Chapter 1

Aliens in my Attic!


Chapter 1


You were on your way to school with your best friend, Nam Kyu Mi when you bumped into someone tall. You looked up and found yourself staring at the perfect face of Cho Kyuhyun, your ultimate crush and the campus's heart throb.


Oh No..... You blushed as you stared at his brown eyes. Any girl would have been wanting to be in your shoes just to have physical contact and eye contact with him.  You would have been pleased too if all the girls were not throwing daggers at you.You took a deep breath and painted an apologetic smile. 


" I'm very sorry for bumping into you. We'll just continue walking" You said. Good thing my time in that acting class paid off. To your surprise, Kyuhyun returned the smile which took your breath away.


"No, It's okay.  I wasn't paying attention so it's my fault". Kyu Mi swooned at his answer while you forced yourself to be calm. You bowed and dragged your friend, stopping near a big tree, making sure you're far off .You sighed and stared at your friend which she did too. After a second, she can't take it anymore. She shrieked and started fanning herself.


"Eotteohkaji! Kyuhyun-oppa just spoke to you! I'm slowly dying of envy" she teasingly glared at you. You were still in shock. Kyuhyun talked to me.  The Cho Kyuhyun talked to me?


Kyu Mi snapped her fingers which brought you back to reality. You smiled at her apologetically.


"Wait that's all? You're just gonna stare and smile at me? No jumping? No shrieking? Luna you're a very queer girl", she looked at you incredelously. You rolled your eyes.


" Right, right. Come on. We're already late for school."



Fortunately, no one seemed to recognize me as the girl who bumped to Cho Kyuhyun.  I lied. Actually, some glared at me but that seems okay. Believe me, I've seen worst.


The school hours passed quickly. Nothing much happened. Well, not anymore...


You headed to your home alone. Kyu Mi's family had their family date every Thursday. Kyu Mi is rich, very pretty and very kind. It was depressing without Kyu Mi at first but you want to be alone for the mean time.  It was nice to be away from noises and think.


I wonder what's Kyu Mi doing right now. You sighed as you passed a great grass field. You looked up at the blue, blue sky. It was blinding though somewhat bearable.  Suddenly, something curious happened that intruded your train of thoughts. A small object obscured a part of the sapphire sky.  Such a queer thing. But hey, Isn't it slowly getting bigger?  It was already too late for you to realize that the object is heading towards YOU.


You froze on the spot. You yearned to scream out loud but it seems like you lost control of your body.  You have nothing to do but just look at the thing that might crash onto you. 


I have never even said goodbye to Kyu Mi. You let out a dry sob and finally closed your eyes.


You heard the impact of the object to the field beside you as you fell down. It was a bit of shock but you're alive.  Thank you God.

You opened your eyes slowly. Everything was blurry, smoke filled the air. You coughed and the smoke in front of you cleared a little. Then you saw the collision area.


Grasses caught in fire. A huge crater was created in the middle of the field. And most horribly, 6 boys lying in the middle of it, unconscious.


You reached for your phone and quickly dialed Kyu Mi's number. You heard a whispered "Yoboseyo? "


"I'm very sorry but can you please go to the grass field on the way to my house? Something weird happened."


She paused for a while. "I guess I'll go since father just ended the dinner. Something about an emergency or something"

You sighed as you thanked Kyu Mi and ended the call.


Well, as much as you want to be safe, curiousity got the better of you. You crept near the edge of the crater, careful not to touch the flaming grasses. You peeked to see if the boys are still unconscious (they are) and slid down. You took a good look at them.

They're very handsome. Each have their different kind of appeal. They are lined up (you think) according to their age. They looked like idols.


Wait-  one of them stirred. It was the 4th boy. He sat , looking at his surroundings and finally seeing you. He had big eyes and when he saw you, it widened even more making you remember an owl. The others woke up as well. They looked at you curiously. Finally one of them that seems like the leader bowed and motioned the others to line up.  He cleared up his throat.


" We are One! Annyeong Haseyo EXO K imnida", they said in perfect unison. The leader bowed and introduced himself. "Annyeong, EXO K Leader Suho imnida. We came from a planet called EXO". 


The boy next to him did it too. He is very cute with puppy eyes. "Annyeong, Baekhyun imnida".  Then the tallest one with slightly curly hair,"Annyeong, Chanyeol imnida". "Annyeong, D.O imnida" The boy with the big eyes said. "Annyeong, Kai imnida" the boy next to him said. His skin tone is slightly darker than the others. Finally the youngest boy bowed (he seems so shy) and said "Annyeong Haseyo, Sehun imnida".


After their introduction the boys stared at you quite awkwardly. One boy, Baekhyun poked Suho and said "Hyung, is this really the right language? She doesn't seem to understand us."


"I don't think so. We made sure that we're using the right language but we might be wrong. Umm miss, Korean is what your language's called right?" Suho asked cluelessly.


Suddenly, you laughed. You think maybe it's  because of the thought of meeting these clueless aliens and even introducing themselves! Maybe this is really just a dream. You might have fallen asleep in school. But it all seems real. You covered your mouth with your fist to stifle your laughter but you can't.


"I'm sorry If I offended you by laughing but this is such a queer dream and by the way my name is Luna," You beamed. The boys stared at each other and started whispering. 


"Did she just say dream?"


"Isn't a dream a thing that happens when you're asleep?" Chanyeol said brightly as he flashed you a dazzling smile. You felt your heartbeat quickened. Strange.  "And the name Luna suits you very well" You felt your face redden and bowed your head to hide it.

"Maybe dream has a different meaning here" Sehun suggested.


Well, this dream seems to get weirder and weirder.


"Umm, right....  I hope you won't find it rude but what are aliens doing to this planet?"


"We're sorry for suddenly intruding into your planet. We were attacked during travelling in space and the nearest planet to land on is the planet Earth" Suho explained.


"Hey human! Do you know a place for us to live?" Kai demanded. 


"Kai!" D.O said. You looked at him and he blushed. "It's kinda rude to say that" he muttered, his head bowed down.


"No don't worry. Fortunately, I have------"


Suddenly, a loud voice behind interrupted you.


"Such an unlikely place to see you, Ms. Han."


You turned around to see Kyu Mi's father, staring at you with a gun-like object in his hands.




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Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
krixingonlulu #2
ooooooh. cool story! please update soon :)