Stuck in hell

Living with a playboy

"I am so gonna jump from the nearest mountain! I hate him so much!"


Sungjong, which was laying on the couch lazily lifted his head a smirk painted on his face.


"You know that it takes at least five hours to go the closest mountain at that time of the day if you take a taxi... and if I could, I would add that you look that much awful right now that I sincerely doubt that anyone would want to take you in their car. And honestly, I will give you a free advice because I am your best friend - other wise you would have to pay for it I'm such genius ahahah -, if you are really desperate enough to kill yourself open the freaking window and jump. We are actually on the tenth floor so... But either way you choose, can you pleeeeaaaase shut the hell up!"


He put the pillow on his face and groaned his exasperation out.

"I have been training really hard the past few days and I sleep barely four hours a day, and just at the moment I can have free time to take care of my health by recovering my sleeping beauty an elephant is coming to make noise." He had changed his tactic trying to look pitiful to obtain what he wanted from me : silence.


"Drip." I talked back "Do you know how much of a sacrifice it was for me to come here with L around?"


He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Oh sure I know how much of a sacrifice you did by accepting this contract ten minutes ago since you spent the last nine minutes lamenting about that in my tired ears!" he replied sarcastically before adding in  a low voice "I spent one hole day listening to the same song do you know how hard it is?"


Realizing that I wasn't about to obey he just woke up grabbed my hand and threw me on the couch before laying next to me, using me as a life size pillow. I tensed and tried to jerk back but ended stuck behind him and the back of the sofa. His pretty dark brown eyes half close from sleepiness and the pout on his lips made him look cute but I was still uncomfortable because of our compromising position, once a day is enough. This surely led me to think about  the jerk and what had happened. I closed my eyes firmly forcing my body to relax, I was about to reach my objective until the kid decided to burry his nose against my neck.


"What the heck are you doing?" I cried.


"Shut up or I will have to kiss you." he said not bothering to open his eyes.


There was one thing he couldn't tell me, not after what had happened. All the blood drained from my face and my martial art reflexes took the control, my knees automatically came protecting my stomach and it's really naturally - I don't think this formulation would help me in the tribunal - that my feet percuted his abs and pushed him away from me as fast and strongly as they could. Sungjong was litterally projected in the midle of the room and kept rolling on the floor for two meters. When he finally stopped moving a stupid nervous smile separated my face in two parts. Don't misunderstand, I was worried, but whenever I'm nervous I have strange reactions.


I contemplated my best friend lying his stomach starting to feel guilty, well, it wasn't as if it had been something ual or embarrassing in terms of our friendship but the previous events had made me feel anxious. I hated how L could make me feel insecure by the only idea of his presence. I hated the way he could reach his goal so easily : makings want to give up and come home.


The face of Sungjong was anything but soft. 


"Are you nuts ? What the hell is wrong with you ?" He yelled.


Before I could even answer Kim Jungryul entered the room. His eyes landed immediately on his singer before coming back to me.


"I have an impression de déjà-vu. I'd like to ask if it's a particular occasion or is it an habit for you to try to kill my singers." He asked in a pleasant tone which let feel lots of sarcasm and dryness.


I blushed madly and lowered my head trying to escape the glare. He was in his right to be mad at me because I kept messing everything up at the very beginning of the contract. This childish behavior was only partly mine, partly because I'm honest, I had never been such a coward trying to make people keeping their distances even if most of these people hated me.


"Look at me." Added the manager capturing my full attention.


To my surprise I constated the presence of humor in his eyes.


"I start to think it's a gift that you make them be in such embarrassing positions each time I arrive." 


I was already red but when he added that I just blushed as madly as an high school girl in front of her crush. The manager's phone rang and he excused himself, I finally noticed the look the kid was giving me, so obvious that it made me wanna puke. He formed a heart with his hands and started giggling like a retard. I was about to kick him but the manager came back so I close our silent conversation by a dirty glare daring him to say anything. He didn't. Good smart boy who knows that he needs to stop watching his back to sleep sometimes.


"What are you still doing on the floor ?" Kim Jungryul questioned.


Sungjong obeyed but kept a careful eye on me trying to see if I had intentions to hit him again. It made me feel bad, after all, I hadn't told him everything of what had happened with L so his words were as innocent as they can be when a friend tells you that he will kiss you to make you shut up. He didn't see me that way and would never. I hoped fervently. A romance between us two would only make everything so complicated. It wasn't right. It wasn't mean to be. The only thought was disturbing me a lot.


"I'm so sorry. Guess I'm more nervous than what I had expected." I became silent for a while before adding " They don't like me much, we all know that."


He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back, my hands holding his clothes as if it was the last wall protecting me against hell. Someone was shaking. it took me a moment to realize it was me.


When we separated we faced the door shoulder brushing shoulder knowing that the moment to "meet officially" the members of Infinite had come. There was no need to look at each other to know we were arboring the exact same blank expression. The door opened and six persons entered the room. Manager Ryu Gonam and manager  Cho Hyowan were present, probably to prevent us to jump to the throats and fight. I felt relieved by their presence and particularly by the absence of manager Lee Youngjun which didn't hide that would have prefered me to disapear in unexplicable circumstances, the others, whatever they were thinking about me and my choices had chosen to not express their opinion, I was grateful about that, and the absence of L probably still with a pack of ice on his face. The smile that I almost had thinking about that vanished at the unpleasant expressions of the other members.


"What the chick is doing here ?" asked Hoya in an icy tone.


I felt Sungjong tense next to me and touched lightly his arm to prevent him from making something stupid. He sighed but remained silent. All the members and the managers looked at me as if I had realized something extraordinary. My Sungjie had always - as I'd like to pretend - listenned to me.


"But noona..." he whispered.


"You have to choose your battles and now is obviously not the moment, I can't afford you to make me look weak now." I replied in the same tone of voice.


"Looking strong or not won't change anything... hell, you're our personal assistant !" he shot back dryly.


"Shut up !"


I couldn't answer anything because he was so damn right. I was their slave/pet until I didn't know when. Can someone remenber me why I am doing that ? Right, Sungjong. But looking at the jerks I doubted.


"You can do it !" I'll do it for you, Sungjie.


Hoya was ice-like, the same expression he had whenever he was facing me. I knew that he didn't like me since the beginning but even if I have tried to make up with him or to find the reason of his offense, I still have no clue and it's kind of frustrating to have someone hating for a matter you don't know anything about. It must be something really bad and unforgivable, right ? Right ?


Woohyun is the one making fun of me. Well, to be honest he uses his insolent sarcasm on everyone of the group, so in conclusion I don't really know if it's worse with me. 


Sungyeol is my favorite not that we have a good relationship, we just ignore each other so it's one person less to deal with. I'm very grateful to him I the inside even if I don't show it.


Dongwoo will never do something to make my life easiest and he will help the others to annoy me but in the inside he doesn't care a bit about me or my friendship with Sungjong. Whatever he says or does it never feels like a personal attack.


Sunggyu. He is the only one which is perfectly correct or polite with me. Don't go think that he likes me - and I'm not even imagining in a romantic way -. No, he's the leader, the oldest one, the one which is responsible for all the group, the one charged to apologize for his donsaengs mistakes. That why he controls himself and the others around me. I respect him for that.


"Yep what the hell is she doing here ?" Added Woohyun visibly annoyed by my little discussion with Sungjong. 


My fists clenched, so did Sungjong's but we kept our calm. I breathed slowly two times before I felt like talking without yelling my frustration out.


"I don't think I need to present myself so I'm gonna go straight to the point : I am your new personal assistant." The words were coming out of my mouth difficultly. Then came the moment I redoubted I had to bow. A perfect 90 degrees bow just to make my teeth cringe.


"Hey chick what's your name again ? Or maybe you're satisfied with chick ?" Woohyun added with a diabolical smirk.


"Lee Kyeongeun." I replied, forced - between chick and your name what would you choose ?-.


"Too difficult guess it will be chick." He mumbled.


"You stupid, just wristtle her after all our assistant." Replied Dongwoo.


At that point of the conversation I wouldn't have been surprised if someone had told me that smoke was coming out of my ears. Honestly today they were quite kind probably still shocked, tomorrow would be probably worse but still the temptation throwing the closest thing to me at their faces was strong - after checking it was Sungjie, guess it was good that I kept my calm -.


"Where's Myungsoo ?" Finally asked Manager Jungryul as if it was the only thing worrying him.


"I don't know, probably still with the ice pack on his face." Replied Manager Hyowan half serious half angry.


"I'm going to bring him here after announcing him the good news." 


I fervently hoped that manager Jungryul was being sarcastic because I don't think L would appreciate the news that much. About taking them with humor, it was more a dream than anything else. Did I told you how much we hate each other ?


Between L and me it's a long story of love, the kind of love implying a knife and stabbing in the back. There wasn't a real start, a real bad memory that made us hate each other, it just came naturally a natural instinct making us like the same poles of a magnet pushing away the one too similar. Guess I'm a jerk too. At the beginning he seemed disliking my relationship with Sungjong and then I got bored with his annoyed glances so my snake tongue reacted and slowly it get worse and worse. I don't really know why they all hate me that much, probably because I disturbed the unity of the group - as if I had wanted to - by accepting Sungjong after his heartbreak. The changed Sungjong. I hated them back to not helping him, to not see how desperate he was. Particularly Hoya. After all, he was his roommate and his other best friend. How could he not notice ?


At the time the conflict between us became too important and affected their performances on stage, they asked me to leave. I obeyed. Letting a broken Sungjong behind me, unable to help him. It was only possible to think of him and how difficult it was, they had forbidden me to contact him. For his sake. Don't make me laugh.


I blinked three or four times when my best friend wrapped one arm around my waist bringing me back to reality. The worried look he gave me prevented me from protesting. This dark light in his eyes hadn't appeared since the conflict as I like to name it, the light which said he was on my side no matter what. Us two against the rest of the world. One more time. I will never let you down.


Hoya raised his eyebrows in reaction and I knew it was the wrong way to approach them. Woolllim Entertainment War 2 had started. It's funny that I am always one the reasons of the battle.


Manager Ryu Gonam made a quiet sign to us significant to shut up and lower our heads.


"Everyone sit down and try to be polite." he declared with a tensed smile before adding "Hoya-sshi, why don't you go find drinks for everyone ?"


"Why me ? Don't we have a new personal assistant ?" he shot back pronouncing the word as if it was poisonous. Yes Hoya, we all know that slave/b!tch were what you really wanted to say instead.




The tone was pleasant. The smile charming. It didn't prevent it from being an order that you will obey to if you don't wanna be in trouble. The dancer understood it and pouted like a kid while leaving the room. One of the principal antagonists had left but the level of hostility didn't go down. It even seemed to have the opposite effect, for sure they took me responsible for Hoya being dismissed the five next minutes. I will tell you what is it U-N-F-A-I-R.


Manager Cho Hyowan cleared his throat and we all complied by sitting in the most complete silence, waiting for the lead dancer to come back. The door opened letting enter manager Kim Jungryul  I was so happy to notice his presence with a bright smile that I didn't realise that L was following him. My stupid crush had blinded me and now I was paying the price...


An atonished L was contemlating me opened mouth, thinking I secretly had feelings for him. As soon as I realized my mistake, my smile vanished but it was too late...




Hi guys !


I will start by telling that seeing your comments made my day and gave me the inspiration and motivation to start my next chapter the same day !


 Thank you to all my subscribers for waiting sometimes really too long between my updates. 


I know what the principal lines of this story will be even if the end isn't really clear for now and I'm motivated like never so as soon as I finish this chapter I start working on the next one. I'd like to say that I'm able to update chapter after my iPod almost made me have a heart attack for trying to loose my chapter.


Thanks bobisbusy an Ay-yow to let me know that I'm not the only one to think this job ... Well, I agree with you Ay-yow it's true that it also has advantages.

BlockBC : I'm trying to make it intense but it will probably take still one or two chapters.

TaeTiSica and BlockBC : I've tried to !


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Chapter 7: Please update
Chapter 6: LOL. PA is a synonym for slave xD
true, but she can watch Infinite's handsome face everyday that is like
BlockBC #4
Chapter 6: awww I feel speshurrr!~~ㅋㅋㅋ glad I commented~^^ update soon~ I have a feeling it's gonna get intense!
Chapter 6: You are right. Personal assistant is basically a paid slave. XD
TaeTiSica #6
update soon.
BlockBC #7
Chapter 5: Great story!~ update soon please!!^^