Chapter 15 - A morning comes.

What kind of miracle is this...!?





Chapter 15 - A morning comes.

It was exactly three hours and fifteen minutes since the dreadful news hit Minho hard. He was slumped down by his lover feet, who was unfortunately hidden beneath many new and probably millions costing life supporting things Minho had no idea about. As long as his boy was breathing he was content enough with them.


Taemin was awfully white this morning. Whiter than he ever was. He beautiful dark hair had long ago overgrown and now they fell on the baby blue pillow as silky paint trying to wash out the blue. Short shallow breaths were pumped by a huge clear pipe of some sort and his hand had more wires than he’d seen in any type of ‘Doctor House’ episode. The American series were far too fluffy if he’d compare them with what he was seeing.


Minho wanted to yell and scream, just as he did hours ago. Yet he couldn’t. He didn’t care what power or God saved his love, but miracle happened and he was laying here next beside the crib where another miracle rested. Minho smiled through his teary face as he whispered “In the end you won against fate, baby.”


He hissed through his tears when he heard someone open up the door. Who was so stupid to intrude him. This dreadful silence.


The rapper felt himself being lift up and pressed against the nearby wall. Someone punched his face too. What an interesting meeting. He opened his eyes as he felt blood rushed down his nose mixing up with his tears. It was Taemin’s father. Taesun had said he will tell the truth to him. What surprised the rapper was, when he was inviting and accepting the next punch was that the appa of Taeminnie was apologizing.


“You punk…you idiot…my child…sorry…a grandson…you didn’t protect him as you promised…sorry…” he whispered hitting anywhere he could.


The man was clearly enraged, but the tears that ran freely down his cheeks indicated sorrow, pain, maybe torture. Minho understood well. He had these feeling for far too long in his heart. Minho could’ve protected himself. He could’ve easily dropped the elder to the other side of the room, but he had no privilege of being forgiven.


“I know.” He whispered back as his face already shoved of the bruises.


Taemin’s father stopped. He smiled sadly and ruffled the youngster’s hair affectionately as he flopped next to the bloody male. He too cried looking at the bed that held the alive corpse f his son. A view he never wanted to see.


“It was his own choice, wasn’t it? He planned everything before any of you could get the idea and then he just flew….he was always like that. Always.” The elder whispered and sighted. “I do not hate you Minho. I admired you for long, but what father would I be if I kept quiet?” he asked looking at the white crib next to the window. The place Taemin sat at. The same view Taemin saw last. “The boy always loved cherry blossoms…I’m happy he was able to see them this year. So beautiful.”


Minho just gave a long whimper and laid his head onto the order male’s lap. “He loves, sir…he loves.” He whispered back not accepting other truths that the doctors said. His love was breathing – he will wait.


The older of the two gave a warm smile and sighted “You are right, boy, he loves.”


A silent whimper interrupted the somewhat minor fight as the miracle woke up for the first time to the light. It was mesmerizing the boy decided trying to lift his fingers to the source, yet his body did not comply. So he was weaker here, where his heartbeats lived. He opened his mouth and let out a noise …he didn’t like it so he became quiet again. It was calm and warm. But it was awfully quiet. This was not what he wished for. Where was his heartbeat? Where was his protector? His life?


Hearing his child Minho tensed up and ran to him terrified of some non-existent illness that could take his source f sanity and calm from him. He took a wet cloth and whipped his face furiously and dropped it to the next corner leaving the older man in quite a shock. The rapper ran to the crib and gave a soft apology smile “I’m here…appa is here.” He sang out as he took his bundle and kissed his forehead. “You sleep far too much, I was scared, shouldn’t you be hungry?” he whispered as if the miracle in his arms could answer.


A mid-aged woman ran into the room. Her hair was messy and her face was strained by tears. This was the woman he called second umma as he was always welcomed by her embrace. Minho chuckled sadly. Soon the whole gang will join the reunion and that wouldn’t be as wanted as they thought.


“Good morning, Mrs. Lee.” He said a tad bit calmer than he did to the father of his lover. “I would beg for forgiveness, but please Taemin just woke up.” He said smiling somewhat proudly, yet agonized at them.


The woman smiled back as he hit her husband’s head. “You beat up the poor boy, idiot. Did you actually think it went with his approval. My son walks his path on his own – it’s what we thought him since birth. I am just as lost and hurt as you are, but look at the boy…look and say that Taeminnie was wrong choose this path.” She said through her tears. “You said Taemin?” she said her voice trembling as she walked closer. The woman gasped and buried her face into her palms.


“So similar.” She whispered.


Minho barely nodded watching as the oldest of them walked over his wife and hugged her.


“Can-can I hold him?” the woman asked as her eyes shed more tears. Minho was shaking as he was fighting the urge to run away with his boy. He grew so over-protective over the last three hours it scared him to death.


“H-here” he mumbled giving the child unwillingly and he couldn’t help but smile proudly, when his Taeminnie bawled his heart out in the arms of his grandparents. Yes, he sounded wrong and selfish. But this was his family, his blood, his child. Just as his lover he wanted to have the baby ll to himself. Minho stretched his empty arms out and grinned when they were filled with his favorite blanket and miracle. He was such a fool, yet he was so proud of it.


Taemin sat on the leather chair next to the bed and sighted. “Look at your papa. You share the same name and soon you’ll share the same surname. Your papa is one of the most unique and exquisite creatures in this world that’s why you are both Taeminnies. It’s because you are both my miracles.” He said smiling.


At that moment Choi Minho promised himself two things. In front of his son and lover he promised that he’d never cry in their presence again and that when his boyfriend wakes up he’ll be forced to marry Choi Minho.


Willingness didn’t matter in the eyes of the rapper.


Minho stood up with his child next to his heart as he held him protectively from the entire world and bowed to the elders “I’m sorry, but Taeminnie never had his first meal. He must be starving. I think you’d want privacy too.”


The older couple merely nodded as the young parent smiled sadly “The day he wakes up, I’ll make sure he’d never sees a hospital in his life again. I promise.”


The woman chuckled whipping of her tears “Go boy, I’d hate to see my grandson suffer from mal-nutrition. He seems to only like both of his parents. So similar those both are...though the eyes are yours.” She whispered sitting in the same chair Minho had spent his dreadful three hours until morning.


A new day comes.


So does a new miracle.


This time Minho held the miracle in his hands.


Little did he know miracles that were connected by a bond never left one another.





“He’s so cute.”


“He looks just like Tae.”


“He looks small.”


“I bid my money he’s going to be a dancer”


“It’s on; I’m saying he’s a sport addict just like Minho.”


The voices in the waiting room never stopped. Just as Minho closed the door the ones waiting glued themselves around the two poor males…okay one and a half males. The rapper just shook his head as he took the bottle from the proud looking Emma. He adjusted his arms to the position, so the baby wouldn’t choke and gave the bottle, with milk formula already made.


“You’d have to teach me how to make that thing.” He said yawning as he watched his child opening his eyes and watching his uncles and their idiocy bloom in front of him. His eyes stopped on the other child in the room and he let out a goggling sound only babies could. The girl looked down to the baby and tilted her head. Her father was holding her swaying a bit, where was the ‘always napping’ uncle? Mikyung yawned and smiled to what seemed to be a baby too. ‘Welcome to the family’ she replayed the words in her mind her napping uncle said to her first time she saw him. She had no idea what they meant, but where the word family was, there appas smiled. She guessed it worked here too…


Minho tickled his child’s lips before giving the bottle to the truly starving child. He caught on instinctively on what he should do and started to with all of his power. Still the milk inside seemed to be disappearing painfully slow. Half way through the 100 ml he was given Taeminnie gave up. That got Emma a bit off guard and she soon wrote it down, before heading to the doctors office.


There inside the closed door two grown males were trying to figure out the problem with one’s brain. Why did Taemin fall into coma? He was sure to die ? What triggered the rare self-protection? Those were the questions unanswered and Shin and Sampo were burning with desire to unlock new secrets given to them. How did their little punk survive? How could they help?


Silly doctors did not understand then that miracles did not come from medicine or biology.


They simply came from one’s heart, bravery and love.


One thing they clearly didn’t expect was to see an slightly more active heart in the ward 105. The ward that held everyone’s sunshine. Maybe because it was too early in their mind. Or impossible in any way, no one dared to even dream about such fortune. No one even heard the slight change, but the miracle it self felt his favorite heartbeat from afar.


The little Taeminnie wanted to use his arms and feet. The little bundle wanted to scream and yell, but his nature, his DNR, his life didn’t let him. He was captivated by the world, yes. The light held so many mysteries…But his heartbeat. He only wanted his heartbeat. And so it was his first time since birth that the little Taeminnie shed tears. No noise or hiccups. Just tears. His hearbeat was there…he needed it again.


Minho whipped off the tears and kissed the both cheeks of his son. He was so happy, yet so torn. He looked to the ward of his lover door and sighted for the uptenth time this day. He desperately wanted to hold his Taemin again, but if the fate wanted the rapper to wait - wait shall he do.


Taeminnie was a beautiful child, like a flower. But with everything around him and so much pain since birth - the boy was bound to be sensible. Minho didn't even dare to leave his newborn alone, because he knew how lonely and self-conflicted Taemins could become.


"I'll take care of ou my child" he whispered and heard the little 'awws' around him. "Great way to ruin my moment" he whined as he stood up.


The rest of the day he spend walking around the hospital with his bundle in his hands. And truth to tell it wasn't because he wanted to walk around with a child in his hands. No.


He was terrified of seeing his lover in that bed again, because he had eneough sorrow already. He wanted to look cool in front of his baby's eyes.


Minho chuckled "I'm becoming such a strange father.."


The little Taemin just sneezed.





It was late at night after everyone were done finishing their maknae. Everyone seemed to be dreading the night, the unknown, when they closed the main door of the intense care wing. Only Minho and Taeminnie were left. The rapper was scared: his boys eyes never stopped to be shedding tears. The boy was awfully calm and it surprised him when the doctors found no illness inside of that weak body. Minho sighted:


“Let’s just go to bed and rest, Taeminnie.” He whispered and kissed the newborn’s forehead. The rapper could’ve sworn he saw happiness fly through the babies eyes. Could babies understand their parents this young? Probably not…


Minho slowly made his way through the long collidor and stopped in front of the door to ward 105. He sightened and looked down to his joy. It was strange how he ever could've doubted his lover in the first place.


“We’re back.” He muttered balancing his boy in one of his hands. “Easy Taeminnie appa has to close the door so no wind comes and makes us sick.” He whispered. He didn’t bother with light, since he knew by mind every single dust here. “Today you’ll sleep in my arms, okay? Wake appa, when you’ll be starving again.” He chuckled  flopping down on the leather armchair by the bed. He took the awfully cold hand into his and kissed it. “Good night my adorable and cute love” Minho finished closing his eyes.


He rethought of today and smiled. He was sure Taemin would wake up, but when? A week? A month? A year? How much did he have to wait? It didn’t matter he decided. As long as he’d wake up. The rapper yawned loudly and chuckled loudly feeling his child snuggle into his chest and let out incoherent noises. “You’re as cute as your papa, Taeminnie.” He whispered with a sad smile. He missed that voice already.


“Hyung,…I-I’m…not..cute..I’m …manly” an hoarse and screeching whisper flew inside the room.


Minho shot up and snaped his eyes open…


…only to meet two half open ones smiling at him…







Hey my babies,


I missed you all through the what 3 days…


Anyway I seriously wanted to develop the chappie so much, but I ended with such a failure again. In my eyes it’s the least realistic chappie I’ve wrote in this fic.


I have a reason though. I was hurt really badly today. Seriously in my ‘fun’ life I’ve never experienced such hateful people not only to me, but someone actually pure. I saw this girl that was struggling with herself [uality] and I really never gave two s about her preference, yet I live in a village where such people aren’t really unwelcome. I tried to defend her, but no avail. I feel like I brought just more hatred to her. Like seriously she was 14…she is discovering herself in so many ways. I just hate them to make her hide and just kill herself everyday mentally for what she is.

Me on the other hand hadn’t had such a bright day too.  My parents came back for a day to their punishments, but it didn’t hurt as much. Eh…I’m kinda used to it by now. Irt was my school that totally killed me today. Spreading rumors and then making everyone tell them in my face is childish but I can’t just go and kill myself. I swear sometimes I have very awfull ideas, but I’ve done it once and I made a promise to myself not to try suicide again.

So I’ll torture you all with my awful skills for a tad bit more.


Any way my little shippers comment, subscribe and love.


As always

Jup jup.

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(WKOMIT) Finished checking for today and chappie 8 is up!


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Greecea #1
Chapter 19: Wow such as beautiful story......
Chapter 19: This is amazing story! I love it! I shed tears when minho read the letter of teamin....
Nice work
Chapter 19: Hi.
This is so beautiful...I dont know what to say....
Every word...each chapter...I enjoy them all..
Thank You so much!
It's become one of my favorite.


WELL done!!!
jjjjkkkk #4
Chapter 19: Love your story really do. Thank you for writing.
MrsNiel123 #5
Chapter 19: Best story I've ever read by far
Not kidding either
I loved it so much
Chapter 19: Hi, I enjoyed your story. Reading your notes, I just want to encourage you to stay strong! I hope you don't hurt yourself again! <3
adrenalinerush93 #7
Chapter 19: Silent reader here. Lol.
Two thumbs up! I just love this story! Full of emotions, may it be happy, sad, desperation, frustration, anger, etc. I love the flow of the story -- steady, detailed and not rushed. I just so freaking love the ending! I thought, "is there a sequel?" but then I realized that it's no fun if there's a sequel. I'll just leave that freaking sequel to my imagination lol.
Anyways, keep making stories just like this, author-nim! Keep it up! ^^ Fighting!
Chapter 19: I know this is way late! But I really wanted to comment ^_^! I loved your story so much! I found your story when i wanted to read a SHINee fanfic and i found yours! I cried, laughed, smiled, and so many other feelings while I was reading! I hope everything is ok and you are better I know how you must feel because I went through the same thing and I got a lot better! So anyway FIGHTING!! P.S again I loved your story! Now off to read you most recent ones!
Shanamexchingu #9
Chapter 19: Annyeonghaseyo new sub here
i have many word for this canot stop my self to read!LoVEIt!please not bored with that word! Cuz i trully did! I cried! Your word is amazing ! Many people outside not understood this realtionship of two guys but this SoBeautiful story! Event i know the result first cuz the others comment but i still cried till end!(i have to stop that habit) Amazing Story of Yours c: wuah daebak!
Chapter 16: actually crying while reading this chapter. skipped through a lot though but this was the only chapter that made me stuck to it. (not meaning it in a bad way, I was just skimming through your story until I got to this chapter) Now, I am definitely reading the whole thing.