Chapter 4

Aliens in my Attic!


Chapter 4


You were in a bright hallway, hundreds of doors on each side. Everything's white. To the walls, to ceilings, even the doors were white! It was kind of weird but... how did you ever end up here?

This might be a very secret building to be hidden in a barn. Just like The Base! Omo. Finding myself in weird situations. I might be a magnet for mysteries.. Just once that time, you never thought of a link between The Base and this place.


You started wandering around the place. One door on the left side of the wall caught your eye. The peculiar door doesn't have a knob. Instead, it was  replaced by those password locks. The lock consists of numbers. You want to give it a try but....

Preoccupied for a while, it was too late for you to notice the footsteps coming nearer to where you are. Frantic, you turned to the nearest door with a knob. To your relief, it was unlocked.


Luckily, the room was empty. You slightly closed the door. You fell on your knees and sighed. Lucky!


You shivered as the footsteps were right outside your room and you heard voices.

"EXO-K's behaving fine?", a male voice said. Caught offguard, you peered through the small space between the door and the wall. You saw a man and a woman, standing outside the weird door. You took note of the gun on the waist of the female. They're wearing spotless white lab coats.

"Actually, it is time to check on them", the female one said.

"Well, I'll go on. I assume that they'll not attack you like the others", he chuckled and walked away. The woman nodded and tapped the keys 3-4 times.The door opened and she went inside.

" WAKE UP!",the woman shouted but the rest of what she said were muffled as the door closed. You closed the door and closed your eyes.

 EXO-K's here.. This's The Base! Well..That explains everything. What are two barns doing in a city? Or maybe it's just a branch or something. EXO-K's here!

You had to fight the urge to go inside the room and and knock the girl down. But you can't. She got the gun and you're not strong enough.


You waited until you heard the creak of the door opening. You waited until the woman's out of sight. You tiptoed to EXO-K's room and found yourself facing the lock. How can I help them if I don't know the password?! Aargh!

You impatiently tapped your foot. Password? There seems to be 3-4 numbers, as what I have seen... But, how can I decipher the code?! I'm no brainie!

The tapping of your foot ceased as you thought of the danger your getting yourself to.  These tappings are so loud, what will happen if one of those guys hear it? Tappings?!  You gasped as you remember the day you first met EXO. The introduction, the capture and your arrival to The Base. Mr. Nam did something to summon the elevator, didn't he?

You mentally jumped in glee as you recalled what had happened. He tapped his foot 2 times and paused. He tapped his foot one time and paused again before tapping it once.....  211!  You hesitated before trying your theory.  Maybe it's not the code.. Well, it won't hurt to try.. You slightly closed your eyes as soon as you tried the code. Instead of nothing(as what you had expected), the door clicked and swung open.


"L-Luna?!"  Chanyeol gaped.


There was an awkward silence. Finally, you had the courage to say what was troubling you since yesterday.

" Are you guys okay? I'm sorry of that less than welcome meeting from my fellow humans", you blurted out .

" No, no it's okay. It was actually nice to have the opportunity to meet you", Suho said with a smile.

"So how did you get in?", D.O asked curiously as you blushed.

"Uh- it's not really that important..", you stammered. D.O. raised his eyebrow.

"Oookay then", he said.

"We should hurry out, I don't know what time they'll come back here."

They nodded and followed you as you ran back to the entrance, to the barn.

You fell to the floor, outside the barn and smiled.

"We did it..", you gasped. They grinned and sat on the ground.

"Though our spaceship is still down,noona", Sehun said. Did he just call me noona? You felt yourself blushing.

"Well, we have no choice but stay here until we repaired the spaceship.", Kai said.

"If only we can find the portal here as what the legends say..",Baekhyun muttered.


"It's Chen who knows this stuff", Baekhyun pouted.

You wondered who Chen is. Might be an acquaintance. He might be as handsome as these aliens. Wait! What are you thinking, Han Luna?

"Hey! We can live in your house!", Sehun said.

"No way! Besides, there's.......", you trailed off. There's still space in the attic.

"Okay. In my house then..."You sighed.

"But first, we need to find our way.", you added with a glum expression.

"We'll help you!", Chanyeol said.

Before going, you approached Sehun and whispered something you wanted to ask him for a while.

"Sehun, how old are you? "

Sehun looked bewildered at first but he smiled.

"I'm actually turning a hundred year old.", then his face turned fearful

"D-don't tell me that you got offended by me calling you noona! I'm sorry! I just want someone to call noona....." Oh no.. Luna's angry at me!  To Sehun's surprise, you broke into a smile. You pinched his cheeks and said," Omo, you're so adorable.....Sehun-ah!". Did she just call me, Sehun-ah?

Unusually, Sehun felt his heartbeat quicken.




A/N: Sorry for the boring previous chapters. No worries! EXO-K's free~

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Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
krixingonlulu #2
ooooooh. cool story! please update soon :)