Pretty Woman Chapter 11

Pretty Woman

Amber POV

I saw Soo Jung was playing around with the monkeys while feeding them. I couldn’t stop stare at her, she was smiling prettily, the smile that I had never seen before when she was a e. She looked so pure, she looked pretty, she looked cheerful, she was too perfect, I felt like I wanna run toward her and hug her tightly. ‘God, what kind of feeling is this? Am I falling in love? But I don’t know what is love’

“Stupid hubby! Look, this one looks like you”, Soo Jung pointed a little monkey.

“What??”, I pouted.

“Really, it looks like you! Hey, Amber…Amber…come here, I’ll give you a banana”

“Yah! Why do you call it ‘Amber’? That’s my name!”

“Fine. Joseph… Joseph… aigooo you’re so cute… here… take this banana Josh… Good”

“Aisshh… That’s my middle name!”, I protested, but she ignored me and kept playing with the little monkey.

“Hey! I think this monkey is a she! Okay, I’ll change your name little monkey, your name is………… Josephine! Aigooo…… Josephine is cute right?”

“YAH! Stop using my name for naming the monkey!”




“I’m tired, Amber”, Soo Jung pouted, we were walking through the stairs again to go to the upper, “why are there so many stairs here? I thought the monkeys place is the top”

“There still a hill up there. It must be really beautiful”

“But I’m tired”

“Want a piggy ride back?”, I asked, and she nodded playfully with a huge smile. I bent my body, “Come on”, I said. She hopped onto my back then, even thought I said to her that her body was heavy when I carried her at the airport, honestly Soo Jung’s body was so light.

“Am I heavy?”, she asked as we continued to go to the hill.

“You really are”, I .

She slapped my shoulder, “You’re lying”

I giggled, “fine… You’re light Soo Jung. How come a monster like you…”

She slapped my shoulder again, “I’m not a monster!”

I giggled again, “So, what are you?”

“Umm………………… a princess”

“And I’m the prince?”

“Nooo… you’re my servant”

“It’s not fair!”

“Don’t care, Josephine”

“That’s the little monkey’s name”

“That’s your name too”

“I’ll name the monkey ‘SooJungie’”

“YAH! Her name is Josephine!”

“Her name is Soojungie!”

“say it again and I’ll tickle you”

“Soojungie is a little monkey”

“Seriously…”, she started tickling me then.

“Uhh! Soo Jung stop it! Ahahahahaha… hey stop it!”


“Hey! We’ll fall down if you keep tickling me!”, I warned her, but she kept doing it, “Soo Jung…”, I lost my balance, I stopped to walk then, “Soo Jung we will fal…….”, I couldn’t handle it anymore, I lost my balance and…………we fell down into a pool.

“God… I told you”, I tried to get up and I looked at Soo Jung then, she didn’t move, “Soo Jung? Are you okay?”, I came to her worriedly, when I was about to touch her, suddenly…

“GOTCHA!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!”, she laughed crazily, “Look at your self, you’re all in wet! Hahahahahahahaha!”

I pouted, “Don’t laugh, you’re wet too”

“I know, but it feels good you know!”, she splashed the water playfully. She looked so cute.

I smiled, “you should be punished!”, I said, “Here!”, I splashed the water toward her then.



“Catch me!”, she said and ran away to avoid me.

“Don’t run Soo Jung!”, I followed her then. But suddenly I saw Soo Jung stopped running, “Gotcha!”, I said while grabbing her wrist.

“Sssttt… Amber…”, she looked so serious while pointing something with her index finger, “look”, she said.

I looked at her index finger’s direction then I saw…………………a cascade.

‘………and there’s a myth here, If you get into the cascade with your lover, your love would be forever…’, I remembered the Banana merchant’s words about a cascade and its myth. ‘Does it mean…’, I looked at Soo Jung. She was staring at the cascade while smiling a little.

“Do you believe in myth, Amber?”





Author POV


“What time will they arrive here?”

“They are on the way, Sir”

“I see”

“Knock knock”

“Come in”

“Mr. Liu, Young Master and his wife are here”




“Grandpa…”, Amber came toward her grandpa, and hugged him then.

“How was the honeymoon?”, her grandpa asked as they broke the hug.

“It was amazing”, Amber smiled.

“Good. Go get some rest, tomorrow you need to back to work”

“I know”

“Where is your wife?”




Soo Jung was trying to carry all the bags with her own hands whereas her hands were too small to carry them all. But Soo Jung kept trying to bring them all with her hands, she actually wanted to impress Amber’s grandfather with the gifts that she bought from Bali for him.

“Young Miss, let me help you”, a servant said

“No need. I need to bring all of them by my self, okay?”, Soo Jung winked, she started to walk with the bags on her hands then.



“Where is your wife?”, Amber’s grandfather asked.

“Grandpa…”, suddenly a ‘weird’ girl appeared with so many bags on her hands.

Amber’s grandfather frowned as he saw that girl and the bags.

“Look, I bought these for you!”, the girl said happily as she held up her hands that full with the bags, and it caused…………………all the contents of the bags fell and messed around. “Uh?! I’m sorry!”, the girl immediately picked them up.

“Soo Jung!”, Amber ran toward the girl, “no need”, Amber said while holding Soo Jung’s shoulders gently, “The servant will clean it up, okay?”


“Come on, get up”, Amber helped Soo Jung to stand up then.

Soo Jung looked at Amber’s grandfather worriedly, “I’m… I’m sorry…”, she said.

Amber’s grandfather sighed, “Amber, I need to talk to you for a moment”, he said.

“Soo Jung…”, Amber whispered to Soo Jung’s ear, “go to our room and get some rest, okay?”

“Is he mad at me?”, Soo Jung whispered worriedly.

“Don’t worry about him. Go, get some rest”, Amber tapped Soo Jung’s head.




Amber took a seat in front of the old man lazily.

“Your wife…”, the old man spoke, “she’s so cheerful just like a little kitten”

“I know that’s not a compliment”, Amber said coldly.

“Well……… cheerful is not a Liu’s personality”

“Oh come on grandpa, don’t talk about something unimportant. I just arrived here and I’m so tired, okay?”

“I know, Amber, we need that girl and she helped us so much. But… I can’t let her ruin our family’s image. Amber, she has to change her manner, she needs to learn a lot of things to be a Liu. Tomorrow Professor Moon will come here to tutor her”

Amber glared her grandpa.

“He will teach her some lessons”

“Fine, do what ever you want. I’m so tired grandpa, I’m leaving okay?”, Amber said as stood up.


Amber walked slowly while thinking, ‘Professor Moon will be Soo Jung’s Tutor?’, Amber thought worriedly. Amber remembered when she was taught by Professor Moon, he was very assertive and vicious. He was a perfectionist too, and he didn’t like if some one couldn’t understand about what he said. Even though Amber was sure about Soo Jung’s cleverness, but she felt worry about Soo Jung’s manner.

Amber raised her hand to open the door, as she opened it she saw Soo Jung was sitting on the couch, she looked nervous.

“Hi there”, Amber said as she entered the room.

“Amber?”, Soo Jung stood up, “how’s grandpa? What did he say? is he mad at me?”

Amber smiled, “no, Soo Jung. He’s okay. He just told me about your tutor”

Soo Jung frowned, “My tutor?”

Amber nodded, “You’ll be tutored by Professor Moon for two weeks, he’s my grandpa’s friend. He used to be my tutor before”

“Two weeks?”

“Yeah. Just for two weeks, don’t need to worry okay?”, Amber tapped Soo Jung’s head.




Krystal POV

I was sitting in front of the mirror, looked at my reflection, it looked so pale and nervous. I exhaled. A tutor called professor Moon would come in few minutes to tutoring me. I remembered Amber said to me before she go to work last, “You should listen carefully what he’s saying, okay? That’s really important to impress him”

I exhaled again, I was thinking about the professor, ‘is he a nice man or……

Knock knock”, suddenly I heard the door was knocked. “Beep… Beep… Mr. Liu you have a guest’, the door monitor reminded.

I walked toward the door and opened it then I saw a maid was standing I front of the room.

“Young Miss, Professor Moon is waiting for you in study room. I’ll accompany you to the room, follow me”, she said politely, I followed her then. “We’re here”, the maid said as we arrived at the study room. “Do you need something, Young Miss?”

I shook my head.

“Can I leaving now?”

I nodded. The maid left me then. I took deep breathe and exhaled then. I raised my hand and knocked the door.

“Come in”, I heard an oldman’s voice from inside, I entered the room then.

“Miss Soo Jung?”, an old man with white hair asked while studying me.

“Y…Yes, Professor”, I answered.

“Please sit down, Miss”, he said.

I took a seat then.

“Before we start the lesson, would you mind if I want you to tell me about your self?”

“No, Sir”

He nodded, “okay. You can start now”

“My name is Jung Soo Jung. I’m nineteen years old now. I’m an orphan, I don’t know where my parents are but I had a grandmother, she died when I was thirteen because of her illness. I quitted from school after my grandmother’s death”, I exhaled, I didn’t know why but suddenly I felt more comfort to tell him about my self, “I have a best friend, her name is Choi Sulli, I knew her since I was kid. When we were in elementary school, I was smarter than her, but her life is better than me. umm………uh! My hobby is reading, I like reading novel and newspaper, I like playing chess and card too, and I ………”

“Stop stop, Miss Soo Jung, that’s enough and thank you”, he said without smile, “so now, I want to ask you something. What do you know about knowledge?”

“Knowledge? Knowledge is all kind of information”

He nodded, “good enough. What do you know about science?”

After that he hit me with the other questions, and when I told him the wrong answer, he said “what a very stupid answer”, or “wrong. Give me another answer”, but I found it fun, Professor Moon explain me about so many things that I hadn’t known before. Even though he always glared at me and spoke to me viciously, I was still excited to listen to him.


On the next day, as usual Amber left me to go to work, and I needed to study another lesson with Professor Moon.

“Today, we’ll study about economic math and business strategy”, he said.

“Math?! I like math!!!”, I was too excited. Well actually math was my favorite subject when I was a student.

“If you shouting like that I won’t start our lesson”, Professor Moon said coldly.

“I’m sorry, Professor, I’m so excited”, I grinned.

Professor Moon started the lesson then. He explained me about what business is, it was really interesting for me, after that Professor Moon taught me some formulas of math business.


I was sitting on the couch while reading a book that Professor Moon gave me. I just finished the tutor and decided to read the book in my—well, actually mine and Amber’s room. It had been five days already and everything went good. I could understand all kind of subjects that Professor Moon taught me, and I felt Professor Moon was getting nice to me even though he always forbade me to shout or being too excited.

“Beep beep… Mr. Liu you have a guest”, Amber’s door monitor reminded. I stood up and walked toward the door and opened it.

“Can I get in?”, I was shock as I saw Amber’s grandpa.

“S…Sure!”, I said.

Amber’s grandpa entered the room and took a seat on the sofa, I followed him.

“Professor Moon said you’re smart”, he said directly, “but I don’t believe that”, he continued.

I was just kept in silent. ‘How arrogant this old man’

“DO you have a chess? Let’s play, and if you can defeat me, I’ll believe that you’re smart”

“I don’t have chess, but I have UNO cards”

Amber’s grandpa frowned, “What’s that?”




“Here”, I threw the yellow seven card.

Amber’s grandpa threw the yellow three card.

I smirked, “here”, I threw the blue three card then.

Amber’s grandpa frowned, “I don’t have the blue one”

“You can threw the another color of three card if you have it”

He looked at his cards carefully, “I don’t have any”

I smirked, “you should take the card again, grandpa”



He sighed. He had seven cards on his hand and I just had two cards left. I threw the blue five card, “UNO!”, I said, on UNO game you should say ‘UNO’ if you have only one card left.

Amber’s grandpa shook his head with puzzled looked, he took the card again then.

I threw the blue one card, “I win!”, I said happily.

“Let’s play it again”, I was so shock when I heard that from Amber’s grandpa.


Twenty minutes later…

“I win”, I said.


Thirty minutes later…

“I win”, I said.


An hour later…

“I win”, I said.


Two hours later…

“UNO!”, Amber’s grandpa said.

My eyes became wider, “it can’t be…”, I had five cards left whereas Amber’s grandpa had only a card left.

I threw the yellow five card.

“Hohoho… it’s my lucky”, Amber’s grandpa shouted. It was the first time I saw him with a smile on his face, “Here!”, he threw the blue five card then, “I WIN!!! Hahahahahaha”

I pouted, “how come…”



On the next day…

“Kitten”, I heard Amber’s grandpa’s voice when I was walking to my room after I finished the tutor.

I turned my head and I saw Amber’s grandpa was walking toward me, “me?”, I pointed my nose.

“Of course you. Have you finished the tutor?”

I nodded.

“Come to my work room and bring your UNO cards”

I couldn’t hide my shock expression as I heard that, “Okay, Grandpa!!”, I shouted excitedly.

“Sssttt… don’t shouting like that! Behave okay?!”

“I…I’m sorry…”



Finally the weekend had come. I just woke up and didn’t find Amber beside me. ‘Where is she? It’s weekend right?’, I thought. I got up and walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth then.

After I brushed my teeth, I heard the door monitors reminded, I opened it then.

“Young Miss Soo Jung”, it was Luna, “you woke up late”, she glared me.

“I’m sorry, I was so tired”

“Fine. The breakfast is ready, your husband and your grandpa is waiting for you in dining room”

“I’ll be there”

“You’d better be”, she said and left me then.

After I changed my pajama suit I headed to the dining room, and I saw Amber and her grandpa were sitting without talking each other.

“Good morning”, I greeted them.

“Morning, Soo Jung”

“Morning, Kitten”

Amber frowned as she heard that, “kitten?”

“Uh…yeah grandpa always called me that when we played UNO”

“…………………………………………you…”, Amber turned her head to her grandpa, “…………………and grandpa………….”



I'm sorry for took it so long, i'm in the mid test period T-T



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1143 streak #1
Chapter 24: Awesome story!
Chapter 24: I miss this story ?
Chapter 24: (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) I can't (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) i lost i cried again i read first Hard but Easy and i cried af and i cried again and this time it's morning i read Hard But Easy yesterday and i finished it 12 in the evening and i cried and cried and this morning my eyes is swollen and i FREAKING CRIED AGAIN (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) NICE STORY I HOPE YOU COME BACK!!!! AUTHOR-NIM JJANG!!!
Chapter 24: Why I only read it now? Im out of date ╥﹏╥
Great story Uwaaaa ╥﹏╥ I cried in this story. Mygosh thumbs up! :)
babySavie #5
Chapter 24: Its really good jjang!!
Chapter 24: love your story... it's awesome ^_^
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 24: Awwww yes I love this story! Im really glad that Amber saved Soojung from the depths of hell! Thank you for make the reconciliation between Mr. Liu and Jeremy, thank you so much for writing this story!!
Out of all the fanfics I have read, this one was the one who was always stuck in my head, this is a truly great story!
bep510 #9
Chapter 24: Aww cute happy ending. I really liked your fic.