Chapter 2

Aliens in my Attic!


Chapter 2



You automatically raised your hands. You eyed the gun and saw that it really is something weird. Like it's out of this world. You decided to humor him. 


"Annyeong haseyo Mr. Nam. It's been a while. I wonder why you're here since I thought you're just having dinner with your family." You said as you raised your eyebrow.


"Ms. Han I wonder what you're doing in a very dangerous site. And this is a lot more important than such matters."


Behind him, a familiar voice called out. 


"Daddy, what's going on here?"


Kyu Mi slid down to follow her father. She was shocked to see you but she ran to you and hold onto your shoulder.


"Daddy, why are you pointing that gun to my friend?"


She looked back and saw the boys behind her. She widened her eyes and looked at you for an explanation. You shook your head. She understood and continued to glare at her father.


"Why did you come here Kyu Mi?" Her father demanded. She held her head up as an act of defiance. 


"It's none of your business, Father."


Mr. Nam stood for a moment then whistled.  Great number of men slid to the crater and held the boys arms. 


"Lead them to the base. Make sure all of them are blindfolded. We need to create a story for the media". The EXO-K tried to resist. The guards took out a small object.. An immobilizer, I think. I don't have much knowledge about gadgets. They struck the boys who turned limp. You and Kyu Mi gasped at the same time. You ran to the boys but got stopped by a guard. More guards appeared and held yours and Kyu Mi's arms. Mr. Nam motioned the guards with EXO-K to go.He then turned to the both of you and looked with his piercing eyes. "As for the two of you, follow me to the limo." He said those words with such coldness that you shivered.You gulped as Kyu Mi clutched your arm. 


Kyu Mi clutched your arm and whispered," Don't worry. I'll never let go of your hand even of what they'll do to us but I know Daddy, he won't hurt us." I hope.


You looked at your friend with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this." She rolled her eyes. "Well, this seems like fun. Helping those hot boys especially the tallest one. Or the one with those big eyes." Kyu Mi teased. You looked at her in confusion.  She clearly didn't see how  you tried to stop looking at her. Luna's very, very pretty . She's even smart and pretty kind! But she's not confident about herself. Hmm. That explains her cluelessness. Maybe I should help her open her eyes.

"How about you always looking at the 2nd to the last boy? Kai?" You teased. Kyu Mi blushed and lighty  slapped your arm. Kyu Mi wondered for a moment how you knew his name. I'll let her explain later. She made the sssh sign and winked. 


"What are you girls still doing there? Come on and follow your father." Mr. Nam's assistant said. Kyu Mi sighed and dragged you to her father's limo.


It was a very uncomfortable time at the limo. Even Kyu Mi who always have something to say was speechless. You were relieved to get out of the limo even if you don't know what's going to happen to the both of you as you stopped at a very big barn, The Base.


It looked like an ordinary storage room when you entered. Dusty and full of cobwebs, you want to ask Mr. Nam if this is just a hidden camera for a variety show. You turned to look around and saw a woman beside him.  Must be the  assistant or something. And then, Mr. Nam tapped his foot in the order of 2..... 1.... 1.
The whole ground shook as it cracked in the middle, revealing an elevator not for going up but  down.


You've been going down a for a while now and it seems there's still a long way to go wherever you're going.
Kyu Mi broke the silence as she whispered to you," I never knew that he worked to such place. But this place is huge!". You gave her a little smile. You shared the exact same thoughts.


You passed a room that looks like a laboratory.  Kyu Mi looked at the room curiously. " Is that where you disect aliens?". His father's assistant looked at her, obviously annoyed.

" We don't do such things, Ms. Nam." she said curtly and final. That shut Kyu Mi's mouth for a while.


Suddenly, the elevator stopped. Mr. Nam stepped out of the elevator and stood in front of a wall. He whistled a tune and a rectangular scanning device appeared. He put his thumb print to the device and the wall opened, revealing a dark, cavernous room filled with objects. It was too dark to see what those things are.


You stepped inside and looked around. It looks like a museum of some sort. After a moment, your eyes grew accustomed to the dark and that's when you saw what the things are.

Strange gadgets and weapons. I swear I saw a big disk-like object somewhere  lined up in the room. Every objects that you set your eyes on screamed Alien! You decided to take a look on Kyu Mi's reaction. Your prediction seems right. Her face is a mixture of amazement and disbelief.

"So this is where the UFOs disappeared to. You have no right to hide all of this," Kyu mi said under her breath. Mr. Nam's assistant shot her an annoyed look. You hid a smile at your friend's cheek.


" Extraterrestrials or what you call   Aliens  have been visiting our planet for thousand of years. Long before your great grandmothers/fathers live. Long before when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.Not all hoax are hoax. Not all real are real. That's what I have learned during my years in this organization. Aliens serves as a threat to our planet. They long to destroy and conquer our shelter. That is why we created this organization." Mr. Nam stared at the both of you pointedly.


"Please forget what had happened this day. We don't want to worry the humankind to such matters."




"Soo.... Isn't this day just so memorable?" Kyu Mi said on the phone. Mr. Nam sent you home after his warning. Kyu Mi called you when you're having one of your sketching sessions.You told her everything that happened, down to the arrival of the boys to the arrival of her father.


"First, you bumping with with  The Cho Kyuhyun", here she giggled. "And not to mention meeting 6 hot aliens! Isn't it all too dreamy?"


"Uh huh, I even thought at first that it's all just a dream." You said absentmindedly as you drew the eyes. "I hope the EXO-K boys are alright." You sighed. You heard Kyu Mi snicker.


"Is it EXO-K or just the tall boy? Chanyeol or D.O?" She teased.


"Nam Kyu Mi! I'm being serious here!"


"Okay! Okay! So what's your plan?"


You sighed and worked on your sketch. You've been thinking about this a lot.


"We need to get them out of  The Base."




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Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
krixingonlulu #2
ooooooh. cool story! please update soon :)