It's A Trap



Flashback, 11 years ago.

Exhausted. Tired. Done.

You could feel the beads of sweat on your face and you wanted nothing more than to stop. Still, with a firm grip on the weapon in your hand, you kept dodging and attacking as part of your training.

When you were finally given a break, you drank a giant gulp of water and then looked at your father with curious eyes. “Daddy, why do I have to do this? All the other kids at school say that at home they play with their toys and play games. Why can’t I play games like that, or have toys too?”

He hesitated for a moment. “Hana… You aren’t like all the other kids. You have to train. Okay?”

“But, Daddy, I don’t want to train! I just want to play with dolls and –“

“Hana, that’s enough! Back to training now.”

That was the first time you resented your father.




This place was bigger than I thought it’d be. Even arriving, it was hard to find a parking space. Still, I had my mind set on my current task and I checked that I had the gun in my clutch purse one more time before getting out of the car. The official and his staff already knew that I would be here, but I still had to disguise myself as a party goer anyways. I had a dress the agency sent or me to wear, but I’d made sure that it was easy to run in If I needed to. And although I didn’t want to, the agency also sent a pair of heels, a nice fur shawl, and some hat and glasses. I’d be disguising myself as a reporter apparently, but I didn’t really care ad just entered the big building.

Once inside, I followed the direction everyone was going through and found the main room. It was big, elegant, and easy for a murderer to kill someone with all the halls it had. There was even a second floor, and I wondered if the official wanted to get killed with this location he picked.

One of the official’s assistants found me, and they’d taken me to the official to greet him. I was okay with that but froze for a moment when I saw a certain person smiling and shaking hands with the official.

Baekhyun. What was he doing here? It didn’t really matter but I couldn’t let him see me, otherwise he’d follow me around and not let me focus on your job. That and the fact that he would find out what my job was, and that was a big no no.

“Oh, Official Lee! Reporter Park Hana is here!” I almost gasped a bit when the assistant called out to the official, starting to bring the attention over to me.

“I’m sorry, but I have to make a quick call. I’ll greet the official later, okay? Sorry!” I bowed quickly to the assistant, turned and made my way into the crowds of people before Baekhyun could spot me.




{ Baekhyun’s POV }

Reporter Park Hana? I blinked curiously and turned my attention from Lee to look at who was shouting. It was the official’s assistant, and he had a girl with him.

Her hair looked like the Hana I knew, but she was already turning and walking away into the crowds. I’d seen the side of her face, and it had definitely looked like Hana.

My Hana wasn’t a reporter though…  Maybe I was just seeing things.

Lay nudged me, bringing me back to our conversation with Official Lee. We all smiled and laughed and talked before Lee had to go greet others. Lay went to go talk to with the more important people, and Tao and I went to go “find our table”. In reality we headed out into the halls of this building to wait. In just a while, the official would be dead and we could get out of here.




{ Your POV }

I’d never been to a party like this, and admittedly it was a bit surprising when there were so many people arriving. The killer could be anyone, and it was easy to hide in a crowd where innocent people could easily be hurt.

While people began to dance to the slow, pretty music being played by the musicians on stage, I kept my eye out for any suspicious activity. As soon as I spotted the killer if he appeared, I was to tell security so they could get the official to safety. The agency told me though that I was supposed to take the killer myself, so that we’d be able to question him first, knowing he’d be from the mafia.

I had been admiring the paintings on the walls of the place when I saw it. From one of the balconies that peered into the room, I noticed a hand. I couldn’t see the face from the angle that I was looking from, only the white tuxedo with a crown shaped ring on one finger, but it was holding a gun aiming at Official Lee and that was all I needed to take action.

In a split second I took my own gun out, and shot upwards, towards the main chandelier that lit the room. It hit directly, and soon the lights went off, people already screaming from hearing the gun shot. I didn’t wait and pushed my way through the running crowd.

The halls were filled with people running, but instead of running towards the exits, I ran to the stairs that led up to the second floor, where the killer would be.

I only managed to take a look around the hall when I was attacked.

The lights in the second floor were off since no one was supposed to be up here anyways, so I couldn’t see his face very well. Dark hair, light skin, black tuxedo, and what I immediately recognized as some sort of wushu staff.

The guy swung at me, but I easily dodged him. He seemed surprise, pausing for a moment, and I took that chance to move and swing at him. He spun back, swung again, and I moved out of the way again.

I didn’t have a weapon but my dad taught me to use whatever I could, so I used my clutch instead, managing to smack him on the head with that. I almost smirked, but he slammed me again the wall, wushu stick resting forcefully on my neck, making it incredibly hard to breath,

For a moment we stared at each other. His eyes were an intense, fierce black color, staring straight into mine. The shape of his face was sharp, and his nose was smooth and matched his smooth, thin lips. His ears had multiple peircings.

I heard running and turned a little to see a figure running down the hall. The figure’s hand had something in it, and when it gleamed I knew it was the gun. This figure was the killer and he was getting away.

I pushed off from the wall with a new burst of angered adrenalin, but the guy countered by launching himself at me and knocking us down onto the ground. He’d hit me someone in the gut, and it had just enough force to knock the wind out of me. To my surprise he apologized - something about never wanting to hit a woman but still it had to happen - before he ran off. It took a few seconds to regain my breath and I got up, running as fast I could downstairs.

People were still running and screaming and it was still chaos, but I managed to see the man who attacked me, recognized his face, and followed after him.

Once outside, I looked around to find him, and once I spotted him and another guy, the shooter in the white tuxedo, I ran. Luckily I’d parked my car near, and once in, I turned the car on and didn’t wait to follow them.




{ Tao’s POV }

We exited the building, getting in the car that Lay was waiting for us in. I was panting just faintly, rubbing at my head a bit. I didn’t know what was in that girl’s purse, but it’d really hurt. And who had that been anyway? Normally I didn’t care about the police and they never bothered me one bit, but…

That’d been the first one to actually be able to fight back.

Lay drove calmly out of the parking lot so he wouldn’t attract attention, and Baekhyun looked frustrated that we’d failed. It must’ve been that girl that had shot at the chandelier, caused all the commotion so that we wouldn’t be able to kill the official. I had to praise her boldness.

We were on our way back when I was looking behind us. There was a certain car, and I’d noticed that it had been following us for a while. I smirked. The windows in the car were tinted so I couldn’t see the driver, but I could tell it wasn’t a cop. Was it the girl again, then? She wasn’t giving up was she?

“We’re being followed.” I said calmly as I turned back to face forward.

Lay smiled. “I know.”

I was going to ask what he was going to do, but realized what he was doing when he drove into gang territory. I smiled then too.




{ Your POV }

It angered me how calm they were driving, how easy it was for them to get away. I kept the same pace though so I wouldn’t give myself away. They were from the EXO mafia, that much was sure, but I wasn’t going to call the agency just yet. I wanted to get them to myself for just a moment. And in that moment I would show them not to mess with the Park family.

They to a smaller street, and I followed. We were getting into the shady parts of the city. I had always thought that they would live somewhere more classy, but I guessed not. They drove further into the area when suddenly they sped up suddenly, almost drifting when they turned the corner.

I started to sped up to, but another car came out of nowhere and blocked my way. I broke quickly, jerking forward and coming to a stop a little ways in front of the new car.

I cursed my breath when I realized what was going on.

This had been a trap. They’d made me come into gang territory, and they knew that the gangs hated their mafia and knew that they would try to stop us if we went into their part of the city. The gangs probably thought I was part of the mafia too, having been driving behind a mafia car.

When six blondes got out of the car, my eyes widened a little and I quickly reached for my gun, preparing for a fight.

It was none other than B.A.P, and they didn’t look too happy that I was in their territory.



Sorry for the wait! I tried to make this chapter long to make up for it, but I'm a bit distracted with homework so I'm sorry if some parts are a little hard to understand! ^^

Still though, I hope you enjoy it, and remember to subscribe and comment if you do!

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Marelynn_Neko #1
Chapter 7: Will this story be updated? It's okay if there isn't but a heads up would be nice c;,
ScarletSatana #2
Chapter 7: Please update soon!!! I really REALLY love this story <3
Chapter 7: please update soon!! :)
Kakishi101 #4
Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Please update!! This story is REALLY REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PunkRock123 #5
Chapter 7: This story is really good
waiting for the next updates.
exotichaanee #6
Oh! I know it's JYJ! :) Heh please update soon! You're amazing!
exotichaanee #7
One* heh sorry ><
exotichaanee #8
This is really really good! Keep on going! I can't wait~ And I guessed in of the figures~ VIXX :) I don't know the other one though~
Zoey123 #9
Chapter 7: update sooon plz this is really good