Target Aqquired



Flashback, 11 years ago.

Whack! Whack! Whack!

You slid back a few feet, toes clenching to stop you from moving, and you barely had time adjust before the wushu staff came rushing towards you. At the age that you were, your immediate reaction was to scream and wait for it to hit you.

But that’s not how your father trained you.

Your arms swung, taking the staff with them, and as you flipped away you managed to make a kick you hadn’t been able to do before. It hit your opponent – your father – and he fell back. He smiled as he laid on the floor and you skipped over to him, beaming at what you’d just done.

He got up and ruffled your hair like he would always do when you accomplished things, and like always he also said “Good girl, Hana.”

Back then, you were proud of what you could do.




It was during the afternoon that I’d come back home from the agency. I’d left right after my talk with Seunghyun, to be briefed on what it was I would be doing and what I was supposed to expect. We decided there could be really only three major suspects – the mafia, a certain gang, and the mysterious criminals that ran things in Korea. And if it wasn’t them? It was clear that one way or another one of those would lead me to who had my father and my father himself.

EXO, B.A.P, and TVXQ. Each was deadly and we only knew so much of them, but still they told me that I shouldn’t take them lightly. How could I though?

EXO was the biggest mafia known in Korea. We knew what it was that was rumored they controlled, and it would be an understatement to say that they knew what they were doing. It was rumored that there were different heads, each a leader of a certain crime, and the leader. The only personal thing we knew was the name of their boss – Kris. Nothing else.

B.A.P, the most dangerous gang in Korea. We knew a little more about them – they weren’t exactly trying to keep their crimes a secret. Anything that had to do with underground crime, you could bet B.A.P had something to do with it. There were 6 main members, all said to have blonde hair as a sign of brotherhood. They took revenge seriously, having wiped out enemy gangs over a wounded member before.

TVXQ, the most notorious criminals in Korea. We knew the least of these two. They were incredibly smart about how they did things, never leaving trails that could lead to them in any way. Never getting their own hands dirty, they always hired others to do the dirty work. We didn’t even know their names, or what they did or who they were. Only thing was that it was rumored they were two rich men with great power. It was my dad who nicknamed them U-know and Max.

3 enemies. All different in what who they were, and still all the same deadly. I couldn’t care less.

I would get to these three, and I would take them apart if it meant I could find my father. I was trained after all, and I was seeing red. Nothing could stop me.

Today, my goal was to finish my father’s job he had before he was kidnapped. There were rumors that there would be an attempt to assassinate a government official at his gala tonight, by the mafia as a warning not to mess with their drug trade with the law the official passed.

It was I and a couple of other agents assigned to go tonight, and my main job was not only to make sure it didn’t happen, but also to get any possible leads as to who the mafia was, actually. I couldn’t go take down EXO if I didn’t know who they were, right?

As I headed out of my house at night, driving in the car the agency gave me towards the ballroom where the gala would take place, my hands tightened as I thought of my father. I hoped that tonight I would catch at least one person from the mafia. If I could get my hands on one member, I could get something that would lead me to my father. I knew I would.

And then I would teach him a very, very painful lesson for taking my dad.





“So, you all know the plan, right?”

We sat in one of the living rooms of Kris’ mansion. It was normal when we all had meetings, and this was one thing that we were all present for. Our boss, Kris held these meetings to tell us what our plans would be and what we had to do.

Luhan and Sehun had been the last to show up, and I’d come after my alias work at the café. I’d been upset when I found out that Hana had quit without telling me, so I was in a horrible mood during the meeting and was glad for it at the same time.

Today, we were killing someone. An official this time, one who had passed a certain law that would make it harder for Xiumin to ship his drugs across the sea to other countries. That was a big mistake of that official, and I felt sorry for him.

This job was for Lay, Tao, and I. Because Lay’s alias was owning a chain of successful casinos, he was famous and invited to one of the official’s famous galas. That was our chance. Lay would take Tao and I, and while Lay mingled and set distractions, Tao and I would get to work. Our mission was to shoot the official and get out while everyone else flees in panic. Nothing big. I’d even have time after to go visit Hana and bring her food so we could talk, since I wouldn’t be able to walk her home anymore.

With that last thought in mind, I was actually starting to think this night was going to be nice as we headed out to do what we did best.



Short chapter again, but this is more of a foreshadowing chapter to just give you a clue of what's coming :b And what exactly is going to happen at the gala? You're just going to have to wait to find out!

In the mean time, please subscribe and comment if you like my story! ^^ What do you think is going to happen? What do you want to happen? Support from my readers helps motivate me to write faster, hehe~ 

Until next chapter!

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Marelynn_Neko #1
Chapter 7: Will this story be updated? It's okay if there isn't but a heads up would be nice c;,
ScarletSatana #2
Chapter 7: Please update soon!!! I really REALLY love this story <3
Chapter 7: please update soon!! :)
Kakishi101 #4
Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Please update!! This story is REALLY REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PunkRock123 #5
Chapter 7: This story is really good
waiting for the next updates.
exotichaanee #6
Oh! I know it's JYJ! :) Heh please update soon! You're amazing!
exotichaanee #7
One* heh sorry ><
exotichaanee #8
This is really really good! Keep on going! I can't wait~ And I guessed in of the figures~ VIXX :) I don't know the other one though~
Zoey123 #9
Chapter 7: update sooon plz this is really good