Life 4-Kai (Part 3)

The 13th Life of Kim Taeyeon

*heyy guys! I decided I'd incorporate the future 13th life of Taeyeon as random middle chapters..if this throws you off please tell me so I can stick to the old pattern. For now I haven't brainstormed it, but I thought if i continued with the old format, the future life would get no attention.... And The rest lives will be a lot looottt shorter. Sorry. :)

PS..UNEDITED (like always :p srry)


"Princess, will you not go back?"



"Because.." Taeyeon pouted cuddling Kai, "I like being with you."

Thank goodness it was night, since Kai blushed. He could feel the heat in his cheeks, and he tried to calm himself.

The two were currently in Kai's poor excuse of a home. Considering his possessions, it wasn't all that bad. Kai was just concious of how Taeyeon might feel to the drastic change from literal riches to rags. The two were cuddled on a cot he had obtained some time back. A small table with two uneven chairs were placed. He unfortunately did not have a bathroom. Although surprisingly, Taeyeon got quickly accustomed and learned to use the restroom in the forest behind them.

"Princess, the kingdom is probably in turmoil."

"Yes, yes it should be."

She giggled and pulled Kai even closer. Blushing, she gave a quick peck on the cheek before laying down to sleep.

"Goodnight." she whispered.

Kai wasn't sure if he could go to sleep that night. In fact, he just held his hand on the cheek she had kissed, and sighed contently.



"Your Majesty. The men have been deployed out to find her. You should not worry. The princess will be here safe in a matter of a day."

"I expect her back safetly, General Lim. General Lee, you will be demoted from your rank, and do no expect this to be the end of your punishment."


Kai nervously bit his finger nails. The princess obviously didn't have a worry in the world for she was just laying on Kai's makeshift daydreaming. He was worried, deathly worried. Rumors of the whole army deployed to find the princess was floating around. Kai wasn't just fearing for his life, he was afraid that he would never get to see her again if they got caught. Well, he didn't expect to be allowed away with his life, but if he were to be allowed to live.....



He jumped back as Taeyeon jumped onto him for a hug. 

"I like it here."

"I-I like you too...WAIT! Yah I-I..."

"I like you more." Taeyeon giggled.


"We have located the princess. She is currently staying with an unidentifiable figure."

"Then we'll have him killed, no questions asked."

"Yes sir!"


When morning came the next day, Kai felt a sickening feeling in his stomach like something bad was about to happen. The sun's rays seemed a little duller than usual, and the usual chirping of the birds were absent, an eerie silence.


The tired look on the young lady's face made Kai want to forever keep her protected in his arms. She rubbed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Kai like she was not ever ready to let go. And Kai wasn't ready either. Something in the back of his mind told him that today was the day; today was the day everything would go downhill. He didn't ever want to let go, and he was afraid of how quickly he grew to love her.

Suddenly the sound of hooves and footsteps roared off in the distance, getting louder and louder.

All the blood rushed out of Kai's face, and he knew.

"Kai." She knew.

They all knew, and Kai felt like the whole world knew.


The shrill call of the General made Kai lose all sense of feelings in his body. It was as if his nerve system broke down at that moment. He pried Taeyeon's arms off of himself, and stood to the door. 

All of a sudden, he was ed back at the force of the entering soldiers. Two immediately took a hold of his arms.


Taeyeon's distressed call made Kai look her way. Three of the soldiers had made it passed him to grab onto the princess. She was struggling in their hold, tears slowly forming at the corners of her eyes.


"Taeyeon!" Adrenaline pulsed through his body, as a newfound strenth in him formed. Pushing off the soldiers on him, he made a dash for her. Kai grabbed onto Taeyeon's arm and pulled her away from the rough men.


"General Lim-"

"Lay your hands off! Men, no questions will be asked to that trash. KILL HIM!"

A sharp steel blade was lifted into that air. Taeyeon cringed, and grabbed Kai closer to her. The blade rushed down, pushing against the force of the upwards air.


The soldiers froze in horror. The sword that had went in the boy's direction was now through the princess' body.... and the dark skinned boy.

The two dropped to the floor in pain. The sword pierced both through their stomachs, Kai his lower abdominum, Taeyeon her upper stomach. The two held their bodies close as the searing pain took over their systems. With the little strength he could produce, Kai lifted Taeyeon even closer to him.

The surrounding soldiers slowly dispersed, half in fear and half in respect towards the pair.

"Someone bring a doctor for the Princess!"

The order was barked, but all knew it was too late. The sword had pierced where no man could survive for long.

To Kai and Taeyeon, the enviornment became blurred, and the only clear thing they could see was each other. With tender fingers, Kai smoothed out Taeyeon's hair and then her cheek. With pained smiles, their lips met only for a brief moment, before Kai could no longer breathe.

 His head fell limp onto Taeyeon's shoulder, and her head soon followed, placing itself neatly and lovingly onto his chest.

A week together had passed as though years. Their love, although short-lived, was strong, and the two died with the last thought in their minds.

They were the luckiest of all people to be able to die in each other's arms.




Hello lovely people. Yes, I'm alive and breathing (unlike the two in the story *shot*).

Well sorry for the crappy chapter, I really rushed. I have school tomorrow, and I'm not getting enough sleep so updating was an entirely unscheduled thing for me. I'll try to update soon...


so umm Please comment.. because I would like to know your opinions and I'm too lazy to make a poll...


ahhh..4 down 8 more to go..dang....

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teaganger09 #1
Chapter 14: thisis one of the most amazing sories ive ever read it so geniuse please update soon im begging you just like to write sad fanfics dont you im joking but please update soon
ametista #2
Chapter 14: I think you should write a little about life and taeyeon 13.
waiting for update> <
Chapter 14: . the dead was so romantic :'( lol
. Lay Lay Lay Lay ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Chapter 14: Kaiyeon feels.. Great author !!
erahmaliati21 #5
Chapter 14: they're so romantic, kaiyeon <33333333
sea0horse #6
Chapter 14: why why why why kaiyeon died!! D:
nooo </3333
GGlovers #7
Chapter 14: I cry watch this part it was......REALLY AMAZING!!So romantic.
kpopcornxo #8
OMG KAIYEON IS JUST TOO SWEET……, but sad ouo /shot
bookaholic #9
Chapter 14: this is my first time reading an exotaeng story and ah, this is one of the best fanfics i've ever read! the title caught me and began reading it as it turned out to be an exciting story. i can't wait for the other stories, hehe also, i subscribed and upvoted! ^^
kpopcornxo #10
Chapter 13: Wooohoooo! Author-nim updated! Yay!
Kaiyeon FTW! XD
so adorable ^^
Update soon~!