Chapter 3

Aliens in my Attic!


Chapter 3

"We need to get them out of The Base"


Kyu Mi gasped as she heard those words.  "Han Luna! That idea is ridiculous ! But understanding at the same time." You can hear her fear in her voice. "Besides, the place is full of guards!"

You sighed. " I know it's pretty stupid but I don't want to think of what they'll do to them".  You're pretty sure Kyu Mi flinched.
"I know..... But I don't know what to do!"


"Me too."   You confessed as you drew more details.

"So what's your plan?"

"Saving them is the plan."  You muttered.

"Hey! How 'bout-"

"Luna can't we do this tomorrow?" she whined.


"But how do we get in?"   she pointed out.

That made you think for a moment.

"Okay okay! You win. We'll think about it tomorrow."

She chuckled before hanging up the phone.

You took a great look at your sketch and to your surprise, you drew him.

Oops. I drew him unconsciously. I wonder what he's doing right now. 

The next day's school passed slowly. You hate it how everytime you want a day to pass quickly, it passes slowly and vice versa. The day is especially normal except when you passed the cafeteria alone while reading your favorite book.

"Annyeong!", a voice beside you said. You looked up to see Kyuhyun, smiling at you. You widened your eyes in shock.

"Ummm.. Annyeong haseyo Kyuhyun-nim"

You said as you bowed.  You peeked Kyuhyun's face for a moment.He looks puzzled at something.

"You look alone right now. Where's your friend? Kyu Mi?"

That made you remember that Kyu Mi's waiting for you on your usual table. You also need to work on the plan to infiltrate The Base.

"I'm sorry but I need to go. Bye!"  You waved at him. I hope I didn't look too rushed or something. Omo. I did! Oh no. What have I done? 
But Kyuhyun waved back at you and said  "Bye Luna!"

You stopped on your tracks. Did he just call you by your name? You looked behind you but too late- Kyuhyun's not there anymore.

You're still dazed as you headed to your table. Kyu Mi stared at you curiously as you plopped to your seat. 

"What happened?"

" I just met Kyuhyun back there and he knows my name..."

Kyu Mi's eyes widened and looks so excited. 

"Sure he knows your name! You're popular here!"  she said, incredelous. You cut her off.

"Listen. We need to work on our plan. Let's forget those things at the moment."

Kyu Mi shook her head as if to shake off the events off her mind.

"Okay! Let's go back to business. But I gotta admit, I don't know how you handle all of this." 

The plan is..... kind of impossible. It was hard to be unseen from the guards of The Base.

You were relieved as school ended. You were walking home while passing a park. Suddenly, 3 boys blocked your path and a cheesy grin on their faces.

"Hey miss! What's your name?" The biggest of them said.

"How 'bout a drink in that place." The boy next to him said while pointing a bar.

You furiously shook your head. Where did these men came from?

"I-I'm sorry but I can't!" You stammered and ran away. Being the paranoid you, you thought they followed.

You've watched a lot of movies to be scared witless. It took an hour hiding from the boys. Finally, you assumed that they're already gone.

You went out of your hiding place. It's already dark. With a jolt, you found yourself lost in an unknown place. Oh no.

You searched for your phone. Maybe Kyu Mi can pick you up if you described the place thoroughly. As you started to dial her number, the phone shut off.
Lost with no phone, could there be more unluckier  than me?

You wandered for a while. It was pretty scary, being all alone, lost. Suddenly, a flash of lightning, it started to rain. Just my luck.
You grumbled as you sat on a corner of a place you've found. You saw a small barn that seems worthy to be your shelter as the storm goes on. You've been stuck here for nearly an hour already and you're freezing. You're in a very bad mood right now and your mind is full of your complaints. 

You sighed loudly. Suddenly, a loud noise made you jump. It was too dark to see anything.

"Who's there?" You said. The words were too loud it made you jump. Stop being a scaredy-cat Luna! 

It was silent......

You walked to the west side of the barn. You saw the outline of a door. You can see a hint of light coming from the room behind it. Tonight's not the time to be afraid, Luna. You crept closer and slowly opened the door.
And it was all bright....


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Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
krixingonlulu #2
ooooooh. cool story! please update soon :)