Chapter 6

Aliens in my Attic!


Chapter 6


You opened the door, a figure wearing a dark  coat is standing on the door. Your smile slid from your face. You retreated from him/her.

"Who are you?" Your voice suprisingly calm.

"I've heard that you have information about EXO-K."  The figure said. Your heart thudded quickly.  Oh no. Oh no.

"No!  I- "

The figure started to burst out laughing.

"Relax, Luna! It's just your best friend!" She said between fits of laughter. Kyu Mi pulled down her hood.

"Gosh, Kyu Mi. You scared me!" You frowned though you were relieved.

She flipped her hair. "Who's the best actress in our acting class?" She pointed herself proudly. She then laughed and took out a paper bag and a bulging, large bag, full of junkfoods.

"Nam Kyu Mi, is that a soju?" You eyed the brown bag. She shrugged and sat on the sofa, opening the bottle.

"Kyu Mi! I know that you don't drink." You frowned.

"Well, now I do! Merong!" She took a big swig of the alcohol and hiccuped.

"Hehe. hic. That sure was nice! hic." She laughed and reached for the bottle again.  You grabbed her arm before she did.

"Kyu Mi-ah! You do know that you get drunk easily, don't you?"

"Hehe . hic. This is actually my. hic. first time ever drinking this!" You frowned even more. What would her problem be?

"Lulu, .hic. please let me .hic. sleep here!" She whined. .  Lulu? Really?

"Fine, fine. But sleep on the floor.". Kyu Mi brightened up and shouted.

"YAY! .HIC. LULU YOU'RE The best....." She doze off. You grabbed her arm and dragged her to your room. She's so heavy! My poor puny arms. When you passed near the dining room, you saw Baekhyun sitting, looking preoccupied.

"Umm, a little help here?" You panted.

Baekhyun nodded and carried her, bridal style. When you arrived on the door of your room..

"Thank you, Baekhyun. You can leave us now"

"Are you sure?", Baekhyun asked.

"I can manage. I'll call all of you when dinner's ready" You puffed. Baekhyun left with a confused look.

You waited until Baekhyun's out of sight and opened the door. You dragged Kyu Mi to your bed and sighed.   I can't bring myself to let them see these.  You hurried to your table and quickly hid your sketches in a wooden chest under your bed.

You proceeded to the kitchen..  What should I make today? As you pondered, EXO were wondering what food you prepared.

"I hope it's a little bit better than the food in The Base"  D.O said enthusiastically.

"I hope so. There's no taste in the food they gave us." Sehun complained.

"I hope we'll never go back there." Sehun added.

"I wish." Suho said, thoughtful for a while.

Somewhere in the dining room, your voice was heard. The boys hurriedly clambered to the dining room.

The whole table was filled with sparkling dishes (in the boys' eyes). You cleared your throat and blushed.

"Uh-I'm sorry. This is all that I ha-" Sehun hugged you as tight as he could.

"Noona!! Saranghae!! It's soooo dazzling!" Sehun chimed. You were left astounded..  What happened to the shy Sehun?

"You never even tasted it..." You murmured, blushing furiously. Kai teleported beside you.

"Just give him food, he'll love you forever." He smirked and took a seat.

"I know it'll be as tasty as it looks." D.O grinned. You grinned back.  What's with these alien charmers?

"Can we eat now?" Suho asked, smiling.

You nodded and the boys clambered to the table, grabbing as many as they could. Chanyeol saw you looking.

"Luna, eat with us." He said, mouth full of food, pointing to an empty chair beside him.You shook your head.

"Aniyo. I'm good. I'm full."

Baekhyun looked up (only him and Suho seems to be the only two to mind their manners) "Luna, how about your friend?"
I smiled at him. "I've prepared coffee and porridge for her. Alcohol is such a nuisance..." You added bitterly.

Sehun stared at you curiously.

"Noona, what is alcohol?"

"Alcohol is a beverage that some of those who have problems, lean on. Usually, those who drink it do things they usually don't do."  Chanyeol said. Me and the others gaped at him. He turned red.

"I've done some research when we were heading to the Earth."

"Uwa~Chanyeol! You're jjang!" You said.

Chanyeol blushed even more and continued eating his food as if to hide it. You didn't notice the blush and just thought that he's really hungry.

 Poor Chanyeol and poor others. They don't deserve to be treated like outcasts. They're not up to no good.

You placed Kyu Mi's food on a tray.  You carried it to your room and found her staring at the ceiling with her bloodshot eyes.

Without looking at you   "Luna, I thought you said I'll sleep on the floor."

You smiled.  "I brought porridge. And coffee."

Kyu Mi faced you. You realized the tears rolling on her cheeks. You hurried to her   "Kyu Mi! What happened to you?"

She smiled "Daddy and I had a huge fight. I decided to run away from him. Jebal, Luna. Please let me stay here!"

You sighed. You already have 6 boys-slash-alien living under your roof. But, Kyu Mi's your very bestfriend. You nodded and smiled. Her face brightened up and hugged you tightly. What's up with these people? Suddenly hugging me.

"Gamsahabnida!! I promise I'll be a goodrro roommate! I'll sleep on the floor! I'll clean the room! The two of us will live peacefully!" You gulped as you heard the word two.

"Uh-Kyu Mi?" You said guiltily as Kyu Mi tidied up the bed.

"Neh?" She said.

"You know..... Remember the EXO-K boys?" She nodded absentmindedly as she folded the blanket.


The door opened, revealing Chanyeol,grinning broadly.

"Luna~" He stopped short as he saw Kyu Mi.






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Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
krixingonlulu #2
ooooooh. cool story! please update soon :)