Heads Will Roll



6th grade – you were still friends.

Both of you knew everything about each other. You were best friends, so why wouldn’t you?

The most important thing, you remember, was that he always stuck by your side no matter what. It started when you were unable to reach things because of your height – he was your handy man and grabbed whatever you needed. He was there for when you got hurt on the playground – he always was the first one to rush over and put a band aid on your wound.

He was there when he found about who you really were.

When your training became serious, you tended to distance yourself from others. They always thought it was weird when you told them you were being trained how to fight, anyways. It made you sad to have to do that, but you figured that being alone was better than people thinking you were some kind of freak. But that wasn’t how JoonHong was.

You wanted to keep that part of your life from him, but it was clear that wasn’t possible and you dreaded telling him. When you did, however, he didn’t call you weird or stopped wanting to talk to you. He thought it was cool – he thought that it made you special. He even asked you to teach him some of ‘your moves’.

That moment really sealed your friendship. You thought that this was the one person you could count on and lean on if you needed. He liked you the way you were and that made you happy.

It broke your heart when you had to disappear.




I knew that when the gunshot was heard that my heart stopped beating. It was for a moment, but I swear that I felt like my heart stopped and I died, couldn’t breathe and couldn’t get a grasp on what just happened. Joonhong’s body jerked when the bullet impacted him, and all his weight fell onto me as I held him up. The car drove away when the rest of B.A.P caught up, but chasing them down wasn’t even a main priority of theirs at the moment.

They crowded around us, all shouting his name as if that would make what happened disappear. But clearly, with the blood staining his skin and mine, it was all definitely happening and I couldn’t take it anymore as I felt him wheeze in my arms.

Stop!” I screamed, causing their yelling to stop long enough for me to bark out commands that I wasn’t about to take a no for. “You! Give me your bandanna! You and you! I need you to carry him to your car and I need you to drive to the hospital! Understand?”

I hushed JoonHong as he groaned in pain, using the bandanna handed to me to place pressure where the bullet was. There was no way I could leave right now. No, especially not when I’d just found my long lost friend and the fact he took a bullet for me. “Idiot,” I muttered and ignored the stinging in my eyes, having two of his gang mates carry him into the car. They protested on going to the hospital in fear of getting interrogated, but after telling them that I was part of the police they shut their mouths and just drove.

“Mmfh. . . Ha. .a. .nnh. .” JoonHong was laying on me while I kept pressing the bandanna onto his wounded body, and he struggled to place his jerking hand on mine. I almost whimpered.

“Shh,” I whispered softly, ignoring any of the other member’s words and comforting him, running my free hand through his hair. “It’s okay. I won’t let anything happen to you. . . I promise.” My main priority was my father, but I couldn’t just leave JoonHong like this. . . I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.

When we arrived at the hospital, we didn’t waste any time in getting him out of the car and into the building. I was glad that I’d kept my badge with me at all times and told everyone to keep quiet as I handled everything. JoonHong was immediately taken into the emergency room and with a flash of my badge I knew he would be getting some of the best care here.

If anything were to happen to him, I thought as I watched them taking my dying friend into a room to operate, if he doesn’t make it out of here safely and healthy? Heads will roll.


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a u t h o r ' s  n o t e :

I know this chapter is short - that's on purpose! I'm here to warn you that the next chapter will be very long and filled with things that will officially get this story going. Please look forward to that! ^^ Also, I've changed the forward and added a few hints as to what will be happening, so maybe you should go take a look :b that's it for now!

Comment and sub if you like this story, like always because I love hearing from you guys  and it encourages me to keep going <3

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Marelynn_Neko #1
Chapter 7: Will this story be updated? It's okay if there isn't but a heads up would be nice c;,
ScarletSatana #2
Chapter 7: Please update soon!!! I really REALLY love this story <3
Chapter 7: please update soon!! :)
Kakishi101 #4
Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Please update!! This story is REALLY REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PunkRock123 #5
Chapter 7: This story is really good
waiting for the next updates.
exotichaanee #6
Oh! I know it's JYJ! :) Heh please update soon! You're amazing!
exotichaanee #7
One* heh sorry ><
exotichaanee #8
This is really really good! Keep on going! I can't wait~ And I guessed in of the figures~ VIXX :) I don't know the other one though~
Zoey123 #9
Chapter 7: update sooon plz this is really good