I need to get away...

Last Stand




I rose early. Today was the day I would stop my beloved’s suffering. Careful not to wake him, I slowly released myself from Top’s embrace. I bent down to kiss him, pressing my lips to his soft, handsome cheeks one last time. But I quickly pulled away, scared he would wake up.

Slowly pulling on my pants and shirt, and took one last look at my love’s sleeping form. I wanted desperately to wake him, tell him I loved him and ask him to stay with me forever… but I knew I couldn’t stay. I gradually stood, and as I was about to leave the room I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest. I almost cried out in agony, but stopped my voice just in time. Clutching my chest, I deliberately breathed in, trying to take long breaths. It’s too early for this… I’m supposed to have a few more months…

I knew I had to leave soon. I had to get out of here before he discovered me in this state. Struggling with my malfunctioning body, I slowly made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, clutching on the handrails as my body strained against my injury.

With difficulty, I quickly scrawled on a piece of paper: “Dear Seunghyun, I’m leaving forever. Don’t look for me, please… –Jiyong”.  Wincing in pain and at my last, pathetic message, I tried to make my way to the door. The pain had increased, making me double over, clutching my body. I can’t stay here, I told myself. I forced myself to take steps to the door, opening it and stumbling out into the cold morning air.

Finally out of the house, I looked around. Now what? I thought, as my breath came out in short puffs. It was so cold, and my body was already weak, and I could feel the frigid air agitating my lungs. Suddenly, my body was seized with coughing, and soon I saw the ground in front of me stained with blood. My vision went black, and I fell toward the earth, gasping for breath.



                I opened my eyes, squinting in the morning sunshine. How long had I slept? As I turned, I saw that Jiyong was gone, leaving no trace. I was sore all over, from all the activity we had last night.

I sat up, slowly waking up from my stupor. Finally functioning, I noticed something amiss. Finally deciding to get up, I pulled on my clothes and shirt, preparing to see just what was going on, when I heard sirens.

At first, they were far off, but then they got closer and closer… until it sounded like the ambulance was right in front of my house. My heartbeat quickened as I realized what this might mean. I ran down the stairs and looked out the window, just in time to see Jiyong’s lifeless body lifted into the ambulance. Before I could throw open the door and stop them, they had already sped away, taking Jiyong with them.


Seunghyun was still in shock as he walked back into the house, trying to think of what to do. Jiyong was fine just yesterday, though… what happened to him? Seunghyun thought to himself. As he passed by the kitchen counter, a piece of paper caught his attention. He picked it up, recognizing Jiyong’s sloppy handwriting. Crumping the paper in his hand, Top stood and put on his coat, grabbed his keys and ran to the car.



When I woke up, everything was strange. I could scarcely breathe, and my vision was blurred. I tried to get up, but I was held back by tubes and a belt around my waist, tying me to the bed. I noticed doctors and nurses in the room, whispering to each other about my condition.

“Excuse me…” I called out in a feeble voice.

All attention was immediately directed to me. An unfamiliar face slid into view.

“Hello, Mr. Kwon. I am your emergency care doctor. It seems you have fainted from pain in your chest, yes?”

With difficulty, I tried to recall what had happened. Where was I when I collapsed? I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to recall. ...I was… leaving somewhere… that’s right, I left… someone’s house… but whose was it?

“Ahem. Mr. Kwon…”


“We found you in front of Mr. Choi’s house, unconscious and laying in a puddle of blood. We ran some scans and foun—“

I sat up abruptly, almost making myself faint again.

“MR. KWON! Please, do not overexert yourself. You’re in a very precarious state right now…” my doctor said, desperately.

But I wasn’t listening to him. My mind was running a million miles an hour, finally remembering what happened. I needed to get away as soon as possible… I couldn’t see Seunghyun, or he would be hurt… how could I let him be hurt more than he was already? I cursed myself and my body for being so weak, and slowly my desperation turned into sobs, wretched sobs of sorrow and guilt.

“Mr. Kwon… are you alright?”

I nodded, tears rolling down my face, trying to keep in these feelings that were overflowing. “Please… just give me some time to rest… and if anyone asks to see me, please decline. Or even better, just don’t tell them I’m here.”

My doctor looked at me, but eventually nodded his head. “Alright… we’ll check back tomorrow on your condition Mr. Kwon.” Then he closed the door slowly, taking all the other staff with him.

Alone in the cold, dark room, I bitterly wept myself to sleep.


Sorry this one took so long to do~ So much work in school =3=... Hope this was somewhat interesting... idklul

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Chapter 8: ha! conveniently listening to monster when suddenly...
i think I'm sick, I think I'm sick
talk about foreshadowing
Anisoara #2
Chapter 2: I was reading this chapter and my twitter pops up ...gd posted "Elvis Presley-Love me tender. " omg .. My heart!!!!
Chapter 18: Awww this was really ... it was sad and angsty but in the end it was happy ^^
Chapter 18: Just re-read this wonderful story, you know while I wait for the next update of "It's All an Act" (nudge) it is still as wonderful at the first time!
llvip59 #5
Chapter 18: Aaaaaw I loved the ending cx n I liked how it was dramatic n suspenseful n heartwarming it was a great story c:
Chapter 18: Aww to cute i love the story (:
Mii-yoh #7
Chapter 18: This story is AMAZING. Like really. Hehe~
I have been reading it and I just realized... That it's 2 in the morning... O_o
anyways... XD I really enjoyed it ^o^
Please write more stories that are so awsome autor-sama! :D (since it ended in Japan I tought that I can use a Japanese honorific XD)
okay I have to sleep now .___. byeee~~
Chapter 18: I love this, I really like how they were able to get through jiyong's sickness and misunderstandings and finally be together ♥
blockb-bbc #9
Chapter 18: Awwwwww this was an amazing story!