Pretty Woman Chapter 23

Pretty Woman

Amber walked faster, she couldn’t believe what she saw, she thought it was just a dream.

“SOO JUNG!!”, Amber tried to call her, she wondered if the girl that she saw was really ‘her’ or not. And when the girl turned her head, Amber found the answer, it was really her, it was really Soo Jung, someone that she wanted to see so bad. Amber ran toward the girl then, she really wanted to see her closer, she really wanted to touch her.

Amber finally stopped, she could the girl clearly since she was standing right in front of the girl already. Amber still couldn’t believe that she could see that girl again, that face, that hair, that eyes, though that girl looked paler and skinnier, “………Soo Jung…”, Amber called her name.

Soo Jung couldn’t say anything, she was just crying

“Soo Jung”, Amber pulled the girl toward her, hugged her so tight. How she missed that girl, she felt like she would never want to break the hug, she would never let her go anymore.

“Am…ber…”, Soo Jung sobbed.

“Why are you here? What makes you here?”, Amber broke the hug, she cupped Soo Jung’s cheek then, “are you okay, Soo Jung? Why are you here?”

Soo Jung wiped her tears, “…Grandpa… he brought me here… he…he picked me up…”

Amber took a look to her grandpa, her grandpa just gave her a little smile.


“Hey Hey what’s going on?!”, suddenly Jeremy spoke.

“DON’T MOVE!! YOU ARE ARRESTED!!”, a police said to Jeremy. Some of them came over him then.

“Cih… Are you crazy guys?! I didn’t do any crime!! Uh… I see… they called you right? Cos I announced about that woman, so they asked you to catch me, right?! My father and my nephew report me to the police because of a woman!!!”

“We’ll talk about it in the police headquarter!! Come on!!”

“Hey…”, Jeremy smirked, “why are you so stupid? You should catch that girl… she’s a e you know, right, Krystal?”

Everyone paid attention to Soo Jung then, even the police.

“Look at the screen, Mr. Police Man”, said Jeremy.

The police looked up to the screen and he spotted a picture of Soo Jung when she was in the club then.

“………bring that girl too”, the police finally said.


Amber’s eyes became wider as she heard that, “NO!!”, she shouted, Soo Jung just sobbed on her chest, “she’s not…”

“We’ll talk about it in the police headquarter, Sir, we should bring her now”, a police said.

“WAIT!”, a voice was heard suddenly, everyone turned their head to the main door of the hall, and they saw a blonde haired man with…… a fat woman beside him were walking toward the police then.

“Detective Key”, the police mumbled.

“You can’t bring this girl.”, a guy called Key said, “that guy”, Key pointed Jeremy, “is a deceiver”

“What do you mean?”, asked the police.

“This girl isn’t a e, she’s a wife of the Young Liu, and she used to work in that club as a waitress, just a waitress. And she…”, Key pulled the fat woman’s arm, “is a worker in that club too. And she can be the witness if you can’t believe me”

Soo Jung looked so shock as she saw the fat woman, “auntie…”, she whispered.

“Are you a worker in that club too?”, the police asked the fat woman.

“…Y…yes… I am… I…I have an ID card of a member of that club…”, said the fat woman.

“Give me the card”, said the police.

The fat woman d something on her pocket then, she grabbed an ID card and gave it to the police.

The police grabbed the card and watched it carefully, “do you know that girl?”, the police stared at the fat woman.

“Yes, I do. Her name is Jung Soo Jung, she was a waitress in our club”

“Do you know about that picture?”, the police pointed the screen.

“Yes, I do. That guy came to our club one day, and he paid my boss to get that picture. Honestly that really is a picture of Soo Jung, but not as a e, that guy wanted to backbite her”

“LIAR!!!”, Jeremy shouted, “SHE’S LYING!!! SHE’S A…”

“Catch him!!!”, the police demanded. The police were about to link the handcuff on Jeremy’s hands but suddenly he mutinied and he snatched a police’s gun successfully,

“I HAVE A WEAPON!!!”, threatened Jeremy, he pointed the gun, “DON’T TOUCH ME EVEN A LITTLE OR I WILL…”

“JEREMY!!!”, Mr. Liu spoke, he walked to the front then, “put down the gun”, he said.

“Don’t command me, Mr. Liu!! You have no right to command me!!”


“I DON’T HAVE FATHER!!! I had only a mother and she died. You dumped me, Mr. Liu, YOU ARE NOT MY FATHER!!!”


When Jeremy diverted his attention, a police took a chance to shoot him on his leg, the police pointed the gun to his leg’s direction. But Mr. Liu noticed it and……


Everything seemed so slow. A bullet of the gun was hurtling toward Jeremy’s direction, but suddenly Mr. Liu flew to the front…

BUKK…”, Mr. Liu fell down, and blood was flowing on the floor.


“Grandpa…”, Soo Jung covered .

“GRANDPA!!!”, Amber immediately ran toward the bloody old man, “grandpa!!!”, Amber embraced the her grandpa’s body, “why did you do this?!!”

“…………He……is……my son… my………s.. son”, her grandpa said weakly.

Amber couldn’t hold her tears anymore.

Meanwhile, Jeremy just froze as he saw what his father did, blood was flooding from his weak body. Jeremy felt his body became so weak. He dropped the gun, and the police arrested him then, he didn’t make any single move.  “We’ll bring you to the jail!”, the police said to him.

“Call the ambulance, hurry!!”

 The situation became so chaotic.

“Please… please help My grandpa…”, tears couldn’t stop flowing from Amber’s eyes.


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1150 streak #1
Chapter 24: Awesome story!
Chapter 24: I miss this story ?
Chapter 24: (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) I can't (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) i lost i cried again i read first Hard but Easy and i cried af and i cried again and this time it's morning i read Hard But Easy yesterday and i finished it 12 in the evening and i cried and cried and this morning my eyes is swollen and i FREAKING CRIED AGAIN (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) NICE STORY I HOPE YOU COME BACK!!!! AUTHOR-NIM JJANG!!!
Chapter 24: Why I only read it now? Im out of date ╥﹏╥
Great story Uwaaaa ╥﹏╥ I cried in this story. Mygosh thumbs up! :)
babySavie #5
Chapter 24: Its really good jjang!!
Chapter 24: love your story... it's awesome ^_^
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 24: Awwww yes I love this story! Im really glad that Amber saved Soojung from the depths of hell! Thank you for make the reconciliation between Mr. Liu and Jeremy, thank you so much for writing this story!!
Out of all the fanfics I have read, this one was the one who was always stuck in my head, this is a truly great story!
bep510 #9
Chapter 24: Aww cute happy ending. I really liked your fic.