Chapter two

Loss of memory
*In the hospital* You were praying earnestly hoping everything will be fine for l.joe outside the operation room. After 4hours, the doctor walked out of the operation room and you ran towards the doctor and ask how was l.joe. The doctor told you the operation went well and he will wake up soon. You were so happy you felt like hugging the doctor to thank him. "But", the doctor went. You felt as though someone slapped you right on your face but you continue to listen. "The patient suffered a heavy blow on the head that cause him to lose part of him memory. It may be temporary but it may also be permanent. Please be prepared, sorry" said the doctor and he went off. You felt like you were being stabbed by thousands of knives in your heart but your tears were dried up after 4hours of crying. You feel like shouting for pain but you knew its the hospital so you kept it down. You wish that he did not forget you. No, you want him to remember you. You rushed into the room he was in and saw that he's still not awake. You sat beside him and held his hand. Before you knew what was going on, tears started overflowing you when you thought you had no more tears. It was the first time in your life that you cried so much. You knew he was the love of your life and that he felt the same way or even more because he risked his life for you. You hated yourself for not telling him this sooner, hate yourself for always being cold to him even when he patiently treat you everytime, hate yourself for argueing with him, hate yourself for walking off just like that, causing him to be hurt. You wish for nothing other than l.joe to get well. You kissed him on his cheeks and his hair, looking at the child-like face of him. Memories of the two of you started flowing and you cried harder.
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Chapter 7: I wish it was way longer!! I want that Rian to suffer!! kekeke I'm so mean!! Anyways I love the story !! It's so short but im satisfied
Feliceheartskey #2
Chapter 6: Haha sad story happy ending;)
zeasbabybana #3
Chapter 6: Such a cute and sad story.Anyway,I love it!
Chapter 6: This story was short... But it was cute!!!