Breakfast With My Family

Rhythm of Love


I hear a noise and suddenly I wake up. It was my phone, and it Victoria was the one calling like always.

"Neeee..." My sleepy self answers,

"Good morning sunshine!" Vic greets me happily.

"What! Why the heck do you wake me up so early when it's Saturday." I scream to the phone.

"Chillax sweetie! I called you to remember you that today we are having our pijama party at your house. So get ready! Bye!" 

I hang up and I look at the clock. It's 9. I throw my head on the pillow, hoping that I will sleep some more. Nonsense! It has already been 10 minutes.

"Uff, Victoria...!" I scream irritated.

Ever since we were little Victoria had the habit to wake me up early every Saturday morning. Excuse? "I have to wake up early to go to the swimming classes, so I feel bad if you two aren't awake as well..." *What a stupid excuse!*

I get up from my bed and I take the sweater from last night. I leave my room and I go straight to the kitchen because I was very hungry. When I arrive there I see all of my family at the table, to my surprise.

"Morning!" I greet.

"Morning sweetie!  Victoria, isn't it?" my dad asks.


"Take a seat. Do you want some cereals?"  grandma asks while showing  a box of my favorite cereals, Honey Cheerios.

"Sure granny!" I smile and I seat on one of the chairs at the table.

"Ri! Will you go with me to the park today?" Taeyeol asks.


"Thanks!" he says and comes to give me a kiss.

"Ododo! Little cute thing!" I say and pinch his cheeks and then I proceed to ask mom something

"Mom, can you drive me to the supermarket to buy some things for tonight. The girls are coming for a sleepover."

"Yes, but around 4 PM because I'm kind of busy with work at the PR company. Tomorrow there is an event with a popular publishing house, SLF, and we have to organize that.

"SLF?" I ask excited.

"Yes, why?" mom also asks.

"Can I come?!? I promise I'll be good and I'll listen to everything you say and I'll stay at the organizers' table all the time! Pleeeeeeaaaaaseeee!!!!"

"Ok, but please try not to jump on everyone there. I know you...I hope you have a beautiful dress for this kind of an event?"

"Of course, mommy. Thanks!" I say and I kiss her cheek.

" stop because I have to go. Bye!" she says as she takes her last sip of coffee before leaving.

"You'll be with grandma later today because I have to do some grocery shopping for mom and I think we'll both be home around 3-4 PM." dad informs us.

"Ok." Me and Taeyeol tell at the same time.

"What do you want for lunch?" granny asks.


"French fries!"

"I can't do two things at the same time so I'll make soup, because yesterday at lunch you had french fries, remember Taeyeol? And I won't cook that for you as it isn't healthy." granny says to us.

"I don't like it!" Yeollie says while puffing his cheeks and kicking air with his hands and legs.

"Taeyeol! Stay still! You'll eat what granny cooks or you will not eat anything! Got it?" dad tells him with slight authority while using a scary look that scared me when I was little.

"Ok..." Yeollie answers still sadly.

"I finished!" my dad informs. "I'll go watch some TV, you two finish your food and then you can leave."

"Yes daddy! Both me and Taeyeol say while jokingly making the military sign.

After we ate and we went upstairs.

"Yeollie. Go wash your teeth and face and then get dressed!" I tell him.


I also go to the bathroom to wash my teeth and face. When I look in the mirror I'm almost scared by my face that had two big dark circles and hundreds of pimples.


I take a fast shower and after I dry myself I go to the mirror to apply some foundation to conceal my dark circles and pimples. A bit of mascara doesn't do any bad either.

"I think I'll let my hair like this..." I say as I comb my slight curly hair.

I go to my room to get dressed. I get my plaid red, black and brown thick skirt. I also tuck in a beautiful white and frilly shirt which I compliment with a beautiful grey scarf and a pair of black sunglasses.

"You did well that you got your sunglasses."

"What?" I turn around and see Yeollie.

"The sunglasses! Outside is sunny!...You did well that you got them!"

"Aaaa...Yeah...I knew! That's why I got them. Are you ready?"


"Ok, I'll get my shoes and we can go. You go downstairs and wait for me. Ok?"

"Nee...I'll wait!"

After he leaves I get my red converse from my closet, get them on and then I go downstairs where I find my little brother waiting for me near the door.

"Are you ready?" Taeyeol asks me.

"Yes...Let's go!." I smile kindly to him and take his hand.

"Ah-ri!!" my grandma screams when we were already out of the house.


"Wait, don't leave! Take your keys with you! I'll leave for a bit later so the door will be closed if your dad leaves also." she tells while handing me a pair of keys.

"Thanks! Bye!"


Heey! This is Loou! This story is N.Ana's, but I'm the one translating it and posting it so don't worry! I wanted to say that we want to thank all our lovely subscribers that took the time to read our story and also leave some comments. You have no idea how happy we are when we see that we have a new subscriber or a comment. Please comment more and tell us if you dislike or like something, if you see any mistake, because I usually translate around midnight so I'm not that aware of my mystakes!

Thank you so much for everything you did for us! We love you!


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Bluecometx #1
Chapter 11: I. LOVE. THIS. STORY. SO. MUCH. It's just so good I loved it so much! <3 <3 <3
choheebaby #2
Chapter 11: Cool Story!!!! i like it really!!! <3
Chapter 11: Great story! Short, but delightful :)
♥ it!
Chapter 11: The story's GREAT :3
It never failed to make me smile :)))
Chapter 11: I loved the end chapter! It was really sweet! If that's really based on your life then your life is AWESOME! Ilook forward to subscribing to your next fanfic! :3
Chapter 11: awwww to bad it is already over but I loved it. It was an amaing story.
Chapter 10: OMG! Chapter 10 was sooo good! I need to read more, it's a matter of life and death here! Please write more because i really love your fanfic! Ahri and Taemin are sooo cute together and i want to see if Luna ends up with Jonghyun, your fanfic is so amazing that if it gets much better i might pass out in the presence of it's awesomeness! :3
Chapter 5: the chapters so far have been really good and i love the story line! :3
Can't wait for the next chapter ^^
Fighting Writers!!! You never fail to surprise me :))