be honest I haven't given it much thought." I tell him sighing.

"Have you seen some of what early fans are calling you?" He questions me. Shaking my head he chuckles. "It's after your brother in a way. J-Dragon."

Smiling I laugh. "J-Dragon." the girls all nod their heads happily. "I could flow with that." I say casually.

"Alright, next, as for your appearances they'll be changing a great deal. We're going to be pushing the limits a bit." He continues, on explaining that we're going to be competing with Miss A and a few other more risque groups.

"To mix it up a bit Miss. Kwon you'll be more edgy." Someone says, and then we're all carted off to get our hair cut. I remember Dongho telling me about all the times he's gone in to get his hair touched up or changed, he'd always surprised me when he showed me his new look.

They decide that I'll be blonde, cutting my hair a little, my long hair not quite so long but not short either, stepping out I look at my unnies, none having a drastic change.

"Jiyong is going to have a fit!" Jin giggles looking at my now freshly blonde hair. "God, I love this. It's a good thing it isn't AS blonde as Jiyong got it."

The blonde hair only reminds me of Dongho, my color is close to how his was.


"Do you like?" Dongho asks messing with his hair nervously, as I stare at it. "Do you?"

Giggling I run a hand through it. "Dongho I love it, besides you've had it blonde for a few weeks now."

Sighing he leans closer to me. "Well, I've been too busy to worry about what you thought of it until now."

"You know blonde is a nice look for you." I say as our hands lace together. "I like it a lot."

"Good, cause apparently it'll be like this for a while." He whines slightly. "I like more now."

"Do you?" I ask leaning on him now, Dongho readjusts how he was sitting so he can rest his head on mine.

"Because you like it, I like it." He explains to me happily. "Jung-Ah do you think your brother will ever like me?"

Laughing at him I answer him finally "No, my brother probably won't."

"Gee, thanks for reassuring me." He says sarcastically. "Really?"

"He doesn't want me dating, and he definitely doesn't want me dating a guy like you, and here we are dating." I tell him happily. "He'll get over it, but he won't like you for a long time. Blonde Dongho."

Chuckling he grips my hand tighter. "I hope you get to be blonde."

"It won't happen, they don't worry too much about back-up dancers." I tell him bluntly.

I know he's rolling his eyes, after we became official he's been bugging me about becoming an idol. "You'll try out and make any group."

"I don't want to be an idol Dongho." I whine turning my head into his neck. "Not ever."

"Liar, you may not always want to be an idol but sometimes you do, besides when you become an idol they'll change your hair a lot, you can be like your brother!" He says jokingly.

End Flashback~~

I suppose I should have listened to Dongho a bit better back then.

I didn't really like this chapter, but the next should be better

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holyjongin #1
wow rly like this one! :)
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 6: Awesome story you got here
Sounds really interesting! Gained a new reader here~
it's very unique that you named her "J-Dragon" and i really can imagined her look alike GD but in girl version.<br />
Even though you put a quick ending, it's a nice story :)
The ending was so cute =)
wow...<br />
I love your writing style. <br />
it was a really cute but sad story <3<br />
great job :D
YouandMe #7
aw it ended :(<br />
this is cute ^^
This is very cute :3 It's saddening that you ended it so soon though.
update soon!^^
YukiMary #10
Good for them!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
Update sooN~~ ^^