Pretty Woman Chapter 20

Pretty Woman


“……………………………………………Soo Jung……”

“……Yes, Amber……………………it’s me……”

“……really? are you really Soo Jung?”. Soo Jung could feel the pain from Amber’s voice.

“……yeah… it’s really me…”, Soo Jung tried to not to sob.

“………Soo Jung?? Where are you Soo Jung?? Are you okay? Did they hurt you??”

“……no… I’m okay, Amber. I’m in somewhere now, and……I’m happy here”

“…………really……g…glad to hear that…”

“Yeah… I’m fine and I’m happy here. So……… you have to promise me……that you’ll be fine too, hm?”

“…………………I can’t”

It was really hard for Soo Jung to hold her tears as Amber said that.


“………no… I can’t……”

“………please Amber, be health…… you have to obey me you’re my servant remember?”, Soo Jung started to sob.

“Amber! Give me the phone! Your grandpa is here!”, Soo Jung heard Victoria’s voice and ……… “Peep peep peep”, the phone was shut then.


Soo Jung finally cried poignantly. Her eyes were actually too tired to cry but her feeling forced it to flow.




Day by day passed away. And everything was still chaotic. No one could smile, no one could breath with relief, no one could feel the happiness but Jeremy. Although he actually was a Liu too, but honestly he didn’t care, he thought he was a thrown Liu since his Father decided to leave him with his mother in Taipei.

As usual, in the afternoon Mr. Liu always sat on the backyard with a cup of tea. He looked so stress. His big company was in danger, his grandchild was still in hospital, and…………Soo Jung—the one that he trusted before—betrayed him. Mr. Liu exhaled, he was so sad that an old man like him should face such trouble. He was too old to handle the trouble by him self.


Meanwhile on the gate of Liu’s house, there was a girl forced the bodyguards to let her get in.

“Please…please…Let me see Mr. Liu, I need to talk to him…please…”, the girl begged.

“No, you can’t, Miss”

“Please… I beg you please… I really need to talk to him…”

“You’d better go, Miss, before we……”

“Wait!”, a voice came from a car, it was Victoria, she got off the car then, she took off her sunglasses to see who the girl was, and her eyes became wider as she recognized the girl, “…………Soo Jung’s best friend?”

“Unnie! Unnie!”, the girl came toward Victoria, “Unnie, you’re Amber’s assistant right? Please tell me, where is Soo Jung? Where is she?”

“……Don’t you know what happened to her?”

“……what happened to her unnie? Please tell me! a week ago she came to my house and told me her problems, she promised me to stay with me then, but she vanished now. what happened to her, unnie? Please tell me…”

“So…… you know about the problem?”

The girl nodded hesitantly.

“……The problems are revealed, and they threw Soo Jung to a another city”

Soo Jung’s best friend named Sulli couldn’t believe what Victoria said, her eyes became so teary as she heard that.

“……no…”, she shook her head.

“……We’re in trouble now, we…”

“Unnie! Let me meet Mr. Liu now! I need to explain him!”

“What? I’m sorry but you can’t…”

“Please unnie! Soo Jung is not like what you think! Please let me in…”




“Mr. Amber Liu, you can’t just rely on the infusion, you should eat the food, okay?”


“Mr. Am…”

“Are you deaf?? I said go!!”

“……Fine. But here..”, the nurse put the food on a small table beside the bed, “I put the food here, so if you hungry just eat it, okay?”

Amber didn’t say any single word. The nurse got out of the room then.

Amber closed her eyes, she didn’t have any appetite, she felt so numb, she didn’t want to do anything.


“Knock Knock…”

Amber sighed. ‘Why does she come back again!?’, she thought that was the nurse.

But as the door opened, “Amber”, she saw a blonde haired guy appeared.






Sulli stepped doubtfully, Victoria was beside her, led her to meet Mr. Liu. Finally Victoria agreed to help Sulli to meet Mr. Liu.

“Wait here”, Victoria said as they stopped not far from the backyard. Sulli nodded.

Victoria walked toward the backyard then, she saw Mr. Liu was sitting on the bench while sipping a cup of tea.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Liu”, Victoria greeted him.

“Victoria. Have you called Mr. Won?”

“I have, Sir. He’ll be here at seven PM”

“……I see. Thank you”

“Uh… Sir. May I ask you something?”

Mr. Liu frowned.

“Sir, I brought someone here”


“Yes, Sir. We are in a big trouble now, and we know that…… it’s all about Soo Jung”

Mr. Liu looked down, and they were in silent for a moment.

“I think……”, Victoria began to speak again, “we can’t really trust what Mr. Jeremy said, so uh……. I think we should get more information, from the one who knows Soo Jung well”

“…………………what do you mean?”

“Wait for a moment”, Victoria said, she left Mr. Liu for a moment, and came back again with Sulli.

“Mr. Liu… please let this girl explain us about Soo Jung”

Mr. Liu looked so surprised, but he didn’t say any single word.

“Mr. Liu. I’m Sulli. I know that you’re really mad about Soo Jung’s past, you may think her as a trash, but…………………let me tell you about Soo Jung, my childhood friend, Soo Jung that I really know her well”

“Tell us… Tell us, Sulli”, Victoria said.

“Soo Jung is an orphan since she was baby. She lived with her grandmother next to my house, yeah… she had only a grandmother. Her grandmother was a tailor, and since she was kid, Soo Jung always helped her grandmother to work. If you think Soo Jung was a pitiful kid when she was younger, you’re wrong, because even she was orphan and poor, little Soo Jung was really cheerful……and she was really smart”, Sulli wiped her tears and took a deep breath then,

“Yeah…… she was so smart, she was the smartest student in our school, she was a beautiful little girl, she was so cheerful, everyone loved her. She was a tough little girl. She was very kind, she always help me to do homework. But when we was about twelve, her grandmother was sick, I knew that she was actually really sad and stress but……she still looked so cloudless and always took care of her grandmother well. But a year later, her grandmother died, left her alone in this world. Since her grandmother’s death, she always cried everyday, and I always accompanied her, tried to amuse her. Once she said, she would quit from school cos she needed to make money to survive, I was so mad since she was the smartest student it was really not fair if she quit from school. But she had no choice, so finally she quitted, and she looked for job everyday to make money. One day, she told me that there was an auntie said to her, that the auntie would give her a job that would make her life better. She was so happy, she said, if she got more money from that auntie, she would join school again. But…………that auntie tricked her. That auntie mired Soo Jung into the dark world, and she couldn’t escape cos if she did, that mafia would kill her… until……your grandchild rescued her”

Victoria started to sob.

“Do you know Mr. Liu how happy she was when your grandchild rescued her? Don’t you know how happy she was when she met your family? Do you know how happy she was………….when you started to call her ‘kitten’? She said she has a new family, and she loves this family so much. She loves your grandchild so much, she loves you so much and she loves you just like she loved her grandmother, she said that she will take care of you better so that you’ll be health, not like her grandmother”, Sulli wiped her tears again,

“Thank you for the time, Mr. Liu”, Sulli said, and she left then. Left the sobbing Victoria, left the freezing Mr. Liu.




Key walked toward Amber, and took a seat beside the bed then.

“Why are you like this?”, Key said with low voice.

Amber just kept in silent.

“You should get better, Amber, we need to face this together”

“…………it’s too late, Key”

“No! Amber, listen, I have…”

“I’m nothing now, I can do nothing. So, let me die in my own…”

“………what?? What did you say??”, Key exhaled, “Listen, you asked me to help you, right? after you asked me to help you, I flew to Taipei, and guess what did I do there? I became a spy there. I worked hard to send Jeremy to the jail, I worked hard to safe you and your company, but what are you doing here? Waiting for the death and leaving everything in such condition?”

Finally Amber took a look to Key, “…………………….did you get something to kick him, Key? Really?”

“But I need you. if you want to safe your company and…Soo Jung, you should get better soon, and help me”


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1143 streak #1
Chapter 24: Awesome story!
Chapter 24: I miss this story ?
Chapter 24: (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) I can't (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) i lost i cried again i read first Hard but Easy and i cried af and i cried again and this time it's morning i read Hard But Easy yesterday and i finished it 12 in the evening and i cried and cried and this morning my eyes is swollen and i FREAKING CRIED AGAIN (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) NICE STORY I HOPE YOU COME BACK!!!! AUTHOR-NIM JJANG!!!
Chapter 24: Why I only read it now? Im out of date ╥﹏╥
Great story Uwaaaa ╥﹏╥ I cried in this story. Mygosh thumbs up! :)
babySavie #5
Chapter 24: Its really good jjang!!
Chapter 24: love your story... it's awesome ^_^
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 24: Awwww yes I love this story! Im really glad that Amber saved Soojung from the depths of hell! Thank you for make the reconciliation between Mr. Liu and Jeremy, thank you so much for writing this story!!
Out of all the fanfics I have read, this one was the one who was always stuck in my head, this is a truly great story!
bep510 #9
Chapter 24: Aww cute happy ending. I really liked your fic.