Chapter 11 - The flying days.

What kind of miracle is this...!?


Chapter 11 - The flying days.

Lee Taemin couldn’t hold in his laughter watching his three hyungs running mad outside as if they’d witnessed snow for the first time. They were in their twenties for God’s sake. Still he lifted up his arms in front of the huge window and started waving to them just as wild as they were playing. His boyfriend was the first to notice thus him running up to him and grinning like a fool in front of the same window.


They had new home. A house. A ing house in Gangnam district. Seochong-gu to be exact. The district of the unreachable. Their house.


It was rather surprising, when their leader interrupted Key’s wild emotions and group’s adoration of the new baby during that Christmas dinner. But it was rather weird to see a paper placed on the table. Turned out Onew himself had quite a surprise this year for all of them: he went house hunting. It took them all quite a time till they understood what the leader meant, but it took a whole day to make him split the payment. AS if they would’ve let him buy that house all by himself. It was a freaking mafia home with a security room, which conveniently had the TV’s for all the cameras outside. It was weird at first walking in an empty mansion, but now, when most of their thing have been either placed our bought it seemed kind of cozy, even small.


Their new home had five bedrooms. Officially, for media (if they’d ever found out) every member had each room. In reality only Onew had his own room. Minho and Taemin shared a room and so did Jonghyun and Key. The two left bedrooms were for the kids. Taemin chuckled remembering how they were made into painters by Key, when he found out his baby girl would be sleeping in a room that was not pink. In Key-umma’s mind girl equaled pink and no one dared to question this. Even though all of them were questioning the fact that it was Key’s favorite color, they kept quiet.


Standing in front of that window watching his boyfriend roll in snow and having his hyung slash umma feed his child behind him, was the weirdest feel of completion. This was what he wanted. This was his dream. He desperately now wanted to stand in front of the same window and watch the same scene with a child in his arms…Yet this was not reality. It was just wishful thinking and Lee Taemin couldn’t let himself fall for all of them, he couldn’t let his soul feel this pain…where’d go the energy he was so hardly saving. It all came down to that one day…oh what a dreadful day to come, yet so joyful as well.


‘As long as you breathe and see the miracle this family is, my bundle, you can be my death.’


And so Taemin rested his hand on the now 17 weeks old belly. It seemed the baby inside was as active as his father…appa that is. Just as Minho, the little bundle wouldn’t stop his erratic movements although they were only felt as butterfly wings. Taemin could feel where the baby was at exactly any moment. One minute he’d be floating high the next he’ll be yearning for warmth under his palm. It was the best feeling out there. The feeling that this was all real, not just some random dream. The bed-rest was coming after the boy painfully fast. Doctor Sampo had said that exactly after 3 weeks, when Tae will have reached his 20th week the bed-rest will officially start. No unnecessary movement after that date was allowed. Going outside even now was forbidden for Tae. His immune system was not existent at that moment and even a left open window could cause a tragedy. That was why Lee Taemin was climbing to the second floor waiting when his hyungs will be inside and the door was firmly shut.


It was quite ridiculous in the youngest eyes, yet he was not taking any risks to find out if the doctors were wrong. He will just have to deal with this nonsense for a tad bit longer. Either way he should be thankful the doctors traveled to their house for the weekly check ups.


“Can I come down!” He yelled being bored as hell left alone. It was so hard during the promotions and now all he wanted is to be calm once again.


“Yeah, it’s safe!” Jonghyun’s voice rang from down stairs.


Yes it was easy getting lost in this rhythm. So different from what they used to have. The first thing off about this whole ordeal was Lee Soo Man. In their whole lives they haven’t seen him so often and human-like at the same time. They’ve met his wife! In SME it was equal to witnessing goddess. She was like the secret mother of every idol in that entertainment, but talking to her was strictly forbidden. Here living in Seochong-gu they met her every two weeks or even more often. It was strange how a woman known for her love to traditional living and families, would so open-mindedly visit them and even become their friend. She’d say it was curiosity, but the members could see the adoration in her eyes. No one dared to point that out. She was their bosses wife. Off limits was screaming around her.


Making his way down the stairs the pregnant male caught a glimpse at the older pair in their house. Jonghyun was playing with the baby girl while the ‘umma’ was snapping the camera away. Mikyung just learned to smile. The camera was barely off. It seemed for Kim Kibum every smile was different even if he photographed the same one twenty times. Mikyung room’s wall had a tree painted on by Jonghyun and now every photo of the day would be glued on there.


Finishing his climb Taemin was greeted with a warm embrace.




“Hey there guys.” The baritone whispered into the ear of his boyfriend. The shiver ran down deep until it met the so called miracle.


The baby opened his arms to welcome the sound, which he now understood. Now he could differ things by the noises. Ones he heard so often would calm him and make the little bundle feel safe and some that were too fast to be understood would drive the bundle insane. It was a whole new discovering process. Everything was new and those small hands wanted to feel every single thing outside. That little heart was in love with the two voices so much, it thought it would blow up into million little lights. The bundle aimlessly tried to hug the warmth, just feel that voice. It seemed that these two voices belonged to the bundle and all he wanted to do was to show how much love the bundle had for them. Warm….warm…warm…


And now, right there Taemin was truly happy. He was ecstatic. Everyone finally had their wishes come true. Taemin was just so happy.


This was all nice if not for a little detail: the pain inside. It was not that intense, yet it wasn’t quite enjoyable. What kind of pain was? Still the worst part was yet to come as the doctors continued to drill it into his femine head. As if he didn’t know already… either way it was the centre of his discomfort making it hard to sleep in some positions. Sleeping on his back became a ‘no no’ nowadays. Funny as it could be Taemin didn’t mind it that much. He still slept being spooned by Minho. Even now the stinging in his sides felt as huge rope burns that you wanted to rub, yet it was forbidden by doctor Shin since it was bad for the epidermis or like that. Truth to tell Taemin had no idea what epidermis was and he was not going to try his luck asking one of his hyungs for an answer. He would rather stay this way – hugged by his boyfriend and swaying a little, to some unknown music in their heads. Yup it was way better.


“The doctors will come soon enough to check up you and Mikyung. Let’s get you into bed Taemin-papa.” Minho whispered. He felt something odd inside, yet he passed it off, knowing that Taemin would never lie to his face. He loved the boy far too much. Still something was off.


“Didn’t I say to not make fun…personally I love being called papa.”


“You would. Now go up to our room.” How could a pregnant twenty year old male in risk of death sound so unbearably cute. It was beyond and across Minho to know. That or, maybe, Minho wasn’t trying enough. Probably both. For the rapper Taemin was forever to be cute. End of story.


“I just got down; you can’t make me go up again. Don’t be cruel…”


‘And you stop pouting. It is not fair. That pout could’ve stopped both world wars…’ Oh the things that randomly flashed in the head of the rapper’s.


“Yah, puppy eyes belong to the dog in the band. I mean Jjong.” Minho really didn’t want to loose this time. His head will be yelled off by those doctors like the last time it was.


“You do understand that I’m in the other room and I have the power of tweets…” the main vocal’s voice rang through the wall of the kitchen.


“You, theoretically, are in the army, you can’t use that any more, hyung.” The rapper quickly answered back.


“I host a show for those, who are in the army…big whoop. You my friend will be leaving for three joyous months to meet the real thing.” An overly sarcastic reply came back. And the fans thought Key was the iest of all. The quiet chuckle below stopped his come back and soon all his attention came back to his miracles…the things the boy could do.


“If I have to remind you once again that you are a pregnant male, I’ll seriously doubt your intelligence as a grown man. Now hurry there is like five minutes until they come and I’d rather not listen to their medical nonsense again. Let it be another task this day. Spare me Tae, they’ll be here any minute…they have the key and card to the house.” Minho voice sounded so desperate that Taemin actually detached himself from him and was starting to climb the stairs. You could hear him murmur and whine, yet as a ten year old he was climbing the stairs head hung low. Taemin looked back a little and smiled to Minho. The rapper smiled back.


All went slow motion from there.


Taemin’s smile and a wave goodbye. The way the boy turned around and continued to climb up. The strong winter’s breeze on his back, which stopped as sudden as it was let in. The way it wonderfully played with snowflakes inside those brown locks of his boyfriend. It felt so painfully slow and hard to snap his head backwards to see, who was so irresponsible to open the only source of sickness for Tae. He saw the doctors. Of course,…after all it was just the time for them to check up. What broke the silence and the crushing slowness was the little whimper and a sneeze.


Nothing something that big out of the ordinary day.


The past months in SHINee’s life were anything but ordinary.


“Achu…achu” two more sneezes from the same person as he so obliviously climbed those stairs.


Silence. Not one body dared to move. Maybe, he had some kind of immune system left?




No he had not.




The most irritating part of waking up is when it’s far too sunny. Especially when it’s winter. When the sun rays are attacking your still closed eyes and it’s getting far too hot under your three layered blanket. Yup, it was by far the most dreaded part of winter’s sleeping in for Taemin. And the worst, when you’d be opening your eyes, they’d be burned out by the never ending white. Some liked this type of stuff. The maknae found it irritating. So what?


Groggily opening up his eyes, he snapped them closed again. The ing white…to let out his frustration he let out a growl that most likely sounded as a cubs plea or something. Everything he did was childish after all. He used to fight it, but right now he had absolutely no energy for his daily self-conscience to kick in.


“He’s waking up.” A hoarse voice stated.


‘Really. Well kill me, you solved the case, Sherlock.’ Yes Taemin hated sleeping in during winter that much. ’Who was the genius to leave open the curtain?’


“Taemin I want you to slowly open up your eyes. It might burn a little, but keep them open. I want you to breathe through the nose and slowly exhale. Try to do everything at one time.” It was doctors Sampo’s voice. What was he doing here this early?


Taemin slowly opened his eyes open and it burned the insides out to say the least. The heck it hurt so much?


“Good boy. Now try to sit up. Minho, don’t dare to help him. He has to do this alone. His muscles have to get some work done.”


Something was off in the room. Everyone was here. His seeing was still blurry, but there were far too many figures in the room and one was hiccupping. That most likely was Key-umma. Feeling oh so weird he tried to normally sit up. It suddenly was way harder than he remembered it to be. His muscles fought against him, he felt lighter than ever. Taemin groaned, but finished his task well.


Soon a strange light met his eyes and he literally hissed at it. It turned out to be a mini flash light as his eye-sight sharpened out after the sudden light attack. He soon found his voice back and spoken his first words yet.


“The heck is happening?”


Smiles and chuckles broke through. Minho leapt forward and hugged his boy harder than he used to.


“You were gone Taemin…you were gone for far too long.” Broken whispers tingled the maknae’s ear.




“What Minho meant was you were out cold for three weeks buddy. Quite a sleep, huh?” Doctor Shin interrupted.


‘Out-cold? Sleep?’


“Okay let’s easy it out for you. What you remember last?”


But that was an easy question.


“Stairs.” A hoarse reply came back.


“Good. So you didn’t loose anything. The thing was, you were out of bed, standing on the middle of the stairs, when me and Sampo came to check up. With the immune system like yours it only needed that little breeze for you to catch millions of different diseases. Lucky for you the first in line was a simple flu.”


“You call that simple?!” A shocked reply from the leader rang inside the room.


’ Wait, Onew was here too?’


“In his case – yes. So your body went into simple protection mode and shut down completely until it had the minimal required energy needed for everyday activities. Because of your condition and the condition of the body the sickness was harder to deal with because of the not allowed medicine. This was my first time healing a patient with traditional medicine.”


Unconsciously the maknae’s hand traveled to his stomach the bump was way bigger than he remembered.


The baby!?


“And the bundle…I mean the baby…Is he okay? The stomach …it’s bigger!?” A stressed out voice cut the silence and calm.


“Don’t worry. We done everything for the child that we could. Your child is safe he’s just grown a lot and you lost some weight. This reminds me: you eat more, you lost some weight and I’m demanding you put it back on.”


Taemin was relieved it was visible on his face. He hugged his boyfriend back until he pushed him back a little. The rapper just wouldn’t bulge. So Taemin just gave up and sat there with Minho draped over him as a blanket. He smiled to everyone once again before he saw Mikyung.


“Gosh, Mikyung grew so much. She smiles so much now.”


The baby girl just looked back hearing her name. It was funny how big people could be so happy for twitching. The big boy on the big bed, who always took naps, seemed tired but happy. Looser must’ve just woken up. He had nothing against Mikyung. She was the star here. Daddy and appa said so. Just to show big boy his place she putted on a huge mouth twitch before she laid her head on her appa’s ‘thump thump’ place. Everyone was happy again. After all she was the star.


Taemin blinked twice. Something about the Mikyung’s smile seemed familiar, yet he couldn’t put his finger on it. Can an adopted child inherit some of the new parents qualities…he surely hoped not.


“Of course she grew. She’s now four months old. You were out for three weeks Tae-baby. You missed many things. For instance, Minho cries more than men do in my soap operas.” Key took the baby-girl from Jonghyun and sat down on the king-sized bed. “Then you started randomly waking up and crying and going back to sleep again. That was terrifying. Minho would lull you back to sleep. Theeen you went into some kind of critical thing, where everything was a huge chaos, but you survived. That was actually a week ago. And now we’re here. My face has blotches because of the constant crying. You’re buying me skin products for my birthday, kid.” Key just ruffled the maknae’s hair, seeing that Minho still wouldn’t bulge from his spot as a blanket. “Still, Taemin, I’m sure everyone here will agree. Don’t you dare to pull that kind of stunt on us again. We were insane for the past three weeks.” The members in the room feverously nodded their heads.


Slowly doctor Sampo stood up and patted dusk of his pants.


“Everything seems stable now. We will be leaving then. Oh Taemin today is Monday. You started your twentieth week. The bed-rest is officially on. You are forbidden to leave your bed. The band knows what to feed you. See you on Sunday.” You could practically feel the smile and relief in Sampo’s words. Yet Tae cursed out every single cuss word he knew.


Taemin was about to whine to the closing door of his bedroom and the leaving hyungs, when suddenly he felt discomfort under. He couldn’t even say a word, talking…he couldn’t move.


‘Come on again, show me it wasn’t my imagination.’


And so it came. A tad bit sharper and angled. Taemin took an awfully big amount of air and was about to yell his boyfriends name, when the latter beat him to it.


“You felt it didn’t you. He’s been doing this since last week. Our bundle seemed to know I was scared, so he would kick my hands all day. He was keeping my sanity going. Miraculous, isn’t it?”


“It absolutely is. It’s weirdly relieving to be awake again.”


“It is absolutely wonderful to have you with me again. I was scared Tae…you scared me…”  and so the sentence broke…Taemin didn’t need to check to know that Minho was barely holding in his tears.


He understood.


He understood the situation.




“You’ll leave me, won’t you? It was decided way before the comeback. I could see it, in your eyes, you were content with every single day, because you knew…but you…sleeping…crying…pain is our future, isn’t it?” Hiccups with no tears. That was one of the most painful ways to cry. The lump was already burning the maknae’s throat.


“You were always so smart, hyung…so smart…” What could Taemin say? What could he say that wouldn’t break his boyfriends heart even more.


“When I asked, they said there is chance….a very little hope…but even you don’t believe them…”


“I just look at things realistically, hyung.” Minho looked up from his hiding place and saw a warm face of his lover. The same one that was risking his life just for the joy of his,


“How will I live? What do I do?...I’ll be lonely…”


“Hopefully you won’t…hyung” The younger’s hand traveled down and drowned into the dark brown locks of his boyfriend’s hair “I love you, Minho, but I love the bundle too. You are both my purposes for life right now. I have to do this, hung. The bundle has to see the world. Like you he is special.”


“And what about you? What about you Tae?


“In some way or another I’ll be always with you both. Survived or not I’ll be part of you both…simple isn’t it?”


“Far too simple.”


And it was true. It was simple. The day ended the same. Taemin continued to sit in their king-sized bed and Minho let go of his tears for the only day. He was crying, yelling and then calming down again. It came in circles until the rapper was so drown out he couldn’t fight the sleep. The band members helped Taemin to put Minho in bed seeing no unnecessary movement was allowed for the younger.


Taemin saw that his hyungs finally understood the real situation, the real risk and it actually seemed fair. After all they were family. Taemin suddenly remembered a cartoon he liked. It was about some random blue dog alien and Hawaii. They always said ‘ohana’. They said it meant family and that meant nobody was left behind. What a simple thought. What a true thought.


Taemin soon fell asleep too. A big day it was. So many new things, yet not single new task was made.


A kiss.


He had to kiss Minho.


A task.


So the maknae snuggled deeper into his boyfriend and kissed his lips softly before letting go of reality.


Key was standing there, watching his ‘son’ growing up and slowly letting go of the world. This shouldn’t be happening. It was not right. Taemin will survive. The almighty said so.


“You can’t fly away so suddenly, Tae-baby. Your hyungs haven’t grown up yet.”









Hey babies…..



Finally a chappie I actually liked. This hit was actually worth reading.











(No I will never run out of gif t s)





Hot baby is just hot...end of story.


I’m still don’t know about the fic’s future(as in deleting or not) but until my head is over filled with cheesiness I might as well keep it going for a while….but I promise if I do want to delete it for real I will say to all of you a week before so no big surprises.


Next things next…


I’ve got nothing


I’ve six long lessons tomorrow of which all six of them are exams…ing teacher have no life….hate em.


So my fellow shippers subscribe, love and comment.

UPDATE!~/KEY FACT AND GIF - shinee gifs facts shineeworld allaboutshinee - chapter image


As always

Jup jup.


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(WKOMIT) Finished checking for today and chappie 8 is up!


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Greecea #1
Chapter 19: Wow such as beautiful story......
Chapter 19: This is amazing story! I love it! I shed tears when minho read the letter of teamin....
Nice work
Chapter 19: Hi.
This is so beautiful...I dont know what to say....
Every word...each chapter...I enjoy them all..
Thank You so much!
It's become one of my favorite.


WELL done!!!
jjjjkkkk #4
Chapter 19: Love your story really do. Thank you for writing.
MrsNiel123 #5
Chapter 19: Best story I've ever read by far
Not kidding either
I loved it so much
Chapter 19: Hi, I enjoyed your story. Reading your notes, I just want to encourage you to stay strong! I hope you don't hurt yourself again! <3
adrenalinerush93 #7
Chapter 19: Silent reader here. Lol.
Two thumbs up! I just love this story! Full of emotions, may it be happy, sad, desperation, frustration, anger, etc. I love the flow of the story -- steady, detailed and not rushed. I just so freaking love the ending! I thought, "is there a sequel?" but then I realized that it's no fun if there's a sequel. I'll just leave that freaking sequel to my imagination lol.
Anyways, keep making stories just like this, author-nim! Keep it up! ^^ Fighting!
Chapter 19: I know this is way late! But I really wanted to comment ^_^! I loved your story so much! I found your story when i wanted to read a SHINee fanfic and i found yours! I cried, laughed, smiled, and so many other feelings while I was reading! I hope everything is ok and you are better I know how you must feel because I went through the same thing and I got a lot better! So anyway FIGHTING!! P.S again I loved your story! Now off to read you most recent ones!
Shanamexchingu #9
Chapter 19: Annyeonghaseyo new sub here
i have many word for this canot stop my self to read!LoVEIt!please not bored with that word! Cuz i trully did! I cried! Your word is amazing ! Many people outside not understood this realtionship of two guys but this SoBeautiful story! Event i know the result first cuz the others comment but i still cried till end!(i have to stop that habit) Amazing Story of Yours c: wuah daebak!
Chapter 16: actually crying while reading this chapter. skipped through a lot though but this was the only chapter that made me stuck to it. (not meaning it in a bad way, I was just skimming through your story until I got to this chapter) Now, I am definitely reading the whole thing.