How the wolf boy became a man

Once upon a time: EXO


When Kai turned 18, wofl mama sent him out into the world. "It's a tradition," said the wolf mama. "When all wolf babies turn 18, they are no longer babies so they have to go out into the world."
But Kai was so sad! He loved his wolf mama so mcuh! He did not want to leave!
"But wolf mama I wanna stay here!" he cried.
Wolf mama startd to cry a lot. She would miss her son even if he is not really her son, but just a baby boy abandoned in the forest. "No! You have to go out into the world because you are grown up now."
"Aww ,don't cry Mama." Kai wiped wolf mama's tears and hugged her then he went. He walked and walked and walked a lot until he couldn't anymore. He just fell down on the ground! He started to cry a little because his feet hurt and he really missed his wolf family. "no, Kai stop!" he said to himself. 18 year old wolves were not allowed to cry even if he is not really a wolf but he is still a grown up! He shouldn't cry!
"Hello, human why are you crying?" said a very very deep voice suddenly. Kai turned around from where he fell and he saw a very very tall creature with pointy ears! Even if he was big, his voice was too deep! It didn't fit him at all!
Kai wiped his tears and looked at the tall creature. "I'm not a human! I'm a wolf!" He howled at the creature just like his mama did. Even if he was raised by wolves for so long he didn't even know he was actually a human and not a wolf. He didn't even know what a human was.
The tall creature laughed his deep laugh. "silly boy! You're a human! Come into my house and look inside a mirror."
The tall creature dragged him inside the house which was really big because he was big. "by the way, I'm the house elf because I live in a house!"
The house elf dragged Kai inside his bathroom to look in the mirror and what he saw was such a surprise! and he started to cry! His life was a lie! He didn't look anything like his mama! Kai didn't care anymore. He started to cry.
The house elf didn't know how to stop his crying so he said, "hey you want some bacon? It will make you happy." He didn't want for an answer. He said, "OH BACOOOOON!" Suddenly from the kitchen there was a piece of bacon that came. "Human boy, eat this bacon!"
Kai sniffled. "I'm Kai."
"Please eat me Kai!" said the magical bacon. (We know it is magical because it can talk)
Kai never had bacon before but it looked tasty and it smelled good. So he ate the whole thing and started to feel happy. "Thanks, house elf!" he said.
The house elf smiled. He had a lot of teeth. "You're welcome."
The End
AN: hi! i'm the second author of the story! i write the exo-k side! please enjoy!
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New Chapter! And it not about food!!!!


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Chapter 4: i'll always watch the foreword first...poor me to have such a bad memory..LOL
smiley44 #2
Chapter 4: Eoh, I forgot who is the hamster XD
But I don't mind. This is cute enough and still.. About food. Good job author-nim
smiley44 #3
Chapter 3: Kyeopta!! XD
I wanna eat the meatbun too!! ><
And I will not waste the delicious meatbun!! I sweaarrrr!!
so cute~!!! *squeal*
Chapter 1: ooo i see...i almost crying when angry bird eat the meatbun..(T^T)
can't wait for more...^-^