Chapter five

Loss of memory
~L.joe's P.O.V~ *Eunhee is so kind. She visits me everyday telling me about our memories. Although she looks so sincere, i have absolutely no idea who she is to me. My heart ache a little whenever she left in disappointment but all i can do is apologise because i really can't recall. Yeah my heart does feel empty, like I've forgotten something very important to me. Something that's even more important than my life but i just can't seem to remember what it is. Everytime i try to think, my head hurts. Sorry eunhee, i can only say I'm sorry.* Time flies, its been a month since l.joe lost his memory. Its 23 November today. Its l.joe's birthday. You wish to spend quality time with him alone but he still can't remember you. You baked cookies and went to his dorm preparing to give him his present. You bake cookies for him every year for his birthday as he loves it. You arrived in front of the dorm of l.joe and his buddys so you rang the bell. Chunji opened the door and saw you so he invited you in. You asked him where's l.joe and he gave you a shrug so you went to l.joe's room to take a look. He was sitting on his bed with a long face. Yes he's having a mood swing. You did not notice it and surprise him shouting, "oppa happy birthday!". L.joe shot you a stare and you were surprised but you walk to him with the cookies in your hand and pass to him, "here's your pres..." before you could finish your present, he shove it off and walked out. The cookies dropped onto the floor and you were stunned. Tears rolled down your cheeks and you couldn't believe what just happened to you. You almost fainted. Your head was shattered into pieces and you felt terrible. Chunji witness everything that happen and was furious that l.joe actually did this to you. He ran to l.joe and punch him in the face. L.joe was in a foul mood so he punch chunji back asking why did he punch him. Chunji demanded l.joe to apologise to you and scolded him for treating you this way, adding another punch. You heard the commotion and rushed out only to see l.joe and chunji in a fight. You shouted for them to stop but you're being ignored. *while fighting* Chunji: How could you do this to eunhee?! She did so much for you! L.joe: Its none of your business! Chunji: I can't stand the way you treat her! She's been suffering with you! L.joe: Then go to her! I didn't force her to stick with me. She insisted on doing it. If you can't bear seeing her hurt, go to her and console her for all i care!" When l.joe said that sentence, guilt strike him. He must be crazy to be saying that, not to say in front of eunhee. His heart throbbed in pain but he didn't know why. You walked up to them and slapped l.joe. "Lee byunghun! You went too far! That's it! Don't worry i won't pester you anymore! I'll leave this moment and disappear from your sight from now on! And, I HATE YOU!" With that, you ran out of the dorm. You didn't know where you were going but all you knew is to run from l.joe. You've reached your limit. You knew that its hopeless between you and l.joe
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Chapter 7: I wish it was way longer!! I want that Rian to suffer!! kekeke I'm so mean!! Anyways I love the story !! It's so short but im satisfied
Feliceheartskey #2
Chapter 6: Haha sad story happy ending;)
zeasbabybana #3
Chapter 6: Such a cute and sad story.Anyway,I love it!
Chapter 6: This story was short... But it was cute!!!