Pretty Woman Chapter 17

Pretty Woman

“I’m your uncle in law, Soo Jung… or should I call you……………………Krystal?”






Amber POV

I was so happy, Soo Jung finally came to my office and brought me my favorite food, Taco. She said that she had never known about Taco before, but the Tacos that she made with Luna’s help were really tasty and I liked it so much.

Suddenly Soo Jung d something from her bag, it was her cell phone.

“Who is this?”, I heard he mumbled, “Hello?”, she finally answered. I just glanced at her for a moment and then continued to enjoy the tacos again.

I didn’t realize what Soo Jung said before but suddenly, “PLUGGG…”, she dropped her cell phone.

 I looked up, “Soo Jung?”, she looked so shock and her eyes were teary, “Soo Jung?!!”, I put the lunch box on the table, “Soo Jung?! What happened?!”, she was just in silent. I immediately took her cell phone, “Hello?! Who is this!?? Hello?!!! Hey!! Sh*t!”, the phone was shut already.

“Amber…”, finally Soo Jung spoke.

“Soo Jung…”, I cupped her cheeks, “who was that? Tell me… I’m here”

“Amber…”, she called me with bitter voice, her eyes were so teary, “Amber… I don’t wanna lose you…”

“Soo Jung… What are you saying?! what happened!? Please Soo Jung please tell me!!”

“…………….The guy that called me was…………………your uncle…”

I froze as I heard that, “w……what…”

“And he called me…………………Krystal”







I switched on my car, and started to drive it with high speed. Soo Jung was sat beside me, she was still in shock, tears couldn’t stop flowing on her cheeks. I grabbed my cell phone and called someone that I needed.


“Where are you, Key?”


“Yes it’s me. Where are you?!”

“In my office, why?”

“I’ll be waiting for you at Red King coffee shop right now, but don’t tell Mr. Won, got it?”

“W…what?? what happened?”

“Please Key, I’ll tell you later okay?”



I hung up the phone and put it down. I glanced at Soo Jung, it hurt me so much seeing her like that.


We finally arrived at the coffee shop, I ordered a hot coffee for me and a hot chocolate for Soo Jung. We waited about ten minutes before finally Key came.

“Key!”, I stood up as I saw him came toward us.

“Hey, what are you doing here?!”, he looked at Soo Jung then, “Soo Jung sshi?? You’re here too?”

“Key, we need your help”


I told Key everything about Soo Jung then. I told him how I met Soo Jung, she prevented me to do suicide, I met Soo Jung every night just to have chit chat with her, and finally I spotted Soo Jung in a night club. I told Key about Soo Jung’s past, and I told Key that I bought her.

“Holy sh*it!! Are you crazy Amber??! Why didn’t you tell us in the first place?!”

“………………………………………I couldn’t. Grandpa wouldn’t let me marry her”

“Haiissshh………”, Key sighed.

“Just look at her, Key, does she look like a e? That was her past, situation forced her to do that job! No one wants to do that kind of job!”, Soo Jung was sobbing as I said that. “Key, she’s a nice girl, she’s smart, why should we care about her past? She loves my grandpa, and she’s so important for me, please Key, please help us”

“What should I do, Amber… I don’t know what should I do. Jeremy found out all the things about her, and he’ll use Soo Jung’s past to crush your company. Why didn’t you think about this consequence before, Amber?!”

“I……I just wanted to safe Liu Enterprise…and safe Soo Jung from her dark past”

“Safe Liu Enterprise?? Now, Liu enterprise is in worse situation because of what you did, Amber. And Soo Jung, do you know about her feeling now? She loves you, she loves your grandpa so much, and if grandpa found out about her past, can you imagine what will she get?”

I was just in silent. I couldn’t argue him, I knew I was so stupid, I was so selfish that I wanted to own Soo Jung. Suddenly I felt my eyes became so hot.

“………………………Key……please………………….. help us…”







The situation was getting worse, Amber, she did something so risky. She married a woman from e club, she hid about that woman’s past, and finally her crazy uncle found out about that, Gosh…… I should move faster and change my plan.

Liu family, Liu family and foster father, Mr. Won, were so close just like a family, so I should protect them just like my own family. And about Soo Jung, the woman from the night club, she was so nice, she was so pure, she didn’t deserve to be hated, so I had my decision, I would protect them.


“Jong Hyun, how’s the situation right now? Did you get more information?”

“Uh, yes Sir. I got some information about their clients”

“Good. Jong Hyun, I’ll fly to Taipei tomorrow”

You’ll come here? Is there something urgent, Sir?”

“Yes. Listen, I’ll become a spy in Taipei police headquarter, and you should help me”

“Y…Yes, Sir”





Krystal POV

Beautiful morning, I could smell the scent of wind, it was so fresh. I hoped I could feel this kind of situation forever, with everyone that I love.

“Soo Jung…”, the one that I love called me. She hugged me form the back then.

“I’ve prepared your clothes”, I said to her.

“Hmm…”, she responded. We were in silent for a moment.

“Amber…”, I finally spoke, I turned to see her then, “Amber, thank you for everything. Thank you for being a part of my life”, I her face.

“Ssshhh…”, she put her index finger on my lips, “what are you saying…”

“Nothing… just saying…”, I smiled at her, “Amber…”, I stared her in the eyes, “I love you”, I finally said. I had always waited for the right moment to say that words to her, but I thought I should confess her as long as I still could see her.

Amber pulled me toward her hugged me tightly.

“I had never known about love before I met you, but you brought it to me”, she broke the hug, she held my shoulders gently and looked at me in the eyes, “Soo Jung, I love you too. I love you so much…”, she hugged me again.

The happiness and the sadness were mixed in my heart when Amber said that to me. ‘I’m so happy Amber, we love each other, but can we stay together? I’m afraid we can’t’

I broke the hug, “you’ll be late if you stay here. Go dress up, okay?”, I patted her cheek and gave a peck on her lips then.






“Grandpa…”, I finally found him, I had looked for him and finally I found him at the back yard. I came toward him, I brought a sketch paper and a pencil, I took it from Amber’s folder.

“Hey, Kitten. Come here…”

I took a seat next to grandpa then.

“Tea?”, he asked me.

I just shook my head while smiling a little, “Grandpa, look..”, I showed him the sketch paper and pencil.

He frowned, “are you going to sketch?”

I nodded.

He chuckled, “So… you’ll show me your another talent huh?”

I smiled, “I’m not an expert”, I said.

“Okay… so uh…what are you going to sketch?”

“You”, I said with smile.

“Me?? really??”

“Yes… can I start now?”

“Oh… okay… go ahead”

I started move the pencil on the sketch paper then.

“Amber is a good sketcher”, I spoke while drawing.

“………well, she is”

“I’m not as expert as Amber, but trust me, it will be a good sketch”

“Okay, I trust you”, grandpa chuckled.



“I’m so thankful, I finally have a grandpa”

I glanced at him, he was smiling at me.

“And I’m so thankful that I have you now. You’re like a miracle in this family, Soo Jung”

“Grandpa… please promise me, you’ll always remember that I love this family so much”

“Hm? Sounds like farewell”

“………just promise me, please…”

“…………fine, I promise you Kitten”


I felt relief in my chest as I heard that. I didn’t know what would happen later, but I hoped, they would never forget about my affection for them.

Finally I finished the sketch, I sketched grandpa and me myself on the sketch paper.

“Here”, I handed it to grandpa.

He smiled widely as he saw that, “Soo Jung loves grandpa”, he read the words that I wrote on the sketch paper. He looked up and smiled at me, “Love you too, Kid”, he patted my head. Suddenly my chest became so painful, I was afraid, I was afraid of lose them, I loved them.




After the day that Amber’s uncle called me, he didn’t call me anymore. But instead of happy, I felt so worry about that, I was afraid if he was planning something secretly. Everyday, his voice always echoed in my mind, “I’m your uncle in law, Soo Jung… or should I call you……………………Krystal?”

I got up, I needed fresh air to kick him out of my mind. I grabbed my cell phone to call Amber then.



“I miss you”

I smiled as I heard that, “I miss you too”

“Have you eaten?”

“Yeah. You?”

“Vic unnie bought me rice cake, but I’ll eat it later”

I pouted, “It’s lunch time, Amber. Eat your food”

“Fine. I’ll eat it after you hang up, okay?”

“Okay…   Amber… May I go to Sulli’s house now?”


“yeah. It’s been long time I haven’t visited her”

“Umm…… okay… ask a bodyguard and a driver to accompany you, okay?”

“Umm… can I go there by myself?”

“Um……………Okay then, but be careful, promise me?”

“I promise you”


“Thank you stupid hubby, I love you”




I finally got off the bus, Sulli’s house wasn’t too far from the bus stop so I decided to walk. It was drizzling, so I used an umbrella to protect my body.

“Krystal!!”, I heard someone called ‘Krystal’, the voice was so familiar, “auntie……”, I whispered, I turned my body then. “Krystal, wait!”, I narrowed my eyes as I spotted the one who called me. Auntie, it really was auntie, I saw she ran toward me.


“Krystal… Krys……”, she gasped, “why are you here?!”, she asked.

“…I… I’m going to visit my friend”

“Look yourself… you look so different now, you look really beautiful”

I smiled a little, “thank you”

“Uh, Krys, I actually called you because I need to tell you about something important! It’s unexpected that I would meet you here”

I frowned, “something?”

“Yes, Krys. About two days ago, there were three men came to our club to see Big Daddy. And guess what? They asked a lot about you”


“Yeah. And they paid Big Daddy to get the information about you. I wonder who are they, they said they came fro Taipei”






“Soo Jung”, Sulli my back, “Please stop crying, just tell me what happened, okay? Is it about your husband? What did he do? Did he hurt you?”

I really wanted to tell Sulli about everything, but I couldn’t stop crying.

“Soo Jung… I’ll take you water, just wait here okay?”, she said and left me then. A couple of moment later she came back with a glass of water on her hand, “here, drink it”

I took the water and drank it slowly. I tried to organize my emotion then, “Ssul…”, I finally spoke, “help me… I don’t wanna lose her, I love her”, I started to cry again.

“H…Her? Who?? Soo Jung……what’s going on?”


I told Sulli about what happened then, about Liu’s secret, about Amber’s uncle and Amber’s family, until Amber’s uncle called me, and also about what auntie told me last time.

“Soo Jung…”, Sulli whispered with bitter voice.

“What should I do Ssul… please tell me, please help me”

Sulli hugged me, “it’s so complicated, Soo Jung. Sooner or later they will find out about your past”

Suddenly something appear on my mind, “Ssul, do you mind if I stay here with you later?”

“W…What?? what do you mean?”

“I… I…”

“Soo Jung!! are you planning to escape from Liu’s house?!!”

I couldn’t help but crying.

“Soo Jung!! you can’t do that!! You told me that Amber loves you so much and you love her too! You can’t leave her like that!”

“I…I have no choice…”





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1143 streak #1
Chapter 24: Awesome story!
Chapter 24: I miss this story ?
Chapter 24: (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) I can't (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) i lost i cried again i read first Hard but Easy and i cried af and i cried again and this time it's morning i read Hard But Easy yesterday and i finished it 12 in the evening and i cried and cried and this morning my eyes is swollen and i FREAKING CRIED AGAIN (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) NICE STORY I HOPE YOU COME BACK!!!! AUTHOR-NIM JJANG!!!
Chapter 24: Why I only read it now? Im out of date ╥﹏╥
Great story Uwaaaa ╥﹏╥ I cried in this story. Mygosh thumbs up! :)
babySavie #5
Chapter 24: Its really good jjang!!
Chapter 24: love your story... it's awesome ^_^
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 24: Awwww yes I love this story! Im really glad that Amber saved Soojung from the depths of hell! Thank you for make the reconciliation between Mr. Liu and Jeremy, thank you so much for writing this story!!
Out of all the fanfics I have read, this one was the one who was always stuck in my head, this is a truly great story!
bep510 #9
Chapter 24: Aww cute happy ending. I really liked your fic.