Pretty Woman Chapter 7

Pretty Woman

“Grandpa… How about…”

“I asked her, Amber”


“Miss Soo Jung?”


“Grandpa, we’ll explain you after…”

“I’m an orphan”. The situation became so silent for a moment after I said that, and Amber’s grandfather couldn’t hide his shock expression. “I’m an orphan, and I’m jobless”, I walked toward them. Finally I decided to ignore the manner, and I ignored about what Amber taught me before, I decided to be my self, I didn’t care about what would they think about me, at least I didn’t pretend to be someone else. I am me.

I took a seat beside the pretty long haired woman. I saw Amber looked at me with puzzled look, she came toward me and took a seat beside me then.

“I know it would be hard for you to accept me as your grandchild’s future wife, since we’re so different, I know that”, they all paid attention to me. I took a knife—well I didn’t know what kind of knife was that, for meat or for bread, I didn’t care—I grabbed the food then eat it without bothered by manner or something. ‘I’m sorry, Amber. I don’t know what to do’

“But you know guys”, I continued, “I met Amber at the place near the railways. And if there wasn’t me that time, Amber would be not here”, I said while chewing the food. They all looked at me with puzzled look, “I’m the one who prevented Amber to do suicide”, I finally said.

Their eyes became wider as I said that.

“Amber?”, the long haired woman.

“Wanted to do…”, the hairless man.

“Suicide?”, the black haired man.

Amber’s grandfather was speechless.

“Yes, I’m telling the truth”, I continued, “on the next day after, Amber came to meet me, she thanked me for many times, and finally she promised to marry me as a reward”, I turned my head and looked at Amber, “right, Amber?”

Amber stared at me so deep, “she’s right. I owe her. She’s a guardian angel for me. First, she prevented me to do suicide, and now, she helps me to safe Liu Enterprise. I don’t care if she’s an orphan or something, I need her, she even agreed to marry me after she knew that I’m actually a girl”

“Amber’s right, we need her”, the hairless man spoke, “and thank you, Miss Soo Jung for prevented Amber to kill her self. I am Amber’s Father’s personal assistant and a trusted person in Liu Family by the way, you can call me Mr. Song. This is my daughter, Amber’s assistant, her name is Victoria”

The long haired woman smiled at me, “nice to meet you, Soo Jung, you look so beautiful”

“Let me introduce the others, Uncle Song”, Amber said, “Soo Jung, Victoria and uncle Song just like my own uncle and my own sister. Now, the black haired man over there is our Lawyer, his name is Mr. Won, for me he’s a family too”

“Nice to meet you, Young Miss Soo Jung”, Mr. Won greeted me.

“And he’s my grandfather, he will be your grandfather in law, so you can call him Grandpa”

Amber’s Grandfather exhaled, “Listen Miss, you should prepare your self to be a Liu”

“I will, I love to learn a lot of things”, I answered.


“PLEASE STOP TALKING AND EAT YOUR DINNER EVERYONE!!!!”, guess who? Yes, it was Luna the butler.

“And the one who loves to shout and force everyone to eat”, Amber grabbed Luna’s wrist, “she is Luna the butler. Luna, this is my future wife, call her Miss Soo Jung”

“Hi pretty Miss Soo Jung, glad to see you AND PLEASE EAT YOUR DINNER RIGHT NOW”


We ate our dinner then, the situation was getting better since Luna was there. I still couldn’t believe that an ordinary person like me was having a dinner with the richest family in Korea.

“So, Soo Jung, how old are you now?”, Victoria asked me.

“Me? I’m nineteen”, I answered with smile.

“Woaaa…… You’re still young.. that’s why you look cute”

“Thank you”, I said shyly.

“I know, your hobby is eating right?”, it was Mr. Song, like father like daughter, they’re very nice.

“You’re right Mr. Song. I love to eat everything!”, I answered playfully, made the others smiling, except Amber’s grandfather, “how do you know that?”, I continued.

“You seem enjoying your food so much”, he giggled, “but how come your body look so tiny? If only my body as tiny as yours, I’ll eat everything too”, he smiled.

Everyone laughed.

“But I have the other hobbies”, I said.

“really?”, it was Mr. Song.

“Can you mention them?”, it was Victoria.

“I love playing some games like card, chess and more. I like reading too, I like reading novel and every morning I always read newspaper”

“that’s good”, finally I heard Amber’s grandpa mumbled.

“It’s true Grandpa! Newspaper is so important right?!”, I realized that I was too excited and forgot about Amber’s grandfather’s ‘killer’ personality.

“You’re not my grand daughter in law yet”, he said coldly.

“I’m sorry”

The situation became awkward for a moment.

“So, Soo Jung, you can play card?”, Amber asked me.

I just nodded.

“What kind of card game can you play?”, still Amber.

“Well…”, I was thinking for a moment, “have you ever heard ‘UNO’?”

They looked at each other then shook their head.

“It’s a game card from Mexico. Let’s play together someday!”, I was really excited.

“Sure!”, Victoria responded.

“We’d love to”, Amber smiled at me.

Suddenly the ringtone of a cell phone was ringing. It was Mr. Won’s.

“hello?”, he answered then, “really?? Where is he now? I see.. okay, okay”, he hung up. He seemed so serious, “Everyone. Jeremy Liu will arrive in Korea tomorrow, but my assistant said Jeremy has booked a hotel room for three days, I think he will prepare something before he come here to meet us. Amber, tomorrow we’ll announce about your marriage and your marriage will be held the day after tomorrow”





Amber POV


“I’ll show your room”, I said to Soo Jung.

I still couldn’t believe what just Soo Jung did in front of my family. It was amazing, she was really brave. What just she told to my family was brilliant, and I liked the way she acted in front of them just the way she is.

“We’re here”, I opened the door of the room, “you’ll stay here now, but after we got married, we’ll stay together in my room”, I saw her face became a little bit red, “are you okay? Your face is turning red”

“W…what? I… I’m okay, just sleepy and tired you know”

I smiled, “get some rest”, I tapped her head.

“You too”

“I will. Well, I’m leaving, okay?”



“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure. Do you need something?”

“No. But… can I invite someone to our wedding celebration?”

“Sure. You can invite your family and friends”

“No. I have no family”

I felt so sorry when she said that.

“But Amber, I have a best friend. I have only her now, and I want her to come to our wedding celebration”

I held her shoulders gently, “of course she will come”, I said. I saw her smiling then, I still couldn’t stop to say that she’s so beautiful, I hugged her, “you have me now, Soo Jung”



“I’m sorry about what I did in front of your family”

I broke the hug and stared at her, “that was so brilliant, Soo Jung, you're so brave. And didn’t you see? They liked you”

“But your Grandpa…”

“That’s his personality. He always acted like that to everyone. Don’t worry about him, okay?”





Krystal POV


I was sitting in the car with Amber, two bodyguards, and a driver, whereas Amber’s family were in the other car. We were heading to Liu Grand Hotel—Liu’s Hotel—to announce the Young Liu’s marriage. I felt nervous since Amber said there would be so many publicits, cameras, and questions. I felt like I’m becoming a celebrity.

“You look beautiful today”, Amber said, we were still in the car.

I narrowed my eyes, “don’t you feel tired to say that to me?”

“It’s your fault”

My eyes became wider, “me?! My fault?”

“Yes. Because you’re so beautiful so I can’t stop to say it”

I couldn’t believe that a serious person like Amber could be that cheesy, “so you can be a cheesy person huh?”

She chuckled, “am I cheesy?”

“You are”

“Well, I’m just telling the truth”, she smiled. Aiisshh that smile.

“Don’t smile”, I said coldly.


“Just don’t”

She chuckled again, “okay. By the way Soo Jung, are you ready for the interview?”

I exhaled, “don’t know”

She tapped my head, “don’t worry. You’ll make it”


We arrived in Liu Grand Hotel then. It was so crowded there, there so many highlights hit my eyes, really annoying.


“I am Amber Liu, the owner of Liu Enterprise, would like to announce something really important in my life”, Amber said with a microphone. We were at the hall of Liu Grand Hotel with so many publicits in front of us, “the Lady beside me is my future wife, and we’ll get married tomorrow”, the situation was getting crowded as Amber said that. Afterwards they hit us with so many questions, even finally Amber decided to answer just five of them. Being a famous person is tiring I think.

After the marriage announcement, me and Amber headed to a boutique to prepare our wedding dress. Again, I felt like a princess when they showed me some beautiful wedding dresses, they were so beautiful, I couldn’t even choose one of them.

“You look more beautiful with this one, Miss”, the designer said.

“But it’s short”, actually the wedding dress I wore was really beautiful, but it was a little bit unique since it was short wedding dress.

“That’s the point, Miss”

“What point?”

“You have really beautiful legs, that’s why you look more beautiful with this short wedding dress”


“Yes, Soo Jung. You’re amazing with that dress”, suddenly I heard Amber’s voice and I felt my cheeks became so hot.



After finished with the wedding suit, I asked Amber to go to my best friend’s house, Sulli.

“Soo Jung!!”, Sulli approached me playfully, she hugged so tight then, “what makes you here? And……………”, Sulli studied me from the top to the bottom, “don’t know why but you look lil bit different”, she said, then suddenly she realized that Amber was there, “who is he?”, she whispered.

“Ssul, he’s my future husband”, I said.

Sulli covered with her hands, she looked really shock, “ha……husband??”

“yes, Ssul. Remember about the Liu that I told you?”

Sulli shook her head.

“It’s him”, Sulli became more shock as I said that, “and we’ll get married tomorrow”, I continued.

“…………………………Soo Jung are you kidding me?!!”

I smiled, “no, Ssul. I still can’t believe about this too, but I’ll get married tomorrow, and I want you to attend my wedding celebration, you’re the only that I have now”

“…………….of course Soo Jung, Of course I’ll come but…but… why so suddenly?”

“I can’t explain you now, but I promise you I’ll tell you about what happened to me”

“What about your job?”

“I quit my job”

Sulli hugged me, “thank God you let my Soo Jung free from those mafias”, Sulli broke the hug and stared at me, afterwards she came toward Amber, “I don’t know who are you, and even you’re handsome doesn’t mean you’re a good guy”, she said to Amber seriously, “don’t do something bad to my Soo Jung, don’t even make her cry, promise me?”

Amber showed her smile, “I promise”, she said assuredly.






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1139 streak #1
Chapter 24: Awesome story!
Chapter 24: I miss this story ?
Chapter 24: (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) I can't (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) i lost i cried again i read first Hard but Easy and i cried af and i cried again and this time it's morning i read Hard But Easy yesterday and i finished it 12 in the evening and i cried and cried and this morning my eyes is swollen and i FREAKING CRIED AGAIN (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) NICE STORY I HOPE YOU COME BACK!!!! AUTHOR-NIM JJANG!!!
Chapter 24: Why I only read it now? Im out of date ╥﹏╥
Great story Uwaaaa ╥﹏╥ I cried in this story. Mygosh thumbs up! :)
babySavie #5
Chapter 24: Its really good jjang!!
Chapter 24: love your story... it's awesome ^_^
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 24: Awwww yes I love this story! Im really glad that Amber saved Soojung from the depths of hell! Thank you for make the reconciliation between Mr. Liu and Jeremy, thank you so much for writing this story!!
Out of all the fanfics I have read, this one was the one who was always stuck in my head, this is a truly great story!
bep510 #9
Chapter 24: Aww cute happy ending. I really liked your fic.