Trickster Eagle Learns a Lesson

Once upon a time: EXO

Trickster Eagle Learns a Lesson

Once upon a time there was a trickster eagle. He always want to play tricks on everyone in the forest and rarely ever got in trouble for it. Why? Because he was an eagle and as soon as he played the trick and people got mad he would just fly right away!

One day meatbun was sitting around being a meatbun when Eagle flew down and landed beside him.

"What are you doing?" asked the eagle.

"I am sitting around for someone to eat me," explained the meatbun.

"Do you always wait for people to eat you?" asked the eagle.

"Yes I do. It is my job to be eaten," explained the meatbun.

"Can I eat you?"


So with that the eagle bit the meatbun CHOMP! But he only ate half of the meatbun before flying away. Meatbun sat there crying because he would forever be half a meatbun until someone ate him all.

Deer heard someone crying so he walked over and saw meatbun.

"Hello ematbun. What's wrong?" he asked. "Why do I see your contents?"

"Because, Trickster eagle tricked me! And he only ate half of me. I will be like this until someone eats me whole," explained Meatbun. "Deer, can you please eat me?"

"I would eat you but I have a better idea!" said the Deer...

Later the Deer collect all of his friends: angry bird, panda and unicorn and devised a plan to get revenge.

Eagle was flying around in the sky an got tired so he went to go to his next but then saw that it wasn't there!

"Where is my nest!?" he exclaimed. He was surprised it was gone. He went flying around looking for his nest and saw a sign: "trickster eagle nest inside the cave".

Trickster eagle went to the cave.

"Hellu?" he called. But nobody replied so he went in and as soon he went in POW!

Unicorn rammed his horn into his back!

"Ouch!" Eagle cried and ran back out the cave. But as he ran out the cave Panda put a bamboo in the enterence and the eagle tripped over it and came rolling down the edge of the mountain.

"Wahhh!" cried eagle as he continued rolling down and down and down.

He finally stopped rolling and then the Angry bird swopped down in front of him and dropped his nest over his eyes.

"Wahh I can't see!" cried the Eagle.

And then he was trying to get free and he accidently fell of the edge of the cliff and into the river!

"Help me! Help me!" cried trickster eagle. "I can't swim!"

Running along side the river bang was Deer and Meatbun was on his back, wrapped in a plastic wrap to keep him fresh since he was half eaten.

"Deer! Help me! Help me! I can't swim," the eagle called out to Deer.

Deer continued to run along side the bank and reply, "You sure you learned your lesson and you will finish Meatbun from now on?"

"I learned I learned!" the eagle cried. "I am sorry!"

With that Panda took a bamboo and helped the wet eagle out of the water and then the Meatbun was served to him. Tearfully Trickster Eagle ate the rest of his food. He would never waste again.

-the end-

AN- sorry too much eating in this fic ;_;

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New Chapter! And it not about food!!!!


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Chapter 4: i'll always watch the foreword first...poor me to have such a bad memory..LOL
smiley44 #2
Chapter 4: Eoh, I forgot who is the hamster XD
But I don't mind. This is cute enough and still.. About food. Good job author-nim
smiley44 #3
Chapter 3: Kyeopta!! XD
I wanna eat the meatbun too!! ><
And I will not waste the delicious meatbun!! I sweaarrrr!!
so cute~!!! *squeal*
Chapter 1: ooo i see...i almost crying when angry bird eat the meatbun..(T^T)
can't wait for more...^-^