
Ready When You Are
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I blinked several times and gulped, trying to stay calm, while the ever-so-seducing seducing smirk played around his lips. My eyes observed him; his lean yet quite muscular body was leaning against the wall, his hair still a bit wet from the practice and the smirk that slowly turned into a smile.


I opened my mouth to say something, only to close it again because nothing came out- I didn’t know what to say at all.


“Do you want me to show you that one dance move?” Kai asked and smiled at me. I hoped I didn’t flush too much, and mentally squeezed my eyes shut.


Only then I realized that Kai had asked me something, to which I hadn't answered, but just stared. “Uh..” I cleared my throat before straightening up.


As I looked up and our eyes met, I realized what he meant. That dance move. The one I had tried to copy with my fingers. The one on which Kai caught me...


I tilted my head, thinking about it. It wouldn’t hurt to say yes, right?


“Um, if you're okay with it?” I said unsurely, tapping the top of my right foot on the ground. Kai smiled again- this time with teeth- and I almost bit my tongue seeing it.


“I wouldn’t ask, if I wasn’t.” he smirked, reaching out his hand to take mine gently, and lead me into one of the many practice rooms of the building. His hand was very warm, and his skin felt just as soft as I remembered it to be.


He opened the door, and motioned me to go in first. I shyly nodded before entering. Compared to the practice room our groups usually used, this one was ridiculously small, but there was still more than enough space for two people.


A big mirror, like in every dance room, occupied the opposite wall, and by habit I walked to the mirror immediately.


As I remembered that this wasn’t my ballet practice, I turned around and back-faced the mirror again. Kai looked at me eagerly and stepped back, uncomfortable with the high hopes he had for me. He probably thought that I'd be able to follow the steps perfectly, which was, most likely, not going to be the case.


“Can you show me the whole dance first before I learn that one move?” I asked, in an attempt to push the actual reason for coming with him to this room in the background.


Kai didn’t seem to see through my cover, only nodded and started dancing. Mentally, I let out a relieved sigh before I sat on the floor and leaned against the mirror behind me.


Even without music Kai danced so perfectly, making it very easy to imagine the music. His steps were so smooth and it seemed like his moves were the music- just for my eyes instead of my ears. I didn’t even notice that my mouth had opened a bit when watching him dance.


I hurriedly closed it and sat up uncomfortably- it was now my turn. “Err, don’t expect too much from me. I never danced anything beside ballet, so...” I mumbled before stretching myself.<

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Wow. Typos are going to haunt me forever... *Are


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Chapter 8: so sweet.. i like this. so good. Thankyou authornim for the lovely story.
Chapter 8: Das so cuuuuuuuuuuuute they ended up dating and he likes to dance and she likes to dance and they dance together little dancing couple doing school performances and stuff how adorable~
Chapter 7: How cute, he had always watched her dance too^^
Chapter 6: that she doesn't like ballet as much because her teacher isn't the best :/ at least she's getting lessons from someone much better hohoho~
Chapter 5: Private dance lessons aye, get it gurl
Chapter 4: yay she's being friendly with his friends~ I sense some sort of confession coming soon~
Chapter 3: I knew the second she lost her phone that he was gonna find it and return it to her omg still cute thoooooo
Chapter 2: how adorably awkward they kept running into each other cause she was lingering around trying to creep on him lol
Chapter 1: omg so cute already ahhh
Queenka94 #10
Chapter 8: *Warm, and happy feeling I'm getting.