How long does he have to live?

Last Stand




                I ran through almost every red light as I raced toward the nearest hospital. There were millions of people honking at me, but I didn’t care. I only knew that I had to see Jiyong, to make sure he was okay, to tell him that I loved him, and to ask him to come back…

I burst through the doors, gasping for breath.

“Is a patient by the name of Jiyong here?” I asked, breathlessly. The nurses looked at each other.

“Sorry Mr. Choi, but visiting hours haven’t started yet.” The receptionists calmly told me.

How did they know my name? I thought to myself. I was part of Big Bang, but I had taken care to cover my face... unless they knew I was coming already…

I looked back at the receptionists, wondering why they looked so tense. “… then, when do the visiting hours begin?” I asked them.

They glanced at each other again. I could see they were obviously uncomfortable with speaking to me. “Mr. Choi, you must understand…” they began, but before they could finish, a doctor strode into the room.

“Ah, Mr. Choi. So glad for you to join us.” He smiled, but it wasn’t a warm smile. In fact, it chilled me to the bone.

“Yes, hello doctor. I came here to see Jiyong.” Why does he know my name as well? “If you would kindly show me to his room, I’d like to spend some time with him, alone.”

The doctor’s smile faded, replaced by an icy mask. “Sorry Mr. Choi, but I’m afraid I can’t do that.” He narrowed his eyes and looked at me, eyeing me from head to toe. After a pause, the man added, “Actually, I’d like to ask you a few questions. Please follow me.”


The doctor didn’t give Seunghyun a choice. His iron grip on Top’s wrist hurt, and his walking pace was far too fast. “Excuse me, Mr. Doctor… where are we going? Where is Jiyong? …What’s going on?”

The doctor stopped suddenly, almost making Seunghyun bump into him. He whipped around, sneering at Seung. “Mr. Choi, I will be the one doing the questioning here, thank you.” The doctor gave Top no time to react as he quickly opened the door pulling Seung with him.

Seunghyun immediately shivered. The temperature in this room was cold, much too cold for him at least. He glanced around the room, turning his collar against the cold. There were at least half of a dozen men standing in the room, all in white lab coats. Their icy glares seemed to poke him in the back as he settled himself on a stiff chair in the middle of the room. The doctor slammed the desk in front of him, startling Seunghyun.

“Mr. Choi,” the doctor said, “explain yourself.”

“Uh…” Seunghyun was lost. What was he supposed to explain? “I… came to see Jiyong?”

“Really. Are you sure you aren’t here to… say, take him back?” the doctor questioned.

“Well, I was thinking of taking him back, once he had recovered… but what does that have to do with anything?” Top asked, confused.

The doctor looked like he had caught a criminal red-handed. “Hah. I see. Tell me, Mr. Choi…” the doctor sneered, “…seeing as how you are close with Mr. Kwon, you knew that Mr. Kwon was terminally sick, yes?”

Seunghyun was taken aback. His jumpy, joyful, energetic Jiyong… terminally ill? “I…had no idea…” he managed to stutter.

“Don’t play dumb with me, Mr. Choi. We found Jiyong in front of your house, completely exhausted, almost in a hypothermic state, and in high risk of death. As you can see, I cannot let you take Mr. Kwon back into your care, since you were most likely the source of this… physical exhaustion.” The doctor’s stare seemed to pierce through Seunghyun, as if he knew everything that was going on.

Seung was still in shock, trying to digest what he had just been told. “…Jiyong… is … going to die?”

The doctor shrugged. “He had a short lifespan originally, but with this incidence…”

“Doctor…” Top stared, in disbelief. “…how long does he have to live?”

“About… one month.”


Ack, short chapter! ><" Sorry guys, there was just so much to do this week...=3=

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Chapter 8: ha! conveniently listening to monster when suddenly...
i think I'm sick, I think I'm sick
talk about foreshadowing
Anisoara #2
Chapter 2: I was reading this chapter and my twitter pops up posted "Elvis Presley-Love me tender. " omg .. My heart!!!!
Chapter 18: Awww this was really ... it was sad and angsty but in the end it was happy ^^
Chapter 18: Just re-read this wonderful story, you know while I wait for the next update of "It's All an Act" (nudge) it is still as wonderful at the first time!
llvip59 #5
Chapter 18: Aaaaaw I loved the ending cx n I liked how it was dramatic n suspenseful n heartwarming it was a great story c:
Chapter 18: Aww to cute i love the story (:
Mii-yoh #7
Chapter 18: This story is AMAZING. Like really. Hehe~
I have been reading it and I just realized... That it's 2 in the morning... O_o
anyways... XD I really enjoyed it ^o^
Please write more stories that are so awsome autor-sama! :D (since it ended in Japan I tought that I can use a Japanese honorific XD)
okay I have to sleep now .___. byeee~~
Chapter 18: I love this, I really like how they were able to get through jiyong's sickness and misunderstandings and finally be together ♥
blockb-bbc #9
Chapter 18: Awwwwww this was an amazing story!