I'll Bring Him Home



Flashback, About 15 years ago.

“Daddy! You’re home!”

Your little face filled with joy and you ran as fast as your little legs could go. The man at the door, although incredibly tired, still smiled as he met his little girl with a giant hug.

Back then, your daddy seemed like a giant.

Every time she giggled as he spun her around, and it filled his heart with joy. His own daughter. You. The reason he worked so hard was for you – so you wouldn’t have to live in such a bad place when you grew up. But he knew that it was necessary to prepare you for reality, and he hated to have to do this when you were a child, hated having to teach you things no one should have to know.

All he wanted was to keep you safe.




“Hana, your father is missing.”

The words rang through my ears and I stared at him. Silence.

I let go of the door knob without thinking, and Seunghyun walked in and closed the door behind him. Finally then, I managed to think – I managed to speak. “ … Are you sure? Maybe he’s taking a vacation, or maybe he could be hiding or on some solo job. He can’t be missing.”

Not my dad. My dad was an incredible man and that was something no one could deny. He was brave and smart and strong – he was the best secret agent his agency ever had. How could he go missing?

“We couldn’t believe it either. But it’s true… Yesterday. Around 2 I went to go pick him up at his apartment like we agreed but when I got there he was gone. His apartment was a mess, like someone had turned it upside down looking for something. And… And there was something else too.”

I only eyed for him to continue.

“There was blood, Hana. Your father’s blood.”

My heart wanted to stop then. I shook my head, slowly but gaining speed the more I wanted to think that this wasn’t true. “No… No it can’t be right. My father probably accidently hurt himself and he went to the hospital to - ”

“We checked everything out as precise as precise gets, and it wasn’t an accident. I wish it was, Hana, but your father… he’s really missing. There’s only one thing that comes to our mind when we inspected, and there’s really one thing that could have possibly happened. Your father’s been kidnapped. The thing is… By who, we don’t know.”

Kidnapped? I was thinking rationally again and I paced around the room, nodding as everything made sense even if I didn’t want it to. My dad had a lot of enemies in his line of work, that much was obvious. Who would want to hurt him the most, though? My fists tightened at the thought. Then I thought of something and I froze. I looked desperately to Seunghyun. “You said yesterday, right? Around 2?”

“Yes, that’s what I said.”

“My dad called me yesterday - around 12.”

Seunghyun’s eyes widened and he took steps closer to me, grabbing my arm urgently. “Hana, what did he say?”

I couldn’t answer him. I could only stare into nothing as my eyes started to sting. He shook me a little, and I looked at him blankly.

Hana, what did he say?!”

“I don’t know…”

“What do you mean you don’t know? How do you not - ”

Because I didn’t answer the phone okay! I ignored the call, I didn’t answer my dad because I was mad!”

Then I was crying and Seunghyun took in a deep breath and just pulled me to him. He my hair just like my dad used to when I was scared and it made things worse. “Don’t, Hana… You didn’t know… Don’t cry. We’re going to find him and bring him home safely. We’ll send our next best agent and we’ll find him.”

That’s when I decided. It was surprising even to me how quickly my crying and fear turned into anger, and I swallowed. Seunghyun let me go when I pulled away, and I looked at him seriously as I could. Thoughts were racing through my head and I shook my head the slightest.

“Send me. I’ll find him.”


“Send me. I’ll find him.”

“Hana, you can’t – your father trained you himself, yes, but we don’t know if you can and he would never want you to have to – ”

I shook my head again and cut him off. “He’s my father. I know everything he does, he taught me himself. He’s always made sure to keep me safe and now it’s my turn to do the same.”

“Are… You sure?”

“Just tell me what to do.”

I’ll bring you home, daddy. I won’t lose you too. I swear it.



Sorry this chapter is so short ^^; I have tests and homework so I'm really busy. I still wanted to update though, so here's this! I promise the next chapter will be longer and EXO will appear more~

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Marelynn_Neko #1
Chapter 7: Will this story be updated? It's okay if there isn't but a heads up would be nice c;,
ScarletSatana #2
Chapter 7: Please update soon!!! I really REALLY love this story <3
Chapter 7: please update soon!! :)
Kakishi101 #4
Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Please update!! This story is REALLY REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PunkRock123 #5
Chapter 7: This story is really good
waiting for the next updates.
exotichaanee #6
Oh! I know it's JYJ! :) Heh please update soon! You're amazing!
exotichaanee #7
One* heh sorry ><
exotichaanee #8
This is really really good! Keep on going! I can't wait~ And I guessed in of the figures~ VIXX :) I don't know the other one though~
Zoey123 #9
Chapter 7: update sooon plz this is really good