The Bestfriend and the Gunshot



It was in 2nd grade that you met your best friend.

The bell had just rung, and it signaled that it was time for all the little children to run and play outside and eat lunch. You were having trouble reaching your shelf to grab your lunch box; you’d always been a short child. Whimpering, you stood on your toes, trying to hurry before your favorite table was taken.

Suddenly one of the tallest kids in your grade reached over you to grab your lunchbox, and he smiled happily as he handed it to you. He was in your class, you remembered as you thanked him with a thankful giggle and bow.

Choi Joon Hong. That was his name.

“You better hurry! The good table will be taken!” He said, and both of you ran out of the classroom.

Being short, other kids could run past you easily and you thought there was no hope of sitting at the good table. A hand grabbed onto yours suddenly and pulled you forward. It was the boy from before! He only smiled at you and pulled you forward with him.

You both sat at the good table, thanks to him. “My name is Choi Joon Hong,” He said as you two ate your lunches. He offered one of his cookies to you with a smile.

From that day forward, you were the best of friends.




There were six of them. All had some sort of weapon, and they looked pissed as they walked towards my car. The windows were tinted so they obviously couldn’t see me or the gun I had. I considered just driving through, but I realized that by now I’d lost the mafia car so there was no point. Right now, I had to focus on getting myself out of this.

They walked up to my car, and one of them didn’t hesitate to slam and dent my car with the bat he had. They all laughed. I glared, but for only a few moments until the one with a sledge hammer ran up and smashed the window of the driver’s seat – where I was. I flinched away and covered my face, the glass falling on me.

Nothing happened for a few moments, and I looked through the window. There he was. The one with the sledge hammer. He was ready to swing again, but then his eyes widened a little when he looked at me. After that he was confused – like he’d just seen a ghost and he wasn’t sure whether to swing – and I didn’t hesitate after that.

I swing the door open, hitting him and shoving him back, and I ignored the pieces of glass that had either cut or stabbed into me as I got out and made a run for it. Admittedly it wasn’t thought out and was a stupid mistake I’d made because I’d panicked.

One of them grabbed my hair and pulled me back towards them. I choked in a yelp and held up my gun to the member holding on to me when he turned me to face them. The other members tensed at the sight of the gun, but the one holding me laughed. He pointed his own gun at me.

“And just who the hell are you?” His deep voice growled, “I didn’t know EXO had women work for them now. That’s disappointing, they’re getting lazy.”

“I don’t work for EXO, idiot.” I managed to keep my voice sounding calm and I shoved him back so he would let go of me.

The other members held their weapons up again – ranging from guns, to hammers, to bats – and I knew that having my gun wasn’t going to do anything good for me. I had to calm down and be smart about this. I let go of the gun and put my hands up, and taking a few steps back.

They just laughed at me.

“You think we believe you? Especially after being so rude to me.” The deep-voiced member said, and I guessed he was the leader, Bang. His smile made me uneasy, and I tensed when he raised his gun at me. “You were right behind that mafia car, so you must be part of EXO. Don’t think we’re stupid.”

“I told you, I’m not working for them.” I repeated once more, trying to be ‘polite’ since apparently that was the only way he’d listen. “I have my own problems with them – which isn’t your business as to what it is – and I almost had them when you all came. And broke my car’s window, if I might add.”

I thought that was okay to say but apparently not because I heard his gun click. At this point I had to decide what I was going to do because, yes, I was strong and prepared for most things, but with a gun pointing at me and other multiple weapons against me, I had slim chances.

I looked at all the members. They all had blonde hair but each had distinctive features that I took mental note of. They all looked angry… Except for one. The one who broke my window and who had stopped from hitting me with that hammer of his. He had some sort of mask hanging on his neck, and it covered part of his mouth but you could still see his frown, as he still looked confused. Then, we made eye contact with each other.  For a second only, but in that second I couldn’t help but think he seemed familiar. Had I seen him somewhere before? His eyes widened before he spoke up.

“I think she’s telling the truth, Bang.”

He looked back at the guy with the mask. “Zelo, are you serious?”

“Look at her, Bang. She couldn’t even shoot the gun! How could she work for a mafia if she can’t-“

As if things couldn’t get any more worse, he couldn’t finish his sentence because gunshots were heard, and everyone dropped to the ground when the bullets hit my car.

“It’s Block B!” One of B.A.P shouted, and they all scrambled to take cover from ‘Block B’s car that was rushing toward us. My mind was racing and I used this as my chance to grab my gun and get behind my already damaged car. Some of the other members did the same, since some didn’t have a gun and a bat wasn’t exactly good defense against a car going more than 50mph with people shooting guns from it. They were shouting things and I winced as Block B got closer, more bullets impacting my car. I was getting angry and I didn’t even realize what I was doing when I got up, aimed for the car, and started shooting as it was driving away.

When one of the headlights of their car broke they drove away faster. Where they leaving? I didn’t really care anymore – it was my chance to get the hell away from here.  I got up, ignoring any of the B.A.P members and started running across the street, towards an alleyway.

I ran faster when I noticed Block B’s car driving back towards us, much faster than before.

“Hana! No!

My name. That was my name, but how did anyone here know that? My feet seemed to stop themselves without my consent, having heard my name being called, and I jerked my head towards the voice calling me.

I swear that time seemed to slow down then. So much that everything became dead silent and the only thing I could hear was my heart pounding.

One of B.A.P, the one with the hammer, had chased after me and before I knew it he had his arms around me. He was the one that shouted my name, and I turned my head to look at him.

We were face to face, our noses not even a few inches apart. His wide and oddly frightened eyes stared into mine what seemed like forever but was really only half a second. I couldn’t move, as if my feet stopped working, and then I realized why.

I knew him. It had been years and he’d dyed his hair but it was still his eyes and his nose and his lips and it was him. This was my best friend - Choi Joon Hong.

Time started to catch up with us and everything was suddenly coming into focus. Block B’s car drove up to us, and it was as if the car’s engine was roaring in my ears as one of the guys inside stuck a gun out the window. It was pointing to us.

I could hear shouting. Curse words and threats and people telling him to run and move and get the hell out of the way.

The arms around me tightened. I felt myself being lifted and suddenly I was behind himhe was trying to protect me.

I stayed still, watching the man with the gun grin, having his target right in front of him. I could hear many voices yelling, the car engine was grinding, and even some voices were laughing. There were so many noises filling my ear all at once and I couldn’t even do anything – everything was so painfully in focus in that moment that I swear I could even hear the way the gun clicked and a bullet was placed into position.

Then his finger pulled the trigger.




a u t h o r ' s   n o t e :

Hi everyone, sorry for taking so long! First it was school, and then one day I had this all typed out but forgot to save and my computer crashed. Ahh, it was a bad day for me OTL but I tried to retype everything from before and hopefully it's okay! I'll try to update more often now and definitely save my files more often too ^^; 

Anyways, hope you like this chapter! Subscribe and/or comment if you do~

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Marelynn_Neko #1
Chapter 7: Will this story be updated? It's okay if there isn't but a heads up would be nice c;,
ScarletSatana #2
Chapter 7: Please update soon!!! I really REALLY love this story <3
Chapter 7: please update soon!! :)
Kakishi101 #4
Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Please update!! This story is REALLY REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PunkRock123 #5
Chapter 7: This story is really good
waiting for the next updates.
exotichaanee #6
Oh! I know it's JYJ! :) Heh please update soon! You're amazing!
exotichaanee #7
One* heh sorry ><
exotichaanee #8
This is really really good! Keep on going! I can't wait~ And I guessed in of the figures~ VIXX :) I don't know the other one though~
Zoey123 #9
Chapter 7: update sooon plz this is really good