Take your masks off!

Rhythm of Love

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Sad for me, my friends and I couldn’t go to pizza tonight, because they have to prepare for the Halloween prom, just like all my classmates. And I have to walk alone.

Just as I enter in my neighbourhood I see all the Halloween decorations. It’s just like your neighbors want to impress and show off with who had the most beautiful decorations. You could see everywhere different kinds of lights, pumpkins with scary faces, boards that where so scary etc. Some of the houses had also spider webs put at the doors or windows with false spiders. Most of the houses had puppets in forms of witches, ghosts, vampires or monsters. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I see that someone improvised a mini cemetery in the front of his house. The kids are walking by trick or treating, disguised in different kinds of costumes hoping to scare the people. I was like them when I was little, walking from house to house to ask for candies, and then I would come home wanting to count my candies to see how many I received.

I enter in the house and just as I want to take off my shoes…


“AAAAHHHHHHH!” I scream like a little girl.

“Puhaha… Mommy, you should see noona’s face! I scared her so much! Hahaha!” my little brother tells mom laughing hard.

He was dressed like a vampire. Maybe he is going trick or treating. I glance up at my mother and see she was dressed nicely for an occasion, I guess.

“Are you going somewhere?” I ask her.

“Yes. Your father’s boss is organizing a party tonight, so me and your dad won’t be home until tomorrow. The party is hold out of the town. And this little kid here is going  trick or treating, with his classmates, so you and granny will be alone tonight.” She told me.

“Aaaa… ok. I’ll go upstairs. Have fun tonight. And you, don’t stay too much outside.” I say and go to my room.


I was sitting alone on my bed, with my headphones on, listening music and thinking how would it be if I was going to the prom. The prom started at 9 o’clock and now it was 10:30 pm already. My friends are having fun for sure dancing, enjoying the party.

Suddenly I see the door opening and my grandmother enters in the room. I take off my headphones and look at her.

“What’s up?” I ask her.

“This!” she says showing you a box.

“What’s in the box?” I ask curious.

“Open and find out. I think you’ll be very happy when you’ll see what’s there. Come to me when you’re ready. Bye!” she says leaving you dumbfounded.

*Weird.* I shook my head.

“Let’s find out what’s up with this strange box.” I say to myself.

Just as I opened the box I was shocked. Inside the box there was a beautiful white long dress with matching shoes. The dress was wonderful.

*Why did she give me this? I’m not going anywhere …. Maybe… Wow! I can’t believe it!*

My grandmother couldn’t stand seeing me sad so she gave me her old dress to wear at the Halloween prom.

I put some makeup on, curled my hair and put the dress on. I was really beautiful, the single thing missing was a mask. And you knew the perfect one. I went to the nightstand and took my mask. I looked in the mirror and I was shocked. Even I couldn't say it was me. I thought it was someone else. I was so beautiful and dressed like that nobody could recognize me. Now everything was perfect and I knew the night will be magic. I was so happy that I finally can go to the prom. I wanted to see Taemin so much, to talk with him, to dance with him and the most important thing to confess your feelings.

Coming downstairs I saw  granny.

"I'm ready." I say.

"I see... Ahri, you look so beautiful!" she says.

"Grany, thank you so much. I love you." I say hugging her.

"Ok, ok... Now you have to promise me you won't say anything to your mother. She doesn't know. I let you just because I know how much you wanted to go to this prom. Arraso?" my grandmother asks me.


"Ok. Now go. Quickly, because I called your cousin to give you a ride and he's waiting outside." she says pushing you outside.

I was so happy to see my cousin again. He was so busy with work, that I couldn't see him often, so I missed him. 

"Where are you going, little miss?" I hear a voice.

I look better and see my cousin coming closer to me.

"Aygo! My little cousin is so pretty tonight." he says ruffling my hair.

"Donghae!! Yah! Don't ruin my hair." I say pouting.

I was always acting like a little kid around him.

"Woaa... Dp you want to impress someone?" Donghae asks and I was now as red as a tomato. "Haha... I knew it.... Do you like a boy?" he raises his eyebrows.

"Yah! Oppa, don't embarrass me."

"Ok. But what character are you tonight?" he asks me while going inside his car.

I thought a little and then answered.

"I think I'm Cinderella." I smile.

"Aaaa... I understand. And now you're going to meet your prince." he giggles.

"Focus on the road oppa!" I hit his shoulder.

"Aish. This girl."

The ride was quick and fun. I laughed so much with Donghae and exchanged stories. But as the ride was quick I already arrived at the Halloween prom. I got off the car and entered in the huge ballroom. The ballroom was full of people that I didn't recognize because they were all disguised. The ballroom was decorated with lots elegant but still scary decorations. There were the usual Jack'o lanterns and spider webs and spiders were hanging from the dashing chandeliers. The light was diffuse and the ballroom was filled with fake fog to make the atmosphere more scary. 

I was walking by the crowd admiring the decorations without looking where I was walking. I suddenly bumped into someone and I was just about to fall when that someone caught me just in time. I looked at the person and saw it was a boy, but you couldn't say what boy because of the mask. Somehow that eyes were kind of familiar.

"Sorry. I wasn't looking. Sorry." I bow and blush.

"Calm down. It's nothing." the boy disguised like Sherlock Holmes says. "By the way you're cute!"
At that moment I blush again. *What's happening with me? I should find Taemin.* 
"I-I...uurm... Thanks." I say.
"Hey, do you want to dance?" the boy asks me.
*Aish... What to answer? I don't even know who he is. Should I? What am I going to lose anyway?* 
"Sure." you answer him.
He smiles at me melting my heart. He takes my hand and guides me to the dance floor. A rock melody just started and you two follow the rhythm. While dancing I often talked with the guy, even if I didn't know who he was. He was hot, but cute. He seemed interesting, he was a good dancer, he was nice to me and was making really good jokes. I was feeling like I was falling in love with that unknown guy, even if I liked Taemin. I went to grab a drink with the guy, still enjoying our talk. We were sitting at the bar when a slow melody started.
"Mind if I have this dance too?" he smirks at me. 
*I don't know what's happening with me. Usually I'm not like this. But this guy seems very interesting and mysterious. It's something that attracts me to him.*
I put my arms aroud his neck and I let my head rest on his chest, then he put his arms on my waist. We started dancing slowly to the rhytm. That moment I felt like I was floating. I felt so good in his arms. I felt warm and protected. I didn't want that melody to end. I wanted to stay like that, in his arms, foreverer.
But unfortunately the song stopped, just like me and the guy. I raiesed my head and looked at him, and he at me. We were looking in each other's eyes and he leaned closer to my face, until it were just a few inches between our lips.
"You're beautiful!" he says and kisses me. It was magic. His lips were so sweet and moved with desperation demanding me to respond and I did, I kissed him back and I felt good.
"Sorry guys to interupt your music, but I have to make an anouncement. It's 12 o'clock and you know what that means! Take your masks off!!!!" the dj screams.
And at this, the guy stops the kiss and reaches for your mask getting it off. and you do the same thing with his.
We say at the same time startled because of the shock.
*I can't belive I just kissed him! I'm so embarrased. I should just go home!*
But when I want to leave, Taemin gets my wrist to stop me.
Then he hugs me and kisses me again, this time with passion and desire. I can tell that this night was magic.
Hey guys! Missed me?... Hope so.... Was someone thinking that this would happen?.... I shocked you, right?... Kekeke... See you next chap. Bye! ^_^
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Bluecometx #1
Chapter 11: I. LOVE. THIS. STORY. SO. MUCH. It's just so good I loved it so much! <3 <3 <3
choheebaby #2
Chapter 11: Cool Story!!!! i like it really!!! <3
Chapter 11: Great story! Short, but delightful :)
♥ it!
Chapter 11: The story's GREAT :3
It never failed to make me smile :)))
Chapter 11: I loved the end chapter! It was really sweet! If that's really based on your life then your life is AWESOME! Ilook forward to subscribing to your next fanfic! :3
Chapter 11: awwww to bad it is already over but I loved it. It was an amaing story.
Chapter 10: OMG! Chapter 10 was sooo good! I need to read more, it's a matter of life and death here! Please write more because i really love your fanfic! Ahri and Taemin are sooo cute together and i want to see if Luna ends up with Jonghyun, your fanfic is so amazing that if it gets much better i might pass out in the presence of it's awesomeness! :3
Chapter 5: the chapters so far have been really good and i love the story line! :3
Can't wait for the next chapter ^^
Fighting Writers!!! You never fail to surprise me :))