The phone call a.k.a he'll be murdered soon if you don't calm him

Living with a playboy


I sighed quietly when I heard a too much familiar cry in the hallway, unconsciously I lowered my head with the stupid reflex of an afraid animal which wishes that showing submission will move the predator. I saw the pity in my three colleagues glances as they already looked away when my boss entered our office. He was small, had old fashion glasses that made his small eyes look smaller if it was possible - I've always though it contributed to his cruel expression - and his silhouette wasn't one of those models plastered against the wall of the agency. He looked like a joke and I would have smile if he wasn't my boss and he wasn't holding my future in his cruel hands. Holding my future. He really had this power. It's not that much easier for a stranger to find a job like that and this occasion probably be proposed to me again -I'm not complaining, that's just a fact -. We both perfectly knew it, that's why he didn't care abusing his authority over me and I just accepted that situation. It didn't that much impact on me anymore, but I still though it was annoying.


When the door opened, my back became straight, my eyes were blank and there was no expression on my face. Hyerin was always joking and saying it was my granite face which showed how heartless I was. It ended each time the same way : me trying to shake her and her running away with huge smile but actually there was no trace of  this smile on my face. My boss entered the office with a pissed off expression, I felt a block of ice falling in my stomach. I had rarely seen him that mad so I just lowered my head. He took the pile of papers that he made me spend five hours to organize and threw it on the floor. This time I couldn't but let a gasp escape my mouth and clench my fists. He noticed it and gave me a deadly glare.


"You will organize this more quickly this time, these papers should be in my office since two hours. You don't want to get fired, right?" he said in a sour tone.


I blinked two times to regain enough calm to be able to face him without punching him, then woke up, made a 90 degrees bow and stayed in this position.


"Joesonghapnida ! Ne, I will do a good job ! I will work hard ! Kamsahapnida for letting it go this time." I replied politely while the only thing me words evocated in me was an urgent need to vomit and clean my mouth from this hypocrisy.\


He was at the door, ready to leave with a satisfied expression on his face, when my phone ruined everything by ringing. Sh!t ! That's my chance !


I rapidely answered it because the only persons which called me were Sungjong and Hyerin, they both know about my actual situation so they call when it's really an emergency. 




"Miss Lee?" the voice asked.


To my surprise it was someone that I didn't know, I looked at the number it was effectively and unknown one. The habbit to guess between two persons who was calling me made me loose the reflect to verify who's currently calling me.


"Ne. What can I do for you?" I replied suddenly suspicious, and , well the answer of the man didn't helped me to calm down.


"A lot."


"If it's a prank, it's not fun, I will hang up..." I begun.


"...WAIT !" the voice interrupted me.


The tone was familiar, a little bit like the persons which need me to solve problems cocerning a certain someone...


"What did Sungjong do?" I wondered, already tired.


There was a moment of silence at the other side of the line


"Errr... how do you know that I'm talking about Lee Sungjong."


I sighed.


"Let's call that an instinct, a sixth sense if you want... but the truth will probably more be close to 'I'm used to it'."


The man couldn't help but laugh, actually, he looked like a pretty cool person to talk to and I had actually completely forgot that I was at work with my colleagues and my boss as witnesses of my unsubordination.


"Well, what do you want from me? I'm actually at my work..."


"Can you come at Woollim Entertainment, right now? It will be better to talk."


"And who do I have to ask?"


"I'm sorry, I didn't presented myself, my name is Kim Jungryul and I am one of Infinite's manager."


I ruffled my hairs in frustration.


"Aish, he is is already giving you problems? This kid is driving me crazy... well, I guess I'm responsible of him so I'm coming." I replied ignoring the shocked faces of the persons present in the room.


"Good." was the only thing I heard before listening to the sonore signal significant he had hung up on me. Hell, I was kind of pissed, even if he was busy, he needed my help so he could be more respectful. A little bit at least. But when I looked at my boss and tought about by behavior I realized that I couldn't ask people to respect me if let someone pull me down again and again just to not a loose a freaking job.


Maybe it was fate. Maybe I wasn't destinated to rot here until the death come take me. Maybe... I drank too much soju yesterday because it's not me the sentimentalist and pityful person that I can hear the thoughts. Maybe I'm crazy and they just should bring me to the closest asylum. That's a good idea.


I opened my purse and took my resignation letter that I had written one week after entering for the first time this building. Who knew it would be useful one day? Because I actually didn't have time to write one if I wanted to escape before changing my mind. I put the letter in my boss hands - soon ex-boss, it sounded so good - while passing thrue him, I reached the door in a record time before letting anyone say something.


In the street with the sun above my head I felt so free, having the control of my life for the first time since I had chosen to enter this company was making me more happy than expected. One second later my good mood disapeared when I realized I was homeless AND without a job. I was about to run back in the building taking the letter from the little before he could open, kneel and apologize for my behavior but my premise to be at Woollim Entertainment held me back and I waved a taxi instead.


"Bring me at Woollim Entertainment, jehbal." 




Kim Habyul read the elegant caracters three or four times before understanding that the silent M as he had nicknamed the young foreigner working in their company had rebelled against his authority and ran away. He couldn't believe his eyes, she was the most obeissant worker he ever had, ready to crawl on the floor if he was asking her.


He perfectly knew she had a strong personality, he could see it in her eyes each time she was apologizing or bowing but she was accepting erveything because she was in the need and it was more pleasurable to provoque her while knowing she hated him heart and soul. He was the one who held the leach with the contract. No one would accept to take her post even with the advantages. He was annoyed she left and regretted being that rde with her.




The driver gave me a weird look that I interpreted like a " what the heck a fat foreigner - I'm slim not skinny, nuance - want to do at this place?" but drove fast so I arrived earlier than what I had expected.


"Keep the change." I said.


And suddenly I wasn't the creepy stranger but the generous stranger which was good-looking and rich. Some persons are really to easy to read they should work to hide their thoughts a little bit more, I can know what they think just by looking at their faces.

Woollim Entertainment was looking pretty much how I had expected but I didn't paid too attention, concentred to obtain my meeting with Kim Jungryul. The woman looked circonspect but a call later she just introduced me in a small room full of sofas with a cold politness. I wondered a moment why I deserved that raction, but soon gave up when the door opened and a man entered.
I'm finally back with a chapter that I like and give me a lot of ideas for what will happen next.
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Chapter 7: Please update
Chapter 6: LOL. PA is a synonym for slave xD
true, but she can watch Infinite's handsome face everyday that is like
BlockBC #4
Chapter 6: awww I feel speshurrr!~~ㅋㅋㅋ glad I commented~^^ update soon~ I have a feeling it's gonna get intense!
Chapter 6: You are right. Personal assistant is basically a paid slave. XD
TaeTiSica #6
update soon.
BlockBC #7
Chapter 5: Great story!~ update soon please!!^^