The contract

Living with a playboy

I am dedicating this chapter to BlockBC that I want to thank for the first comment! It gave me motivation to finish this chapter that I had started for so long. (Yes someone finally took me out of my laziness...) Sorry guys for making you waiting so long. Even if it still took a long time to realize that it wasn't visible for my readers, sorry.


I want to thank my nine suscribers. Love you guys!


I hope you will enjoy this chapter! Comments and suscriptions are loved.




I looked at the young man bewildered, what the f*** the face of Infinite was doing here looking at me with those cold eyes that every member of Woollim seemed deserving to me. What was so bad in the fact that I wanted to protect my friend and make him understand by the less harsh way that he had to stop to play around like that and he could fall in love a second time without being betrayed? I helped them a lot to cover his ual scandals with his preys. I convinced them, gave them money, blackmailed them. I'm not proud of what I did, but I wanted to protect him. I would have done absolutely everything to make him feel better, everything to stop seing those dead eyes he had after their rupture.




A lot of persons don't understand me, but didn't have theoccasion to stop him when they realized sontehting smelled fishy with that girl, they weren't the person that he entered the apartment at 2:30am a wednesday night with this scary empty expression on his face as if someone had drained his whole life out of his body. He was a zombie, after he became a player, but that was better. Everything not to see this expression anynore.


By the way, I find the girl I rip her head off.


So this explain that when I saw his coldness and the way he was looking down at me I just felt myself adopting a devensive position on the couch. He didn't do anything, his beautiful smile reserved to his fans completely erased, he just stared at me for three minutes before before I decided to break the ice.


"What do yo want, L?" I asked an annoyed unformal tone.


"He doesn't deserve help. Just let him be kicked out of the band." he replied without any emotion.


At this stage of the conversation - which had been really short - I was already royally pissed. How come that a little jerk can make me feel that way in just two sentences? That's a gift. I rolled my eyes to prevent myself from smashing his precious face against the nearest wall. I hate him so much ! Does he think because he had shot one miserable drama and he has a pretty face that makes girls falling like flies for him he can say this kind of things?


We stayed quiet for a while.


"Whatever they propose to you, just refuse." he added before leaving.


"See ya!" I just replied with a smirk he didn't see but my answer and my tone made him turn back.


He came close to me. Too close in my opinion. He bent until his face was just a few inches away from mine. I looked away a little embarassed by our compromising position, he grabbed my chin to make me face him and I could say I get lost in his beautiful dark eyes... but I would be a lie, I was just freaking angry that he thought if he used a little charm on me, I will end drowling like crazy with two hearts instead of eyes.


"Do you really think you're cupid?" I laughed in an insulting tone.


A crual smile appeared on his face and he came closer if it was possible, now an uncalculated movement will end in a tragic way.


"You want me to become your cupid?" he replied with the most bright smile ever.


I have to admit that this guy has the nerves to say things like that without blushing from embarassment. Well, I guess he's trained. I moved closer to him as if I wanted to kiss him, determined not to loose against a cuttie face. He looked suprised by my reaction but soon his assurate expression came back as he  put an arm in my back and his knees on each side of my laps on the couch. No one which would enter, would think that we were only fighting. It was enough as a ual scandal to ruin his career if a picture was taken. I would be hunted by his fangirls to death in the process.


Do you know how stupid you feel when you're two to play the same game, that none of you want to be a part of and that you two are too proud to stop? You end watching each other, silently hoping for the other to get bored or for a pretext to let go without loosing your dignity. And trust me, ten minutes in this position, it's long... really long. My position was much more comfortable than his and I could certainly turn it to my advantage if someone suddenly entered, it was easy to prevent he was trying abusing me. A b!tch, me? Only with L.


Why do I hate him so much? I could answer by he is so arrogant, he thinks I should have fallen for him because he is handsome, he is narcissitic, but the truth is I just can't forgive him for much of a b!tch he had been with my Sungjong. Let's just say he really didn't help him when that happened.


"Please, just the idea is making me sick." I replied harshly retching.


His eyes turned into two tiny slits, it seems he wasn't used at all to have a girl resisting to his charms. Well if can call charming his baby face always brightened by an hypocritical smile. 


I am not partial? My strong negative feelings towards him are affecting my opinion? Pfff... I am completely fair... it's not my fault if he is that much of a j3rk.


He grind his teeth obviously out of his mind, as a proof his teeny tiny eyes were about to pop out of their sockets - well, maybe not as tiny as I said, I just hate him soooo much, remember? So please don't ask me to be fair to him - but suddenly, as if everything was happening the way he wanted, his mad expression disappeared so fast that I had the doubt, an instant, that he had a second personality, because his lips turned into a smirk that made me worried. What the hell did he planed, again?


"Are you sure? One hundred percent sure? Because I know the only way to verify this..."


And this A@NFDJKSL%#$GB#$%FDF j3rk CRUSHED HIS DISGUSTING LIPS ONTO MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




My eyes widened so much that I looked like a freaking owl that you woke up with the sound of the explosion of a tank.


"HMMMPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!..." I pushed him far enough that I could cry as loud as I could "... GET THE  HELL OUT OF ME!"


Then slapped him as hard as I could, and let me tell you something, I practice martial arts since seven years and I'm not too bad at it, so I didn't hit him for nothing. As a proof he fell violently on the floor. I verified that his head was still attached to his body - you never know -, then authorized myself to freak out.




But - to my really profond deception - someone entered the room before I could do anything and just took a step back. A tall man in his early thirties entered, his cark hairs and his concerned expression when he saw his precious L lying on the floor just taught me what I needed to know.


"What happened?" he asked, worried.


I let escape a soft laugh to contain my anger and prevent myself from shouting which made tha manager report his attention on me.


"L and me don't really like each other and this time he crossed the line." I explain in a charming tone contrasing drastically with my ice cold expression. "So, I kind of... slapped him, but don't worry he'll be able to sing normally."


The man that I had deducted was Kim  Jungryul didn't seemed that much suprise or mad by the huge red mark that we could see on Kim Myungsoo face when he woke up. I bit lightly my lip, maybe, just maybe, it had been a little too hard.


"The problem is that he is the face of Infinite and a voice extinction is much more easier to explain than this kind of... of... ornament." he replied with enough sarcasm to make me blush because of the reproch. How could I had forgotten that?


He took his phone and dialed a number in a hurry.


"Yeoboseyo? Hyowan-sshi? We have a little problem here. L had been slapped... Don't asked me what happened, I'll explain it later. Just listen. We need to cancel his press conference... Yes, now... Why? Maybe because he can't make it with the hand mark on his cheek... Ooooohhhhh, yeeeeesssss, trust me it's really neat you can easily difference each finger." he shot a look to the singer and made a face as if he was trying to prevent himself from... laughing? "Ne, I'll call you later. Bye."


I let escape a loud embarassed moan. A press conference? I was so freaking dead meat.


Without considering my presence an instant more he opened his backpack and threw a couple of objects to L which caught it with a disabused expression.


"Jyungryul hyung, can you tell me the reason you kept a scarf, a hat and sunglasses in your backpack for?" questionned the "cute" faced guy with a pout.


"Errr? For occasions like today?" Jyungryul replied while shrugging his shoulders.

"By the way, Hyowan sunbae is waiting for you, you should hurry."


Myungsoo put his disguise with an annoyed face. Actually he looked pretty awkward with the dark red scark dissimuling half of his face, the big sunglasses the rest while the hat was covering the now familiar to his fans red highlights in his brown hairs. He looked exactly what he was : an idol trying to escape the attention of the medias and the scandal press. I blinked two times as he shot me a dirty "watch your back for the next years" glare. He left the room, as he came at my level, he slowered and whispered in a mocking tone.


"Your lips are more soft than what I was expecting."


"Shut up!" I furiously shot back between my teeth, my eyebrows forming a continuous line.


He giggled. He ***** giggled. I am so gonna kill him!


We heard the door slam and remained silent for a while. I was so focused on his laugh - how dare him to laugh? - that I jumped when Jyungryul cleared his throat. His eyes remaining on my hands for a while made me realized that I had clanched them into fists, when I slowly opened them, the blood finally came back and it was painful.


"We didn't present to each other formally, I am Kim Jungryul, one of the Infinite's managers."


I bowed as much to show my respect as to hide my embarassment. Please stop me. I had just met him and he probably had already put me into his "crazy woman" category as the same level as the saesangs. NoooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Well, to be honest the truth was that he syrprised me a lot by being cheerful while I damaged his money maker.


My second thought was clearly more suspicious. I bet he will use the incident to twist me around his little finger. Maybe L coming was also a part of the plan...


"You are wondering what you have to do with Sungjong, right ?" he asked naturally while looking at my circumspect face. constating that I wouldn't answer he decided to continue his little speech. "You may have realized that we have some... problems with Sungjong."


I nodded now completely interested by what he was saying.


"Since he came back, the others are not accepting him anymore." He paused a little bit, bit his lower lip with embarrassment "Even Hoya is not talking to him."


This is baaaaaaad, said a  Ding Dong voice in my head. Reeeaaaallyyyyyy baaaadd. Hoya had always been his sunbae and his older age allowed him to make his dongsaeng doing most of the housework in their room, but he was also helping him with that,  he was also his best firnd in Infinite, his confident, his big brother.


"So what do you want me to do ?"


"You understand quickly." He smiled "Since you are probably jobless actually - I made a face - we wanted to propose you a job." he paused and I wondered if I was dreaming or if he had a guilty face? "Do you want to become Infinite's personal assistant?"


His smile faded when he saw my face becoming so white that he started to worry about my condition.


"Are you okay?" he asked biting slighty his bottom lip - which by the way was really cute -.


I couldn't answer, imaginating how much of hell my life would become if I accepted his proposition. L would make me suffer as much as he could and he would have the right to do it because... I would be Infinite's slave.


Personal assistant is just a synonym for slave.


So why, why did I blurted the next words which will condamn me?


"I accept your proposition."

Idddddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiooooooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt !!!!!!!!


"Let's talk about the conditions."


"Hmm." I replied distracted.


Sungjong was the only reason I had accepted and if I could protect him I could deal deal with the jerk. Or so was I thinking.


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Chapter 7: Please update
Chapter 6: LOL. PA is a synonym for slave xD
true, but she can watch Infinite's handsome face everyday that is like
BlockBC #4
Chapter 6: awww I feel speshurrr!~~ㅋㅋㅋ glad I commented~^^ update soon~ I have a feeling it's gonna get intense!
Chapter 6: You are right. Personal assistant is basically a paid slave. XD
TaeTiSica #6
update soon.
BlockBC #7
Chapter 5: Great story!~ update soon please!!^^