Sending you home . :D

Crush !

L's car came in front of your house . ChangBum was waiting you with a thin cloths . Not wearing any coat or something thick .

L pick you up in bridal style . He walk out from the car . 

"Kim MyungSoo ?Is that you ?"

"Nea hyung . It's me !"

"Hey bro ! What the hell are you doing here ?"

"I just moved from Paris of course" : make a (=.=) face . 

"Yeah right . Put her inside of her room ."

ChangBum led the way . L carry you like a thin fur . ChangBum open the door and push L in . 

"I'll be in my room if you want something."

"Hmmm . Keurae hyung ! (Hmmm . Okay brother!)."

ChangBum close the door . L put you down on your bed . L stare at your face for a moment and your hair . 

Don't cry because of a boyfriend anymore HyoMin-ah . Your tears is expensive . Don't waste it . 

L take a quick tour on your room . It was tidy and neat . 

There were a shelf that full with frame . Plenty pictures of you with EXO , Boyfriends and 100% and there were a picture of you with Infinite too . There was a frame that write "My boyfriend "along with it. You cover it with a sticky note .. "My one and Only .. Kim MyungSoo .. Eeeeep . MyungSoo oppa ! Saranghae ! <3 <3" L take the sticky notes off and see a picture where you and L holding your hands and make a big love . *I really miss this time*  He walk to your table and see your diary there . He took a glance at you and see you still sleeping . *I can't do this . It's her privacy . " He walk out from your room . He told ChangBum that he going home . ChangBum noded and lead him to the door . They bid a goodbye then went to do their things . 

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Story .. Kkeut ! (Complete)


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Chapter 42: Aww, a cute ending :3
byuntaehunny #2
Chapter 40: I as malaysian too i understand it :)
Greyljoe #3
Chapter 42: the best story ever...this story also my favorite now..i know I'm late read this story..but it relief to read this fluffy story..the author-nim the best
sunfoolfinger #4
Chapter 42: DAEBAK author - nim #thumbs up#