
What is Right? What is Wrong?

I'll admit hiding out here with Jin was preferable, I mean who would want to go charge out of your best friend's home, and go to continue to be a trainee? Oh, right me, I'd be distraught enough to want to keep busy by singing, and dancing my heart out until my feet bled, and I lost my voice, just so I'd feel like 'yeah, this is still possible.'

"Are you sure?" Jin asks her coat on as well, sighing I smile at her weakly, one of those sad little ones where you're not sure if everything will be ok, but I nod my head anyways.

"I'll have to face Jiyong after anyways..." I whisper stepping out, looking around I see him and his car coming down the street, driving as if nothing was wrong, but of course in his world nothing is. To him I'm still dating Dongho, and I'm still the upbeat little sister he loves, despite the boy he thinks I'm still dating. Pulling up, he gets out of the car, eyeing me his face softens, he knows what's up immediately.

"I can go kick his ." Jiyong says jogging over to hugging me close, "I won't mind the least bit." It's at this point that I can hear his big brother tone coming out, his anger coming to the surface.

Shaking my head I finally find my voice. "I-i-i-t's alright, don't you think?" I whisper my arms holding tightly to my brother.

"Jin get in the car, we're going out." He whispers kissing the top of my head. "After practice of course."

Pulling away I sit in the back with Jin, not out of character of course, Jin being my best friend, she's also extremely close with my brother, but what is out of character is that the person riding in the car with him...The man sitting there in silence looking back at us every now and then, even if he's in Big Bang with my brother, he never brings them with him to drop Jin and I off. "Hey Jung-Ah." Youngbae says lightly, "Jin."

"Hey..." Jin and I say together, both put off by his presence, as soon as my brother is buckled in we're off to the studio. Biting my lip I think about all the times I could have told my brother this isn't what I want, I just want to be a regular teenage girl, dating a rather extraordinary teenage boy. Was dating, was, as in not anymore...


"Bye Jiyong." I said rolling my eyes ignoring my brother trying to pry on my relationship yet again as Jin and I walk into practice. "You know I wish he'd just accept I'm not going to be breaking up with him."

"He can hope." Jin says sourly. "I know, I know, I'm happy for you and all Jung-Ah, but don't you think maybe there are other guys out there?"

Smiling to myself I chuckle. "Dongho is very understanding, he knows my best friend hates him, that my older brother would rather see him thrown off a bridge so he could be hit by passing cars than seeing him date me, and yet, he's nothing but polite and kind to the both of you." Looking up at the sky I continue. "I don't want to imagine me with someone else. I like who I'm with, despite all the rules."

"Rules?" Jin asks. "How can you date a guy like that?"

Smirking I hold the door open for her as we head inside the studio, the cold air blowing past us. "Simple, I don't care about it, sure no kissing in public places, holding hands in only appropriate when he makes the first move, but Jin he's already an idol, it took him a lot of convincing to his company to let us date, and I'm happy when I can see him."

"Idols..." She rolls her eyes, causing us both to laugh. "Who do they think they are?"

"Aren't you training to be one?" I as we head into a room full of other people training and keeping their hopes up that they'll be chosen to be an idol, or get close enough to be with one, normally the first out of the two choices. The two of us laughing until our instructor comes in, quickly becoming serious we focus through out our session.


"Man, they were tough today!" A group of girls complain, unknowing of the instructor behind them.

He goes on a rant. "If you can't handle today, then I suggest you don't come back." He finishes, looking back at us Jin and I bow respectfully to him before rushing out.

Seeing Dongho I smile walking up to him he grins over at me draping his arm around me. "How was today?"

"Not too bad." I tell him as Jin walks off getting in Jiyong's car. "I should probably go with them." I whisper.

Dongho's grip on my shoulder tenses a bit. "I'd rather you not, I'd like to spend some time with you."

Smiling I nod my head waving Jiyong and Jin off, both I can imagine peeved, "I'd like to shower and change." Leading me to the car waiting for him I greet U-Kiss, them directing the driver to take us back to their dorm. I've been there before, several times to be honest, but I was always with Jin or Jiyong or someone else, not going with just these boys. Growing nervous I begin to fidget, catching Dongho's eye.

"Don't worry, they aren't staying long." He whispers kissing my cheek. "Neither will we though."

Calming down slightly as we arrive I'm ushered into the bathroom, with one of Dongho's shirts, a change of  pants provided by Kevin. Quickly washing off the sweat I change into the clothing offered to me. Stepping out I'm hugged by Dongho "You look wonderful, as always." He mumbles kissing me.

Kissing him back I'm led to the couch where he happily sits me on his lap, readjusting myself I comply with him kissing my neck, but never having him take us so far I let him lead me through it, timidly I become more aware of my surroundings, us alone... "Dongho..." I murmur as he lays me down, the hovering above me.

He smiles at me kindly. "Don't worry." He whispers kissing my lips, wrapping my arms around him I feel him shutter at my touch, treading carefully we don't get too carried away, and I only say this because his phone goes off. Grunting unhappily he answers it after it continues to go off after he ignores it for a little. "Yeboseyo?" After that I stop listening, and look around the dorm, it's decent rather clean for a group of boys. "Jung-Ah." He says sharply, his eyes looking at me longingly. "We should go out, Kevin says Alexander and Kibum are bringing your brother over."

Nodding my head I readjust the shirt I'm wearing, Dongho grabbing my hand leads me out of the dorm, and down the stairs.Once making it back out into the streets of Seoul I follow him along quietly, not wanting to upset him, he didn't seem to happy at the interruption we'd just had, not knowing really how far I would have let him go, I was secretly thankful. "Here we are." He mutters, looking up I see that I'm home. "Ready to go in?"

Shaking my head I step closer to him. "I don't want to go home." Sighing though I can tell he's thoroughly irritated. "I'll go in." I say quickly, trying to step away though proved to be not what he wanted, pulling me closer he kisses my cheek, and climbs up the stairs ahead of me. "What if the rest of them are here?"

"I can face them, besides it's not like your brother's friends would let you be terribly upset right?" He asks smirking. Nodding my head I smile at him as we enter the lobby, and taking the elevator to my floor, running down the hall until I punch the code in to enter Big Bang's dorm, also my home. "Jiyong back al--" Seungri stops short looking at us. "He's going to be upset you're in his clothes."

Nodding my head I try to go to my room, but Seung Hyun stops us in the living room. "Don't even try it." He says not taking his eyes away from the screen. "He'll be home soon. Dongho I suggest you scram."

Looking at him Dongho shrugs his shoulders pulling me to take a seat next to him and Youngbae. "You two are so dead." He says chuckling.

Leaning my head on Dongho he flinches a bit, he's never been to comfortable around my brother, not that I blame him, 'G-Dragon' can be scary. Jiyong not so much. We don't get too much time to get relaxed before the door open then is slammed shut.

"Where are they?!" Jiyong's voice booms. "JUNG-AH!"

"Neh?" I squeak out standing up. "Oppa?" Suddenly Dongho's hand is in mine, him standing next to me firmly, him smiling at me, giving me more courage.

My brother tosses his keys on the counter and glares at him, then his eyes show his fury increase as he see's me in Dongho's clothing. "What. The. Hell. Did. You. Do. To. Her." He says trying to keep his temper down. "So help you god if it's what I think."

"Oppa," I whine my voice becoming steady. "We didn't do anything. I--" Stopping my sentence I realize it wouldn't help any.

"What. Did. You. Do." He tries again looking at Dongho, his gaze fixed on him, like he's ready to throw a knife at him. "Well?"

Shifting uncomfortably he answers. "She took a shower and we lent her some clothes."

Moving closer to Dongho I feel safer, I've never really pissed my brother off, and this is the first time I've seen him this angry. "Why don't you go." Jiyong says rubbing his temples, his breathing staggered. "You can see her later."

Nodding his head at Jiyong, Dongho kisses me, I can hear a few chuckles from the others, and Jiyong's breathing stopping, no doubt upset now at how sassy Dongho is, and me learning that, this is him nervous. "Bye sweetie." He whispers as I walk him to the door, for his safety.

"Jung-Ah." Jiyong says pulling on my arm, leading me to sit on the couch, all the members there, looking at us nervously. "Please for the love of god tell me he's telling the truth."

"He was, we didn't do anything really." My tone changing once I get to really, of course my voice would crack, Jiyong of course catches it, his anger rekindled. "We kissed but that's it." I add on blushing.

"He is one cheeky boy." Daesung says smiling. "But brave, Jiyong calm down, they're kids."

End Flashback~~


"We're here Jung-Ah." Jin says shaking me. "Come on, we're finding out today."

"Finding what out?" Jiyong and Youngbae ask curiously.

"If we made the final cut for a girl group." I whisper getting out, Dongho was the one the convinced me to try out, I did, and maybe you know with some extraordinary luck I made it with Jin.

This was more so just a random memory I guess for them, also showing that Jiyong and Jung-Ah have drifted apart. :o

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holyjongin #1
wow rly like this one! :)
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 6: Awesome story you got here
Sounds really interesting! Gained a new reader here~
it's very unique that you named her "J-Dragon" and i really can imagined her look alike GD but in girl version.<br />
Even though you put a quick ending, it's a nice story :)
The ending was so cute =)
wow...<br />
I love your writing style. <br />
it was a really cute but sad story <3<br />
great job :D
YouandMe #7
aw it ended :(<br />
this is cute ^^
This is very cute :3 It's saddening that you ended it so soon though.
update soon!^^
YukiMary #10
Good for them!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
Update sooN~~ ^^