Pretty Woman Chapter 1

Pretty Woman

Amber walked slowly. There were so many thoughts crossing inside her mind. She was in the biggest trouble after her Father’s death, they said, the Liu Enterprise would be taken over by her uncle. ‘In your dreams, uncle. I won’t let it happen’, Amber swore to her self.

Amber stopped her step. She raised her right hand and knocked the door.

“Come in”, a voice came from inside.

Amber opened the door. She bowed to an old man in front of her.

“Take a seat, Amber”, the old man said.

Amber took a seat then. They were in silent for a moment, the old man took a deep breath then.

“We’re in trouble”, said the old man.

“I know, Grandpa”

“Your uncle is more and more getting crazy”

Amber sighed, “now what?”

“He threatened me. He said he would tell everybody about your real gender if you don’t share this company to him”

“He doesn’t want me to share it, he wants me to give this company to him. He wants to snatch this company from us, Grandpa!”, Amber couldn’t control her emotion anymore, “he didn’t give a for this company! I know he’s your son, I know he’s Daddy’s little brother, but can you tell me his effort to this company? He can’t do nothing but waste our money! Even until know, I have a thought about my Daddy’s death that uncle kil……”

“Amber! Calm down, Amber. We need to discuss with our mind, not with our emotion”

Amber took a deep breath and tried to calm her self.

“I’ve already given this company to your Father. Now, Liu Enterprise is on behalf of your Father. And, your Father has died, and you’re his heir, ………….. if you were a man”, he sighed, “Since you born, we treated you as a boy, so that you could be the one who heirs our company, because we don’t trust your uncle. We hide your real gender from public until now. You know the reason why we hide your real gender identity right? Businesses won’t consider a company that led by a woman”

Amber gulped, it was so hard for her to kept controlling her emotion, “you let me grown as a man right? So, mentally I am a man, physically, as you see, I look like a man right? So what if the fact I am a girl? I have all manly side in me!”

“I know. But people won’t regard it”

Amber sighed. Her Grandfather was right. If public found her as a woman, they would underestimate her as a leader of Liu Enterprise, even though Amber is stronger than a real man, they won’t regard it.

“What should we do, Grandpa? If uncle take over this company, it would be on the verge of collapse. We have no solution”

“Our Lawyer give us a suggest, and you are the only one who could do this”

Amber narrowed her eyes, “what should I do?”

“You should marry some one. It will assure you as a man”






Amber’s POV

Who am I? What am I doing down here on the earth? I’m nothing, I have nothing. Look, all the people are smiling, they are enjoying their life aren’t they? Are they happy? What is happy by the way? I know nothing about happiness, all I know about happy is just a word, I can spell it well, but I don’t know the meaning of ‘happy’ word.

Since I was born, I don’t have a mother. It so hurts to face the fact that my mother died because of me, she gave me a birth, and she died. What is a mother? How is a mother’s love? I don’t know. I spent my childhood with my Father, my Grandfather, my maids, and some nannies. And you know? I knew the fact that I’m a girl when I reached seven. No one told me about that, no one taught me about that, since my hobby is reading since I was kid, I knew that from a biology book.

They said, I would be the one who heir Liu’s big company, so, I should be a boy. Well, I was okay with that since they treated me as a boy since I was born, I feel more comfort for being a male than a female.

I’ve never attended a formal school. I don’t know how’s the school life up until know. I was a home schooling student since I was three, and I began to study economic mathematic since I was eight. My whole life is monotone up until now.

 Now, I should face a new problem in my life. My father has died. His death is very strange, they said he had heart attack, but how come? I didn’t even see the symptom over him, and helloooow……..he was a vegetarian. I bet, my uncle killed him, even I don’t have anything to prove that, I’m pretty sure about that.

My uncle, His name is  Jeremy Liu, I call him uncle Jeremy. He’s a trash. I don’t know what made him become like that, but he hates my grandpa and my Daddy very much. He always back home just for asking money. A few years ago, my grandpa gave a whole of our company to My Daddy. So, Liu Enterprise was on behalf on my Father before he died. We all know how uncle Jeremy reacted when my grandpa announced about that. He was very mad that time, he said he has a right for this company too. But my Grandpa said that he wouldn’t give any of this company to him.

After my Father’s death, our Lawyer announced that I would be the one who heir Liu Enterprise. That made my uncle getting crazy. He forced me to share the company to him, or he would tell the public about my gender identity. You know, if the public know about my real gender, our company would be in danger.

Our lawyer said that the only solution is, I should marry a woman to assure my gender as a male. How nonsense. I’m just 22 years old now, and I have all these problems with me. I think I’d better die. Yes, I’m so tired to live my life this way, too tiring. My Father and my mother aren’t here with me anyway, I think it would be better if I meet them up there.


I have my decision.


I heard the bell was ringing, it means the train would come. I decided to get out of my car. The train was getting close, I ran toward the railways immediately, I knew what I was doing and I was sure to do it. I stood on the railways, I closed my eyes, I could feel the train coming……….it was closer and closer…..

“YAH STUPID!”, some one pulled me out of there, then I heard the sound of the train passed next to me as I saw………..a beauty Goddess appeared in front of me. I was amazed by her beauty, she’s the perfect creature that I’ve ever seen in my life.



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1149 streak #1
Chapter 24: Awesome story!
Chapter 24: I miss this story ?
Chapter 24: (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) I can't (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) i lost i cried again i read first Hard but Easy and i cried af and i cried again and this time it's morning i read Hard But Easy yesterday and i finished it 12 in the evening and i cried and cried and this morning my eyes is swollen and i FREAKING CRIED AGAIN (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) NICE STORY I HOPE YOU COME BACK!!!! AUTHOR-NIM JJANG!!!
Chapter 24: Why I only read it now? Im out of date ╥﹏╥
Great story Uwaaaa ╥﹏╥ I cried in this story. Mygosh thumbs up! :)
babySavie #5
Chapter 24: Its really good jjang!!
Chapter 24: love your story... it's awesome ^_^
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 24: Awwww yes I love this story! Im really glad that Amber saved Soojung from the depths of hell! Thank you for make the reconciliation between Mr. Liu and Jeremy, thank you so much for writing this story!!
Out of all the fanfics I have read, this one was the one who was always stuck in my head, this is a truly great story!
bep510 #9
Chapter 24: Aww cute happy ending. I really liked your fic.