Ice on My Ankle

Rhythm of Love


"Hey! What are we gonna do about the kids." I ask him.

"I don't know!  But we also have to see what are we gonna do about your leg." Taemin says.

"Boo!" Taemin and I turn and see that the ones who screamed were Jimin and Taeyeol.

"Where have you been? And why did you disappear all of a sudden." I yell at them.

"Easy! Take it easy!" Taemin calms me. "So...Kids, why did you disappear?" he asks them calmly.

*How can he be so calm? Or maybe I'm worrying too much? Neah...It can't be that!*

"Well.... We wanted to let you two alone, so we went here in the glade to pick some flowers." Jimin explains.

*Uff....This kid!*

"I don't get it. Why did you want that?" Taemin asks the curiously.

*Please don't tell him! Please...* I signal to her a 'shhh'. *Please listen to me!!*

"Just because!" Jimin answers.

"Hmmm...Ok! I hope you had enough fun today at the park, because we'll go back home now."  Taemin announces.

"What? Why?...That's not fair!" the two kids protest.

"Taemin-shi is right, we're going home Taeyeol..."

"No! No. You can't go like that! We have to walk you home!" Taemin says.

"You don't need to."

"I insist! We're walking you home! It's in our way anyway."

"Ok." I finally gave in, plus I didn't dislike the way he was holding me because of my leg.

"Kids, Ahri's leg is hurt so I'm going to help her walk. You'll have to stay with us closely. Did you get it?" Taemin asks the kids.

"Yes!" Taeyeol and Jimin answer at the same time.

The walk home was quite calm, maybe too calm. Well except for Yeollie and Jimin that were talking too much! But you know what I'm talking about...He wasn't saying anything...And I was too stupid to say anything...But I'm wondering *Why is he doing all these things?.... Why is he acting so kindly towards me?*....I think I'll never find out.

"Where are the keys?" The silence of my thoughts is interrupted by Taemin's voice.

"What?" I ask a little dumbfounded.

"The keys? The door is locked."

"Aaaa...Sorry...I forgot that grandma left. Wait a sec." I tell him before I start to search through my pockets after my keys. "Here!" I give him the keys.

*I wonder when did we get here so fast.*

"Which is the one for the door?"

"This one!"

He easily opens the door with his free hand and helps me enter.

"Where's your room?"


"To help you go there, you have to sit right now!" he explains.

"It's upstairs, but I'll better go in the the kitchen, because I want to put some ice on my ankle." I tell him.

"Ok...but let me help you!"


He helps me go to the kitchen and sit down on a chair, then he starts looking for some ice in the freezer.

"You know, you're not obligated to do all these things." I tell him.

"I know, but I can't just stay and look at you being in pain." he answers without having any expression on his face. "Here! Let me put the ice on your ankle."

I untie my shoe laces and then get off my socks too and I let him put the ice on my problematic ankle.

"Aaah! So cold!"

"It's good so you don't have to complain."

"Do you want a glass of juice or water?"

"Sure, but its better that I serve myself because you can't move." he explains.

"Ok, if you say so."

"Do you want some too?"


We started talking about the old trips we had with the school and we laughed a lot remembering all those funny things.

"Do you remember when you, the boys from our class and the boys from the other class tried to scare us the girls in that 1 night and 2 days trip?" I ask him while laughing.

"Yeah...haha...we tried to scare you, but we were the one scared in the end!"


"Noona!" Taeyeol screams from upstairs.

"Come down here if you want to tell me something." I also scream.

"Ahri, it's lunch time so I think we should leave too." Taemin tells me.

*Nooo...Don't leave! Why are you leaving so early?*

"Ok!" I say even if I wanted to say something else.

"Jimin, get your shoes on! We're leaving!"

"Why?...I just wanted to ask Ri if she would let us go in the tree house." Taeyeol says while pouting.

"Another time, because now we have to go! Let's go Jimin!" 

"Bye Taeyeol! Bye Ri!" Jimin says her goodbyes.

"Bye!" me and Taeyeol say.

"Bye Ri-ri!"

"Stop calling me that!" I yell at him.

"However you say!" Taemin says while leaving.

Until granny came back to make us lunch, Taeyeol and I sat in the kitchen and watched some cartoons on the TV. When she came back, she didn't even ask anything about my ankle. I mean she saw that I had ice on my leg, she even helped me go upstairs in my room, but she didn't ask anything like "How did you get hurt?" or "How did you get home if you can't walk?"...You usually ask things like these if you see someone with the leg in that state. Anyway, my ankle feels better right now and I think I can walk, but I won't try anything until mom comes home.

Now, because I'm staying in my bed, I decide to take the book I was reading and start reading. I was reading Melissa Marr's 'Wicked Lovely'. I loved this book! She has vast imagination and a lot of good ideas!...I open the book where I stopped reading and I start to read again.

I was in the trance of reading when I hear someone say:

"What did happen to your leg?" I stop reading and look to see who interrupted me. It was mom.*It's already 4?* I look at the clock and see that it's just 3:20....*Time flies so fast...*

"Nothing to worry about!" I say to her.

"How can you say that it's 'nothing to worry about' when you have ice on your ankle and it's also swollen!" she scolded me.

"But it's not a big thing! I just needed some help to walk." I explain her.

"You needed help?!? It's settled! We're going to the doctor! I'm going to call her right now!" she says and exits my room."

She always stresses so bad for minor things.

"Do you need help to walk?" she asks me.


"Do you need help to walk?...We're going to the doctor to look at your leg!" mom announces.

"No...I'll walk by myself ."I walked to the car by myself without her helping me and I think I put too much effort. On the way to the doctor's cabinet we didn't say anything and we let the music from the radio cover the silence between us.

"That's all!...It's nothing serious! Tonight you'll be like new! It was just a bit swollen from the impact." the doctor explains.

"But she couldn't walk!" mom tell her.

"That's because of the pain! I've already told you!...Nothing to worry about! Tonight you'll se her jumping around the house with my girl and Victoria.

I forgot to mention that my doctor is Luna's mom. My mom and her were high school best friends and they still are.

"You know how mom gets worried even for the smallest scratch!" I giggle.

"You could have sprained it or dislocated it!" mom tells me.

"But I didn't do it! I'm ok, can't you see?" I smile to her.

"But how did you get hurt?" the doctor asks me.

"I tripped over a rock." I explain.


"Ok...We should leave now! Let's go Ahri."



"See, it wasn't such a big deal." I tell her while entering in the car. "Now, can we go to the supermarket and do the shopping for the party?"

"Yes...But I have something to ask."


"How did you get home if you couldn't walk?"

"Aaaa...I hardly got home, but I tried. I think you didn't want me to stay in the park!" I decided to tell her a lie because the she will ask me more and I didn't want to.


Hey guys! N.Ana here! Sorry because I didn't say anything these past few chapters, but I was very busy with school. Now I'm here to tell you how much I love you and how much  I appreciate your comments and the fact that you subscribed to my story. And also pleade forgive me if the chapters are too short and forgive Loou for the mistakes, because she posts the chapter around 11-12 PM in our country (our only free time) and also English isn't our first language.

I hope you liked my story and thanks to all our subscribers! <3

Please comment because I want to know your opinions and it will also make me verry happy  and inspire me! ^.^


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Bluecometx #1
Chapter 11: I. LOVE. THIS. STORY. SO. MUCH. It's just so good I loved it so much! <3 <3 <3
choheebaby #2
Chapter 11: Cool Story!!!! i like it really!!! <3
Chapter 11: Great story! Short, but delightful :)
♥ it!
Chapter 11: The story's GREAT :3
It never failed to make me smile :)))
Chapter 11: I loved the end chapter! It was really sweet! If that's really based on your life then your life is AWESOME! Ilook forward to subscribing to your next fanfic! :3
Chapter 11: awwww to bad it is already over but I loved it. It was an amaing story.
Chapter 10: OMG! Chapter 10 was sooo good! I need to read more, it's a matter of life and death here! Please write more because i really love your fanfic! Ahri and Taemin are sooo cute together and i want to see if Luna ends up with Jonghyun, your fanfic is so amazing that if it gets much better i might pass out in the presence of it's awesomeness! :3
Chapter 5: the chapters so far have been really good and i love the story line! :3
Can't wait for the next chapter ^^
Fighting Writers!!! You never fail to surprise me :))