Life 1-Kris (Part 3)

The 13th Life of Kim Taeyeon

Kris watched Taeyeon's expression grow darker as he explained the situation.

"So my l-"


"Taeyeon, please. Leave with your family."


"My lady!"

"This discussion is closed." Taeyeon stared defiantly into Kris' eyes. "Do not try to sway me,Wufan."

Kris flinched at his birth name being used in a harsh manner. "As you wish my lady."

"Good. Now come. I wish to enter the town."

"No my lady! It is to dangerous!"

"Kris!" she cried out, "Are you trying to keep me locked up!"


His cry startled her, causing her to turn her head away from him in shame. "I just- I just." She felt the tears swell up in her eyes.

Kris tugged her arm lightly, and pulled her into his chest.

"I'm afraid Wufan! I want everything back to normal!" Her voice came muffled and shaking into his chest.

The tall young man tightened his embrace on her and soothingly whispered to her. "Taeyeon. It's fine. All will be fine."

At his words, the tears she was holding back, sprouted out, getting his chest wet.

"No! I can't leave you. Why! I don't want to leave you!" She cried her heart out.

After crying for about 30 minutes, Kris felt Taeyeon go limp in his arms. The silly girl had fallen asleep from the exhaustion. Chuckling lightly, he carried her to her bed and placed her softly on it. Pulling up her covers, he admired her beautiful features.

"My lady. Please don't cry."

He sat on the chair by her bed and caressed her soft face.


The days in the Kim Manor began to feel gloomier. Taeyeon was tired. She cursed the idiotic enemy for disrupting the peace in her home, and in her heart. Oh how she hated them. Taeyeon knew her family was in urgent times. She watched her father communicate with his brother Lords, the other Kims, and the Lees.


The soft voice pulled her out of her thoughts. "Mother!"

"Darling, sit down." Her mother ushered her to sit upon her bed. "Sweetie, I am sure you know of our situation."

"Mother! I will not leave this house! We have backup! The other Kims, the Lee family, and our army too! Why must I leave?"

"I know sweetie. I know." Lady Kim could not stand to go against her broken daughter. Her heart broke at the sight of the exhausted Taeyeon. "Get sleep sweetie. you look horrid." she lightly joked.

Taeyeon cracked a long forgotten smile. "Of couse mother. Thank you for understanding."

"Anything for my daughter."

"Mother, is Hayeon and Jiwoong going?"

"Hayeon will listen to me, and your Jiwoong oppa listens to his father. What oh what shall we do with you?" 

"Mom!" Taeyeon whined.

Her mother smiled and stood up. "I'll be leaving you to your thoughts. Remember that, if- if y-you were to die," she forced out those words, "Our hearts would break beyond repair. I don't..I d-don't know what I will do, if you were gone!"

Taeyeon embraced her mother. "Thank you for letting me decide."

"I feel like you are growing up so fast."

"Am I?" Taeyeon sighed.



She stared up at him with wide eyes as he pulled her up from her bed.

"Run...Taeyeon run. They have breached the castle. You need to run!" Urgency wove its way all through his voice. "Take this dagger. Get out!"



He ushered her up and dragged her through the long hallways of the castle. Upon reaching the back area, he crouched on his knees and pulled her down. He pushed at a section of the wall, and to Taeyeon's surprise, the wall creaked open.

"Go..Taeyeon. Your family is already on their way to your uncle's. Please be safe." Kris sharply turned to head off to the battle.


"Miss...Taeyeon." He pushed her hands off his arm.

"No! You have so much to live for. Please. We can escape togeth-"

"All men there have things to live for silly," He tried smiling, "They have families and kids to return to. If I can go to help and save one man's life, I will go. I don't have much to live for anyway."

"You-You have me." She whispered.

"Please g-"


The two froze at the sight of enemy soldiers rushing down the halls. 

"They breached." Kris whispered.

" lady. Please go! GO!"


Taeyeon held onto his arms. She refused to let go. If she did, she would never see him again...and if she would never see him again...what would she live for?

"Please. Taeyeon please."

Tears started running down her pale face as she watched the enemy approach.

"Kiss me."


"Kiss me, Kris!"

"My lady!"

She grabbed his head and forced their lips together. And at the moment, only they were there. There was no enemy. There was no fear. There was only them two. He pulled her in closer, savoring the feeling of her soft lips. They tasted of the very essence of sweetness.

Pulling apart he whispered, " I love you."

And as he said that, the enemy closed upon them.


Guard her. She's your all. Only these two thoughts floated in his head as he slashed enemy after enemy. Slash after slash, cry after cry, and kill after kill, his arms grew tired, and his sword grew heavier. 

And as his heart grew wearier, he saw it. A soldier, standing in front of his girl, raising his arms with a sword in his hand,


He swerved his body to block her's.


Was pain supposed to feel so rewarding? Was this pain supposed to feel so relaxing? Maybe it was because she was here.

She was here, with her beautiful face and heart, with her long silky brown hair, her sweet angel smile. She was here grabbing at him with her baby soft hands, her pure rose colored lips calling his name.

"Taeyeon." He struggled to keep himself alive. He had failed her. Kris had failed himself. He kept struggling. Maybe, just maybe he could stay alive and save her. He prayed in earnesty. He prayed that maybe he could save her. He prayed that he could see her smile again.

"I love you." She smiled the breathtaking smile once more.

And the struggle stopped. Before his eyes embraced darkness, he saw her fall next to him, still mouthing those 3 words.

"I love you."



Oh what a fail ending. *Facepalms* Lol. I actually had this chapter finished a while ago...I just forgot to put it up... 

Sorry? *begs for mercy* life is Sehun and Taeyeon..I think? Lol I'm going by the teasers so I think it is Seyeon!!


Okay thnxs everybody! *Throws kisses*

Please comment on the good and the bad...cause I know there are bad parts<------- cause ya know..I'm not that good at writing so. :P


Ya know I realised the part of the teaser wasn't in here..OH WELL! :D





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teaganger09 #1
Chapter 14: thisis one of the most amazing sories ive ever read it so geniuse please update soon im begging you just like to write sad fanfics dont you im joking but please update soon
ametista #2
Chapter 14: I think you should write a little about life and taeyeon 13.
waiting for update> <
Chapter 14: . the dead was so romantic :'( lol
. Lay Lay Lay Lay ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Chapter 14: Kaiyeon feels.. Great author !!
erahmaliati21 #5
Chapter 14: they're so romantic, kaiyeon <33333333
sea0horse #6
Chapter 14: why why why why kaiyeon died!! D:
nooo </3333
GGlovers #7
Chapter 14: I cry watch this part it was......REALLY AMAZING!!So romantic.
kpopcornxo #8
OMG KAIYEON IS JUST TOO SWEET……, but sad ouo /shot
bookaholic #9
Chapter 14: this is my first time reading an exotaeng story and ah, this is one of the best fanfics i've ever read! the title caught me and began reading it as it turned out to be an exciting story. i can't wait for the other stories, hehe also, i subscribed and upvoted! ^^
kpopcornxo #10
Chapter 13: Wooohoooo! Author-nim updated! Yay!
Kaiyeon FTW! XD
so adorable ^^
Update soon~!